[3.3] LL Incinerate CwC by Paige - "Watch The World Burn" - Viable for All Content


What's achievable with this build? How much Shaper DPS can I potentially be dealing? Right around 2.3mil Incinerate, 320k Incinerate release, Flame Surge 1.2mil, Vaal RF 700k DPS, 8700+ ES, 1.2 second ES Recharge Delay. Recharge ES while taking damage thanks to Occultist and a 4000 ES recharge per second. If this sounds good to you, then feel free to continue on with the guide.

Q: Will you add a leveling guide?

A: Probably not. I make too many guides to keep doing leveling guides.

Q: Why do you use a Presence of Chayula when Occultist is already stun immune?

A: Presence of Chayula gives us upwards of 1500 ES and 60 Chaos Resistance so we can avoid getting randomly 1 shot by chaos based mobs.

Q: Do you still use Bodyswap when bossing?

A: For map bosses it's totally fine, even guardians. But Shaper/Elder where mechanics are to be dodged, I recommend switching Bodyswap out with Firestorm or Flame Surge.

Dracolich70 wrote:
I like it. It is very tanky, even before Ascendencies. Levelled it from 38, when I got CWC, and it has been an absolute breeze. Can't help feeling tempted to make it a RF combo, but probably totally unneeded. I like the tree. It is very clean with good pathing. Great job, Paigey.

Personally I only liked Bodyswap for levelling, and feel Flame surge is the more clever choice in synergy with the ignite. However, since you use consecrate have you considered Cremation or Volatile? I know we are starved on Dexerity.

ReapTheKnightmare wrote:
This build has been a lot of fun.

Ralouch wrote:
This build is very fun to play, lots of great explosions and death and destruction. I just leveled this up and am very pleased with it so far.

6L'd my Shavs, got my Merciless ascendancy and so far the build is a lot of fun. Really quick levelling, and feels really strong in yellow maps at 5kish ES. Hoping to take it to red maps tomorrow!

lalanis wrote:
Great build so far.
I tried a build similar to LL incinerate by EE, but i thnk yours is a little better.
Tankier overall and faster in maps.
Thank you man!

Akatashi wrote:
For the last 5 or so years, i've been searching for another build to make me feel like old Barrage CoC GC/Incinerate did, and this has brought me back to those roots like nothing else has in a long time. The build is tanky, fast when it wants to be and can put out damage to rival plenty of other ones. Did my first Deathless Shaper yesterday like a breeze.

I'd been working on my own Incinerate build, but Paige's is just so much better, why even try to compete! Awesome work Paige, ty for the amazing build <3

Riince wrote:
im using this as my starter on flashback and dang it is powerful. I went life based for now and picked up a 4l searing touch lathi with cwc immolate incinerate bodyswap and the damage is obscene, 2 spell gems and a support that adds base damage with +2 skill level makes it feel almost like tabula leveling except with a super cheap unique and without the high mana multiplier. Strongly suggest this to anyone else leveling to do this when they reach 60, make sure you've picked up at least breath of flames by then though so that immolate can really shine.

I'm not even to maps yet but I can nearly afford my shavs \:D/ (lucky 6l drop and tons of humility cards)

Leveling as firestorm seems completely unnecessary for this build, i did incinerate from lv 12 and as soon as i could use body swap cwc incinerate in a 3l I was rolling fine to 60 when it took off with the lathi.


The required items are Heretic's Veil, Shavronne's Wrappings & Prism Guardian. However I strongly recommend a Presence of Chayula. A Bated Breath is completely optional.

My Gear




Look for something like this, Critical Strike chance for Spells & Multi are not important.


Shield/Off Hand

Self explanatory, lets us run as many auras as possible, saves us a gem slot via Blood Magic, gives us much needed Dexterity, All Resistances, +2 to our auras, and reduces reservation from our auras.


Body Armor

Not much to say here, this is how we are going to make this low life build work.



Curses are awesome, dude.



Elreon's and/or Xopec's "-# To Total Mana Cost of Skills" is required on both rings, depending on your gear/budget you'll more than likely require resistances, energy shield/life is nice if you can find it.

If you're funded you will be looking for high Dex & Strength rolls in order to meet our attribute requirements for certain gems. Finding one with all those rolls plus an open Prefix for Faster Start of Energy Shield Recharge is ideal.



This amulet will be giving us a large chunk of defenses via the life to ES conversion (upwards of 1500+ ES), and lets us benefit from hybrid life/ES rolls on gear and even in our passive tree. The Chaos Resistance is also pretty huge to avoid getting randomly 1 shot by chaos based mobs.



Pretty simple, looking for Dex/Strength and whatever resists you may require.



A very nice belt for ES based characters, you can get some pretty GG corruptions on there as well. You could technically run with a Stygian Vise/Crystal Belt to help cap resists, or use any other unique belt of your choice.



For boots, we'll be looking for any base, 25-35% Movement Speed, high ES and Resistances, anything else is a bonus.



Passive Trees

Kill All for 2 Points.

Gems and Links
In most cases 20 quality gems will always slightly increase something, as will level 21 gems. You should slowly start working towards getting your main 6L gems 20Q/21L whenever possible.

Gems are listed in order of importance, so if you're running a 5L, you'll be dropping Immolate.










Body Armor




Watcher's Eye

There's a lot of possible choices here since we run so many auras. Definitely you'll want Faster Start of Energy Shield Recharge, but the last 1-2 are up to you entirely. You may want Fire Penetration from Anger, Increased Fire Damage, Fire Leech if you want to take Ghost Reaver. Haste a few good ones, and so does Clarity with the - Total Mana cost of Skills, which could let you drop 1 "-# To Total Mana Cost of Skills" ring.


Energy from Within

Place this in the Jewel Socket right by Alchemist above Witch start.


Abyss Jewels

Ideally what you're looking for here is Onslaught on Kill and high ES, anything else is a bonus.


Helmet Enchantments

Clear Speed Enchant: Incinerate has 8-12% increased Area of Effect

Bossing Enchant: Incinerate has +2-4 to maximum stages

Decent Enchant: 25-40% increased Incinerate Damage

Decent Enchant: 10% increased Incinerate Damage for each stage

Decent Enchant: 20-30% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect

Decent Enchant: 20-30% increased Flammability Curse Effect

Defensive Enchant: 20-30% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect


Boot Enchantments

Best Bossing Enchant: Damage Penetrates 6-10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently

Best Mapping Enchant: 8-16% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently

Best Mapping Enchant: Adds 16-45 to 24-68 Fire Damage if you've Killed Recently


Glove Enchantments

DPS Increase Enchant: "of Inferno: Drops a meteor from above on a nearby foe, dealing fire damage in an area around them."

  • Soul of Lunaris
  • Soul of Tukohama

Additional Information

“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

Last edited by OhhPaigey#4471 on Aug 5, 2018, 10:52:03 AM
Last bumped on Apr 14, 2019, 11:27:52 AM
Last updated: July 16th, 2018.

Update log:

  • Added more feedback.
“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

Last edited by OhhPaigey#4471 on Jul 16, 2018, 2:07:39 PM
“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

Updated FAQ and Items section explaining the reasoning behind running Presence of Chayula.
“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

Shaper down, deathless first attempt.
“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

Last edited by OhhPaigey#4471 on Jul 9, 2018, 3:49:35 PM
Last edited by SNORLAXIO#1086 on Feb 1, 2021, 5:33:25 AM
Would you recommend leveling as this build? Or is it better to level as Poets Pens and swap out when you get to maps?
Neat looking build, spent some currency to get the pieces together and I'm gonna level it tonight :D

One thing to note - your PoB link doesn't have Discipline ticked on correctly, so it doesn't consider the low-life bonuses and shows total ES around 7k (obviously incorrect). Just thought I'd mention

Thanks, yeah, I didn't properly "set up" the PoB link, as I figured I'd let people do that themselves as they mess around with it.

I had a guy in my Youtube comments say the build has 400k PoB DPS and it's not worth playing.. made me giggle, had absolutely nothing enabled in PoB.. /shrug.
“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

livejamie wrote:
Would you recommend leveling as this build? Or is it better to level as Poets Pens and swap out when you get to maps?

I assume most people leveling this build would be leveling as a life based Firestorm Witch and switching after act 10 like you said.
“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

Updated PoB link, enabled everything so people can see potential DPS numbers.. 2.3mil Incinerate, 320k Incinerate release, Flame Surge right around 1.2mil, Vaal RF 700k DPS, 8700+ ES, 1.2 second ES Recharge Delay.
“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”


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