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Singrave wrote:
hidden_gobsek wrote:
Kay, what are your thoughts about FAS vs Auto-Enforcer?
You had a video about both.
Which is stronger?
POB unfortunately does not have Auto-Enforcer in the list of spectres so I would be pleased to hear some comments from who used them.


how do I use that in Path of building?
hidden_gobsek wrote:

how do I use that in Path of building?

you actually can't cuz it's not in Path of Building.
So if I wanted to do SSF which is the better spectre for this league? FAS, Preacher's or Artless Assassins?
AutoQQ wrote:
So if I wanted to do SSF which is the better spectre for this league? FAS, Preacher's or Artless Assassins?

I am lvl 85 SSF at the moment and FAS is a fine nobrainer. If I need more damage, I just pop vaal skeletons
Giving some opinions based on my experience using both AA and FAS - do not bother with AA, their AI and skill list is weird, also cast time is low so sometime when you dash/teleport to a pack and convocate, other minions just melt the whole pack, but AA sometimes need sometime to deal with them (and you will be dead by that time).

Also AA aggro range is seems small unless you use FF.
FAS are more smoother as for me.
They both do similar damage (AA a little bigger) but it appears their explosive arrow is not working at all on bosses.

And one more thing - FAS doing cold damage so you do not need Triad grip or Grip of the council - that frees slot for good rare gloves.

Ive roughtly finished with the League start section and about to transition to syndicate operatives cold conversion, they are still good right?

I've just hit reds and the FAS feel alright still.
Codeine wrote:
Ive roughtly finished with the League start section and about to transition to syndicate operatives cold conversion, they are still good right?

I've just hit reds and the FAS feel alright still.

SO are dead. Forget them.
FAS or AA.
I'm still acting, so can't really say FAS or AA, but atm AA feels MUCH better even with their "weird AI" in terms of damage and clear speed.
Have Y'all seen the new spectre? its broken atm but apparently it could be big, its called flickershade and you get it from phantasm desecrate...
Minos34 wrote:
Have Y'all seen the new spectre? its broken atm but apparently it could be big, its called flickershade and you get it from phantasm desecrate...

don't worry, GGG will "fix" them soon as they fixed SO :)
Cant even kill shaper with Maven presence FeelsGoodMan Clap.

I think im doing something wrong. Maybe i should swap into pure specters, but i dont know what's better for bossing

Open me ---> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/n2o4ELggKFU <--- Open me
Last edited by zeraldrrr#5581 on Jan 20, 2021, 12:55:42 AM

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