What We're Working On

Well, I just hope for once the week 2-6 of a league will actually be good. Incursions started off strong, but now it is apparent that it is nothing more than typical GGG rng layer system where you're discouraged to even participate in the new content(chaos damage mobs in incursions, kek). Temples are just too long and draining(feels like running Vaal City...) and the actual boss of it is completely irrelevant and the league exclusive uniques have developed a tendency to be bad/terrible or otherwise boring.

P.S. I don't mind developers making changes that force me to change the way I play, I just expect the end result(or even the process) to change as well. As long as nothing actually changes behind the curtains, I don't really see any league having similar success to perandus or breach(both leagues were quite bland but content updates were amazing).
Like on every patch / change post since its release in january 2018 :

Please fix affixes tier and order in advanced mod description ...
SSF for ever :)
Still not going to play in a party until you fix drops being worse as you add party members, and everyone sharing 6 portals.
Chris wrote:
A few weeks ago, we announced our intention to host a Path of Exile convention in New Zealand in late 2019. Enough people expressed interest that we are moving ahead with the plan and starting to work out logistics. While we have no new information about ExileCon to announce at the moment, we aim to have firm plans and the ability to register during 2018, at least a year in advance. We're so excited about this event, as it'll be the perfect opportunity to reveal the 4.0.0 mega-expansion that we are also working on.

Please bring this to the United States. 100% I'd pay more than what I pay for Anime Expo to go to ExileCon in the states.
would love if u do something with those unexpected disconnects that occur 100% of the time if town resets.
could care less about cold snap
I hope the next league can be enjoyable for newer players too, and not another one catered for the top 1%. Incursion has been a massive disappointment, so I'm mostly just ignoring it. Makes for a more enjoyable experience than torturing yourself with a super-short timer where you can't do jack unless you have a meta speed OP build.

If you want to enlarge the player base, you can't keep making leagues that are only truly accessible to the veteran players.
Could the Mouse wheel affect the <tab> overlay map?

Please pretty please, adjust the effect of the mouse wheel when looking at the overlay map to mirror the effect when looking at the passives skill tree.
Aldora_the_Summoner wrote:
So can we assume that what you're NOT working on is the alternative payment option to Xsolla? It's been more than 6 months now since Chris mentioned it. It really doesn't take that long to add another option to a business.

You should care GGG, it's costing you money.

I stopped supporting the game since Xsolla.
Now they have Tencent, of yours and my money, it does not matter to them.

I live and play very well without giving support .... the problem is not mine
JimmyWoodman wrote:
Aldora_the_Summoner wrote:
So can we assume that what you're NOT working on is the alternative payment option to Xsolla? It's been more than 6 months now since Chris mentioned it. It really doesn't take that long to add another option to a business.

You should care GGG, it's costing you money.

I stopped supporting the game since Xsolla.
Now they have Tencent, of yours and my money, it does not matter to them.

I live and play very well without giving support .... the problem is not mine
Last edited by Fasteddie1#2721 on Jun 29, 2018, 5:50:49 PM

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