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[3.5 Video Guide] Poet's Pen Arc/Freezing Pulse + CoC GC [Inquisitor or Trickster]

For a more detailed explanation of the build check out the video guide: Poet's Pen Arc/Freezing Pulse + CoC GC [Trickster or Inquisitor]

If you have any questions you can always come to my twitch stream to get them answered or just to enjoy some rock / metal music:

Ghazzy's Livestreaming Channel

Path of Building Link for the guide:
Simply go to "Import/Export Build" > Click the "Import from Pastebin" paste the link in there, and then click "Import"


Is this build for you?

1. If you are looking for a build with insanely high exp/h gain.

2. A build that allows you to level as itself without any external abilities required.

3. A build which allows for a lot of personal tweaking to your playstyle.

4. An insanely beautiful charade of explosions on the screen.

5. If you prefer a build guide that has a video linked to it.


This build is designed with the use of Poet's Pen in mind. It can be lvld using Arc as self-cast but is designed with the use of 2 PP wands making it slightly expensive to get going, however, once you've acheived 2 of those wands the rest of the gear can be VERY cheap to purchase.


Defence & Utility

The build utilizes Mind over Matter with tons of mana unreserved and getting help from the Ascendancy nodes to sustain your effective HP pool.

Here is a link to a downloadable calculator for how much effective HP you'll have with Mind Over Matter: Mind Over Matter eHP Calculator


Pantheon Choices:

Pantheon List

Major God:

- Soul of the Brine King
Prevents getting chain-stunned or frozen

Minor God:

- Soul of Shakari
Helps with chaos damage taken, can later be upgraded to be 100% immune to poison as well


Skill-gems & Setups:

Frenzy or Power Siphon:

IF you don't have a "Warlord's Mark on Hit" Elder Ring you'll want to use this setup:

- Frenzy, Greater Multiple Projectiles, Curse on Hit, Warlord's Mark, Onslaught, Culling Strike


- Power Siphon, Onslaught, Cast on Critical Strike, Glacial Cascade, Physical to Lightning, Concentrated Effect

Poet's Pens has a 250ms CD on the triggers which means they will be able to cast a spell if you attack 4 times per second (0.25sec atk speed). Which is why I'm not linking faster attacks in either of the setups as if you're doing this as a Trickster or Inquisitor they both get a ton of attack speed from the Frenzy Charges, Ascendancy nodes as well as the Onslaught buff.

Poet's Pens:
- Arc, Increased Critical Strikes, Increased Critical Damage
- Freezing Pulse, Increased Critical Strikes, Hypothermia

When you're lvling the use of Added Lightning and/or Added cold as well as Controlled Destructions are solid choices till you have the crit nodes allowing for the end-game links.


- Lightning Warp, Faster Casting, Less Duration, Swift Affliction

Cast When Damage Taken:

- CWDT, Immortal Call, Increased Duration


- Portal, Faster Casting, Decoy Totem


- Herald of Ice

I usually take this aura off entirely once I've equipped the Inpulsa to provide more unreserved mana for our MoM eHP.


Skill-tree & Ascendancy Nodes:

Ascendancy Nodes:
1) Instruments of Virtue this is to increase the general clear speed of the build
2) Righteous Providence self-explanatory
3) Inevitable Judgement also self-explanatory
4) Augury of Penitence again, also self-explanatory

Leveling skill-tree, 51 points

Leveling skill-tree, 68 points

Leveling skill-tree, 98 points

Finished skill-tree

A few notes:
You'll want to reach 2 jewel slots as early as possible which can fit 2 "First Snow" so that you have better clearing with the Freezing Pulse, outside of that the tree is designed to provide enough HP from the tree throughout the acts.
Make sure you cap your resistances properly around act 5 & forward.
The end-game tree is using an Inspired learning on the far left side, if you don't want to use this or can't afford, simply skip the extra nodes being the power & endurance charge as well the es/res node around that jewel slot.

MoM is a solid node to take fairly early on for increased eHP.

Here is a link to a downloadable calculator for how much effective HP you'll have with Mind Over Matter: Mind Over Matter eHP Calculator


Leveling Tips:

Simply use Magma orb or Freezing Pulse till you hit lvl 12 in which time you should equip 2x Poet's Pen and use Arc & Freezing Pulse using either Power Siphon or as I recommend at this point, Frenzy to proc em.
If you've decided to play this build before you're able to purchase Poet's Pens or as a league starter I recommend that you simple run with a self-cast setup with Arc which would mean you'd want to use these support gems:
Added Cold, Added Lightning, later on you'll want to get Faster Casting as well as Controlled Destruction in over the Added gems.

The build can work very well whilst lvling only using 1 poet's pen, so buying one as soon as you can afford one is highly recommended.


- Kill them all.


Gearing & Stat Priorities:

What base items to use:

The base items of this build really doesn't matter as we don't care about the base defensive stats such as armour(str), evasion(dex) or energy shield(int). So instead the base items will follow the stat priority listed in this guide.
However, the attribute requirement of the items will base how hard it is to chrome (color) which will be the only thing we will think about when planing our gearing.
So, if you need 4 blue sockets in an item the recommendation is to get an item that has Energy Shield (int) base or a hybrid base which includes Energy Shield (int).

By using this chrome calculating website: you can easily track how hard it will be to chrome the colors you need. This YouTube playlist can help a lot for new players and also includes a few tricks when coloring items with the "wrong attribute requirements" for your build:

The uniques used for the build outside of the weapon is an Inpulsa and the rest of the gear can be 100% rare obviously there are a few options such as Starkonja.

When it comes to jewels the most important one is having 2x First Snow, if you are going for higher budget input and end-game clear speed enhancer, getting an Inspired Learning is a solid choice.

Defensive Stats:

1. Life
2. Resistances
3. Mana

Offensive Stats:

1. Elemental Damage
1. Spell Damage

They are all worth equally much for this build.


1. Spell Damage
1. Spell Damage Whilst Dual Wielding
2. Life
2. Mana


1x Seething Divine Life Flasks <w/e sufix>
1x w/e prefix Diamond Flask of Warding
1x Vessel of Vinktar (spell dmg version)
1x Atziri's Promise
1x w/e prefix Quicksilver Flask of Heat


Recommended Unique Items:

Recommended LvLing Uniques:



This build thread is merely a rough guide to lead you in to the builds basics. If you wish to see more details about this beautiful build check out the video guide: Poet's Pen Arc/Freezing Pulse + CoC GC [Trickster or Inquisitor]

Before you start posting questions I would recommend checking the video. I am as always available in my stream!

Hope you guys will enjoy the build! Below you can access my other build guides:

Build Guides

Last edited by Ghazzy#0404 on Dec 6, 2018, 12:46:32 PM
Last bumped on Jan 28, 2019, 8:32:57 AM
* Reserved


I've reached a point where I have too many build guides to keep up with responding personally on each comment as I've always done on my threads in the past. I will obviously continue doing this but on the youtube videos instead. I hope you guys will understand, sadly I'm not a fulltime streamer and for me to keep build guides like this posted this was an inevitable result!
Last edited by Ghazzy#0404 on Jun 24, 2018, 12:07:11 AM
Would you recommend inquisitor or trickster
drewsephus wrote:
Would you recommend inquisitor or trickster

I personally prefer the Trickster myself but both works equally great.
Looking forward to this! Using your summoner build for starter and working great, i got an inquis and i think i'll try this. Thx for doing so many guides!
Avvoltoyo wrote:
Looking forward to this! Using your summoner build for starter and working great, i got an inquis and i think i'll try this. Thx for doing so many guides!

Glad you're enjoying my work :)

I've sadly been forced to drop over 10 build guides over the past couple of years due to lack of time as I'm not a fulltime-streamer :/ (At least not yet)
But I do my best with the time I have!
I was thinking about utilizing Queen of the Forest instead of Inpulsa. Do you have any recommended tweaks to the build that would better enable it?

Also thanks for all the content you put out.
I was trying to figure this out last league.. i was doing nearly the exact same thing I was just missing a few things.
Going to try this out for sure.
You have almost 0 critical strike chance allocated.. why bother with cast on crit with this?

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