The Incursion Challenge Rewards

the saddest pqrt is that this portal is a copy of a portal from support pack.
Very ugly!
I wanted wings T_T
Couldn't get them in Bestiary, damnit.
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For those suggesting that the portal looks very similar to the one from the league supporter pack - take it as one of the many reasons to not buy a supporter pack before the associated content you are supporting through it is actually available.
Last edited by Velari#3689 on May 28, 2018, 6:32:39 AM
Guys, you all not getting the point. If you grant full armor or any type of visual that is constantly seen or cancels the hideous skin of virtually all the equipment of the game you discourage the player to buy the overpriced skins of the store (IMHO this is a wrong direction to promotion the game). Then they give those garbage as a reward! The idea behind the new league is wonderful, but those rewards will stimulate very few people to chase after the challenges. Bestiary was a huge dissapoint for me, maybe this will be too... unfortunately!!
Last edited by M4ndrak3BR#1185 on May 28, 2018, 6:47:15 AM
Rewards are underwhelming. What does tiki shit have to do with vaal temples? I wanted to see some brutal, bloody ritual like, mtx. Bollocks.
鬼殺し wrote:

Eh, that's a silly way of looking at it and you know it.

Consider the very original race rewards: demigod's stuff. You can't cash-money something as cool as increased character size, at least not by GGG's rules.

And league rewards are not 'free' -- they take time and effort. It's just a different sort of cost. One far more relevant to the game itself.

err. i'm serious. and i differ between races and league challenges.

race rewards should be special (i'm actually impressed by the $$$ rewards tencents throws at their competition winners), the rewards for just having enough time to play the game not so.

or do you really think players who got 40 challenges should get money from ggg too? a payback for what?

challenge rewards have the same function as mtx boxes. they're appetisers so if you got a nice portal already and your templar looks lime shit with just a mtx bandana on his giraffe neck you should feel ashamed and buy this poor guy some pants and body armor.

it's to break the ice of "not spending on a free to playgame" attitude. not to get full sets of mtx to never need to support cause you already got one mtx effect for everything.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio#1992 on May 28, 2018, 6:56:57 AM
bad-meh-ok like bestiary but going for 40/40 trophy anyway
...Looks like another league to skip tbh. Best reward is obtained at 12 challenges. Still waiting for armour set as a challenges reward (#MissingTalismanLeague)
Last edited by piotrekplis#0307 on May 28, 2018, 7:00:46 AM

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