The Incursion Challenge Rewards
As usual, the same could change the order or add some animals for a change because it is not exciting anymore
BORING !!! |
Disappointed overall.. I like to see unique rewards for the challenges each league since for most players they are a CHALLENGE.(The monkey from prophecy, breach rewards, harbinger rewards) It's nice to see a MTX that is exclusive and should be more fancy and polished then regular MTX's since you have to work for it. Rewards like these honestly aren't worth a lot of players time trying to acquire since they don't look like anything special and cheaply thrown together. The challenge rewards need to be something unique, special, eye-catching. I didn't play bestiary simply because the challenge rewards were not that impressive. I hope GGG upgrades these challenge rewards otherwise I believe myself and lots of the community will skip out on doing the challenges and quit the league pretty quickly depending on how much depth the new content has.
GGG please make these challenge rewards actually encouraging to work for! |
Pretty disappointing. Bandana/Portal are mediocre at best, while the cloak is terrible, will never use it.
Same story with supporter packs - someone dropped the ball on MTX this league. Don't task design interns with creating MTX anymore please. |
These are just recolours of bandana, raven cloak and pack portal. That's what tencent money gets you. Lazy.
I can's say that I am very excited about this, to be honest.
We went from this
To this
Our civilization is not your carnival decoration! |
Challange rewards are why most people play leagues (or PoE in general). This here is not worth my time.
yeah...the portal is ok, but no drive to try for those wings things at 24.
the bandana is meh. |
I'm keen for the league but now less keen for the rewards.
I can't say I like the look of any of them, they all look terrible IMHO. I'm not sure what you could even match the bandana and cape to if anything and the portal looks like a prop from a Scooby Doo cartoon. |
Its free stuff but bandanna and cloak dont look so good and Portal is basically the same as in the Supporter Pack.
You should fire the one who makes these tbh