[3.6] Death's Oath Trickster - ALL CONTENT | Tanky | Budget | Fast Clear | Lag-Free

May I know your chaos damage per second under death aura? I am around 15k atm without the charges increase. Is that enough to do high t maps?
Thank you for this build :)
Last edited by LizBiz3#0412 on Aug 22, 2018, 12:42:34 AM
NO VIDEO ? HM ~_~"
hi. guys, do you recommend this build for beginners?
The Death's Oath armor cannot be worn until level 62, so you'll have some time to decide. Since you'll end up using Blight, anyway, you can practice with that and some other chaos skills to see if you like this damage type. You can get Blight & Contagion right away and Essence Drain near the end of Act 1. Follow a beginner's guide for Essence Drain & Contagion for the first 61 levels.
futonrevolution wrote:
The Death's Oath armor cannot be worn until level 62, so you'll have some time to decide. Since you'll end up using Blight, anyway, you can practice with that and some other chaos skills to see if you like this damage type. You can get Blight & Contagion right away and Essence Drain near the end of Act 1. Follow a beginner's guide for Essence Drain & Contagion for the first 61 levels.

where can I see some gameplay of this build?
do you think this viable for delve?

where can I see some gameplay of this build?
do you think this viable for delve?

For what the leveling would look like for a first time player, there's
I can record what Death's Oath looks like, but the one I already have is a different build that's a lot more defensive. I remember seeing some gameplay footage of this more offense build buried about half-way through this thread.

Blight is a cone that stacks levels of chaos damage and slowed movement on monsters. Contagion is an Area of Effect. If you stick to casting Contagion on trash mobs and Blight on single target, that will feel like a baby version of what having Death's Oath is like. Early game is slow for beginners, no matter the build: cast Contagion on mobs and run past them; only stick around to Blight mobs that are blue. The difference with Death's Oath will be that it's a giant permanent Contagion around yourself that will hurt you, whenever it hurts an enemy.

If the Death's Oath sounds like too much, you can just follow pretty much the same build and use Essence Drain, instead. Essence Drain is a projectile that pops a Contagion to heal you and spread the area-of-effect. If you hit a wall, while leveling, add Essence Drain but know that it will change how your gameplay feels. It's endgame-viable and a very strong build, if you decide to stick with it.
To make the endgame super-viable with Essence Drain, though, it costs a lot more than straight-up Death's Oath.

If you don't trade or can't afford a Tabula Rasa and/or Death's Oath, you can farm cards that the vendor with a monkey will trade them for. Tabula Rasa is a six-linked chest that can carry you into the 60s and the earliest place that you can farm it is the first area of Act 4: the Aqueduct. Death's Oath is farmed from the Belly of the Beast area in Act 9, but by then you might have enough currency to just trade with another player for it. Even 6-socketed Death's Oath is pretty cheap.
Last edited by futonrevolution#5443 on Aug 24, 2018, 11:21:27 AM
i love death oath
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This looks a lot of fun - I disliked ED Trickster, but love the idea of mobs melting to my chaos damage. I know what I will start Delve league with. :)
I was thinking that if we can get a six-link death's oath and change the less duration gem to a chaos spell gem that also deals DOT on monsters. For example, essence drain. In this way, we can farm the higher tier maps faster.

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