Tencent has Invested in Grinding Gear Games
" It never happens overnight. It happens gradually over a few major updates with enough 'good' mixed in with the really bad thing. Some outrage happens over the bad thing, people keep playing the game anyway, and the direction continues. Jagex got bought by a Chinese company and said nothing would change... and then the atrocity that is RS3 came from it. OSRS seems to have saved their playerbase but I'm sure it makes less money than the microtransaction haven that is RS3 Anyway point is of course GGG won't make it pay to win tomorrow. But if they did, it'd start small and we wouldn't even really notice |
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I understand if this is "security" for grinding gear games and its FUTURE, however I think its fair to say that the community just wants to be reassured that GGG wont change its way, maybe a post directly from a TENCENT would be cool to hear a brief mindset of how they want to be involved in the game or not involved would be cool. maybe thats a lot to ask but honestly GGG, we built this together, we are in this together, you did the work on your end, and we published and marketed in the way that we can on our end. lets move forward together as a community and team. i want to say that there has never been in the history of gaming such an intimacy between player and developer. For this we are grateful and appreciative.
Now, a toast to the future of POE! CHEEEEERRRRSSSS!!!!!! Here till the end- Pooky Here until the end.
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Looks like GGG doesn't need supporter money any more. I have more than enough stash tabs. I will keep playing, but I'm going to be keeping an eye out for the next great ARPG.
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" wow... well congratulations on Chris, Jonathan and Erik early retirement. Dont think you didnt deserve it. Pity you had to kill PoE for it. But I can understand, life's unfair, the world is not ideal, your decision is wise. Can't eat your cake, and have it too. [Removed by Support] Oblivious Last edited by Ben_GGG#0000 on May 21, 2018, 12:42:38 AM
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Also, I am way less excited about 4.0 now.
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Kind of regretting all the money I dopped on PoE recently. Didn't see this coming. Gonna try to stay optimistic, but we'll see. Definitely not spending another dollar any time soon.
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Those who pay the piper calls the tune, that's how the world lives, regardless of your naive dreams.
I really, really want to be wrong, but I think that we will have various PTW stuff in less than a year. |
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Money ain't the answer , its the problem .
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Last edited by BlackNaukar#6110 on May 24, 2018, 9:53:57 AM
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Path of Exile is life, just ask my Ex-Wife Last edited by Ghost#9626 on May 21, 2018, 10:06:14 PM
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