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Posted bycolwyn#4736on May 20, 2018, 11:16:13 PM
YohSL wrote:
Astealoth wrote:
Diving head first into shark infested waters with this one. Chinese investors are not widely regarded as trustworthy or sensible. LoL has the worst business model of all the successful MOBAs and that has held back it's western growth magnificently. DOTA 2 and Smite have stolen massive market share at least in part for having player-centric business models. PoE has been relatively fair over the years, but the feature creep going on with storage is starting to become pretty P2W. You can't compete with people who have full storage kits anymore as a player on a tight budget who can't buy every new storage tab feature, the full kit is insanely powerful at this point and also extremely expensive. Are we going to see the price of the full storage kit continue to radically expand or are we going to start seeing new features added to existing tabs instead? Will that decision really be GGGs? People will question it either way. Will GGG be afraid to try a good monetization idea for fear of being mocked for taking Tencent orders? I hope Tencent is bringing something really valuable to this deal, because you're giving up more than you're admitting to be under their thumb.
You must have a pretty broad definition of what "P2W" is.
Care to elaborate how? And it's not like this game is PvP based. So I don't know what people are winning even if that were the case, which I don't remotely think it is.
He means that the efficiency that the premium stash tabs provide can be directly translated to more wealth, as you spend more time killing monsters, and less time in your stash.
Posted byAziraphale#5651on May 20, 2018, 11:16:32 PMAlpha Member
Sabranic_SilverDeth wrote:
Travesty9090 wrote:
The predictable scenario here is that Tencent and GGG have underestimated the fact that people's willingness to buy supporter packs/MTXs is to support an independent company. Now, that willingness declines, Tencent gets pissed their ROI isn't what they wanted, and they make changes. Then it's RIP.
This is my great fear as well, and it has happened to many times for me to count.
If this would be the case, I hope Chris and others offer to sell their shares and threaten the leave the company.
1) Since S. Jobs was fired from Apple and Apple sucked afterwards, investors do not want to fire founders if possible.
2) I think Chris did became face of POE, and if they left and start over with a new IP (ARPG), they can get enough playerbase to themselves as "from the developers of POE" line.
Posted byTheMithra#4759on May 20, 2018, 11:18:56 PM
well done, you just sold 80% of your baby.
no more badges for me.
Last edited by Fatto#3963 on May 20, 2018, 11:26:50 PM
Posted byFatto#3963on May 20, 2018, 11:22:26 PM
mtilhan wrote:
If this would be the case, I hope Chris and others offer to sell their shares and threaten the leave the company.
1) Since S. Jobs was fired from Apple and Apple sucked afterwards, investors do not want to fire founders if possible.
2) I think Chris did became face of POE, and if they left and start over with a new IP (ARPG), they can get enough playerbase to themselves as "from the developers of POE" line.
I hope it plays out that way. I really do.
My experience in the video game software industry has been the larger corp forcing changes that irked the fans, and then you have a small exodus. Income starts declining, and the larger corp then meddles more, blaming the drop-off on the original developer. This just feeds the flight, and starts a loop of more interference and more players quitting, until the game is eventually shuttered.
I wish I had not seen it happen so many times. A lucky few games manage to survive when their fans buy out the empty husk, like Broadsword did with DAoC.
Most just vanish forever however.
Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth#2793 on May 20, 2018, 11:25:01 PM
This definitely will impact my willingness to spend large amounts of money on supporter packs. Before I felt like I was supporting an independent studio and their drive. Now, it would feel like I'm supporting a corporate company with more than enough funds to drive development without large amounts of money from the fanbase.
Which is very unfortunate. Since should I feel this way, I wonder if others are, and if too many people are, they will want change, since the revenue will be impacted. If the metric that the founders have to report to the board changes they will suggest (heavily handed suggest) changes be made to rectify the situation.
If this is the case, we will see changes in about two-four quarters.
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Posted byComfyGangsta#5968on May 20, 2018, 11:24:34 PM
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Posted byRomulas19#3393on May 20, 2018, 11:24:56 PM
As a chinese I honestly dont think this is a good thing for the game overall. I mean i have seen what these chinese companies will do and it seldom result in quality content.
Posted bysolidghost#2299on May 20, 2018, 11:25:23 PM
ComfyGangsta wrote:
This definitely will impact my willingness to spend large amounts of money on supporter packs. Before I felt like I was supporting an independent studio and their drive. Now, it would feel like I'm supporting a corporate company with more than enough funds to drive development without large amounts of money from the fanbase.
Which is very unfortunate. Since should I feel this way, I wonder if others are, and if too many people are, they will want change, since the revenue will be impacted. If the metric that the founders have to report to the board changes they will suggest (heavily handed suggest) changes be made to rectify the situation.
If this is the case, we will see changes in about two-four quarters.
Bingo. You can already see the serious backlash to buying supporter packs in these comments and on reddit.
Posted byTravesty9090#7215on May 20, 2018, 11:26:24 PM
Aziraphale wrote:
YohSL wrote:
Astealoth wrote:
Diving head first into shark infested waters with this one. Chinese investors are not widely regarded as trustworthy or sensible. LoL has the worst business model of all the successful MOBAs and that has held back it's western growth magnificently. DOTA 2 and Smite have stolen massive market share at least in part for having player-centric business models. PoE has been relatively fair over the years, but the feature creep going on with storage is starting to become pretty P2W. You can't compete with people who have full storage kits anymore as a player on a tight budget who can't buy every new storage tab feature, the full kit is insanely powerful at this point and also extremely expensive. Are we going to see the price of the full storage kit continue to radically expand or are we going to start seeing new features added to existing tabs instead? Will that decision really be GGGs? People will question it either way. Will GGG be afraid to try a good monetization idea for fear of being mocked for taking Tencent orders? I hope Tencent is bringing something really valuable to this deal, because you're giving up more than you're admitting to be under their thumb.
You must have a pretty broad definition of what "P2W" is.
Care to elaborate how? And it's not like this game is PvP based. So I don't know what people are winning even if that were the case, which I don't remotely think it is.
He means that the efficiency that the premium stash tabs provide can be directly translated to more wealth, as you spend more time killing monsters, and less time in your stash.
And how does that translate to winning exactly?
While there are competitive elements to the game, they hardly have an effect on anybody else.
And even if you do buy premium stash tabs to gain an advantage, you still have to win (races presumably) primarily via skill and knowledge of the game. The is the deciding factor first and foremost.
It seems to me that is a pretty worthless definition of P2W to me.
Now if GGG started selling uniques or something, then I could see that being a particular problem.
But we are as of yet, no where near that.
Posted byYohSL#2995on May 20, 2018, 11:27:51 PM