Tencent has Invested in Grinding Gear Games

Chris logic: sells us out for a multi-million dollar pay day to a company known for shady business practices and expect people to still buy "supporter packs". You must be out of your mind.
Malamojapruskisatelitu wrote:
So you will actually project your own SJW style on me to fight my honesty about game art, graphics and engine that is PROVEN to be bad.

What game looks to YOU means jack shit, and proof of that is TENCENT investment,cause obviously something is not working with all of your support aka scrap money (don't need to take it so personally, it's just a fact). From this little childish rant accusing me of being SJW i got few points to rebut.


Ignoring your milquetoast and flailing personal attacks

- Obviously you didn't ignore them... You're just being salty, and that's ok.


I will take issue with nearly every point you try to make. The "scrap" money you denigrate built PoE.

- That only fortifies my statement " Underdog complex much ?" Instead you be happy about your contribution helped to make even bigger impact now, you whine about it. In other words what you're saying sounds like : Whine Whine Whine I,ME,ME,I I'm so fucking important, Whine Whine Whine" (for visual depiction check True Detective - Season 1)


their art team is quite skilled, and I find your attack on its quality and direction to be ill-informed at best, (and in reality just another thinly veiled attempt on your part to launch personal attacks)

-I will admit this is subjective issue that needs more research (ideally some polls) but Game art is limited to game engine, so from that standpoint it can't really be more than engine offers.
-It's clear to me that you know nothing about game engines,because FACT is even they (GGG) stated that engine is not that good, and that's understatement.
- So it seems like another personal projection from your part when you say that its just another attempt to launch personal attacks.

Next up, their game engine is great. In thousands of hours of play it rarely crashes, and outside of the most extreme cases

- I know we covered that already but I'm just following your thought line by order and it's a mess...
- Ridicules defense of game engine. As if stability ( which you can't argue on personal level [Insert insult] is only thing that makes game engine good or bad. (I sometimes ask my self why do I even waste time on people like you .... It's a cruse, trust me)

All of your criticisms are, from my perspective, non-issues,

- I think it's safe to conclude that your perspective is based on limited knowledge about game engines. In another words this game could be EVEN/MUCH BETTER but it needs corporate resources (and that's just sad reality of "free trade system"). Competition is a motherfucker, but it's also a thrive engine.

Learn to be adult and take criticism like a big boy, cause quite frankly I'm not the one whining about anything, YOU are. So if this support team was not so politically correct i could quote my self when I
originally applauded Chris(GGG) for this bold move. I believe I've said "invest HUGE to go/be HUGE".

And for all of the whiners out there (such as yourself) that like to throw acronyms at people. Grow up. Personal insults are best thing we can have in this weak society where snowflakes are outraged about everything and anything. Its fun, it's character building and quite frankly necessary.

Thanks for the unabridged version of War and Peace there. I skimmed it, and was unimpressed by your opinions regarding the game's alleged shortcomings. On pretty much every point. And that's all that needs to be said. You're wrong.

As to your inability to deal civilly with others in a discussion, and your pride in resorting to personal attacks, that's frankly not my problem - it's yours. The mods will deal with you whenever you start acting like a triggered gender studies major angry zir just got called into sling Starbuck's on Friday night.

Keep it pithy, you don't get plastic and metal participation trophies for word count.
Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth#2793 on May 31, 2018, 7:06:21 PM
Looks like we'll finally get a real Auction House for trading gear.
So it finally happened. I foresaw this long time ago. With their overexpanding studio (they have more than 120 employees now) they need more money to support themselves. I guess supporter packs and cosmetic microtransactions were not enough. Sad. I guess, now GGG can produce even more quality content with even more quality nerfs that will invalidate your time and resource investments forcing you to play new builds whether you like them or not. Truly genius game design. I wish Path of Nerfs and its amazijng clear-speed build diversity all the good things. And I'm glad that after all these years of playing this game on and off since the open beta I had the precognition of what will become of it and NEVER bought anything in the game with real money. GGG deserves every inch of Tencent.
Last edited by Veracocha#3731 on Jun 1, 2018, 1:48:32 AM
Guess I'm done buying Supporter Packs and MTX.

I understand how one could sell out.

There must be many hard decisions to be made, being responsible for the livelihood of your entire staff.
So, I've been talking with some other long-time supporters of PoE, and everyone seems to object, unanimously, to your decision not to be up-front about the 100% acquisition within six years.

What is UP, Chris? Why would you hide this from your oldest supporters? It only makes an already terrible-looking situation look even worse.

This latest development has toasted your reputation in a way even the previous 80% buyout didn't, because it further cements in people's minds the perception of deception and overall dishonesty.

How about an update on the real story, and why you chose not to tell it in the first place?
Wash your hands, Exile!
I wonder how many people will stop buyimg MTXs and supporter packs now that the money will be going to a foreign place. Really sad to hear this news. Hopefully nothing will happen to this game. Welp thanks GGG...
something something torchlight something everquest
So it begins.. remmember this day :/
Last edited by r4plez#5719 on Jun 2, 2018, 6:36:58 AM
Could be good, could be bad.
Time will tell.
Tencent has a good rep for the most part.
They did have a controlling stake in Riot Games before buying them out.

People don't like change and fear the unknown.

I agree it no longer makes sense to buy supporter packs since there is now solid financial backing from a megacorp.

It could be worse, they could have sold the entire company to them.

Last edited by Troglobyte#6597 on Jun 2, 2018, 6:10:42 AM

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