Super Stash Sale

Psst! Steal an idea from PSO2 and create player shops in-game. I'd be a more frequent trader (and a more satisfied customer) if I didn't have to micromanage every transaction and physically trade the items.

That being said, love the timing of the sale. Been farming tons of stuff in Flashback that will need space to be stashed away in standard.
There are two types of POE players:
1) Those who want to walk uphill both ways barefoot on broken glass wearing a blindfold
2) F*cking noobs

I identify as transnational Chinese. May I have access to their QOL features, please?
How about the option to finally upgrade premium stash tabs in quad stash tabs???
I always don't understand why the most useful in games is never implemented.

And I'm still waiting for the sale of the beast pet and arcane portal. I don't spend any more money before that.
"Poor fish-wife."
"Oops, clumsy me!"
Please,relize new lootboxes earlier than start of new league :C i want buy them now T_T
Woahhhh, cool! ANOTHER stash tab sale!!! /zzz

Maybe do another sale along with stash tab sale. It's super boring to keep seeing just stash tabs going on sale all the time. On top of that, maybe consistently rotate the stuff being put on sale instead of it always being the same stuff...pretty sure I've seen the ghost flame pieces among a few others on sale constantly.
I'd love a low-cost upgrade to turn 4 regular tabs into a quad...
Azorien wrote:
Still waiting for option to merge 4 premiums into quad.

I would do this in a quickness!
Announcement: It is almost beer o'clock. That is all.
i will not spend anymore money till incursion!
Why is it recently, that when ever I spend points in the store, everything I bought goes on sale usually the week after? ._.
A good game isn't about the graphics or how big it is. A good game is one that you play for hours yet seems like minutes.
Last edited by Wuzlo#1361 on May 18, 2018, 6:11:24 PM
Stash tab sales always seem to be at the worst time of the month. never at the end of the month. :(

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