[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

Sorry didn't notice , just changed it and thank you!
Does a headhunters provide much to this build? (i've never had one but might be able to get my first this league)
orann wrote:
Sorry didn't notice , just changed it and thank you!

Cool, ty.

A few things:
Your Leech not being strong is mostly due to your very low Life Total. 5k is pretty meh, and Leech gets stronger the more max Life we have.

Your left Ring has a free Suffix, go craft Accuracy on that ideally.
A stygian Vise is an easy upgrade at this Point. Just check the Trade Links in the Endgame Gear Section and get a good one with Life, WED and Res. Put in one of the Abyss Jewels from the Trade Links there too.
Other than that, both your mapping Helmet and mapping Boots are preeeetty low on Life. I recommend looking if you can get some Upgrades there, especially the Boots should be really cheap to get a 100+ Life one. And remember that we don't need the Movement Speed.

Here is what I recommend you to swap your Tree to:

Same Damage, ~200 more Life, and stronger Leech due to Vitality Void.
You'll be missing 3 INT tho, can get that on a crappy Jewel in the Jewel Socket next to the Res Nodes until you can fix your INT on Gear.

On that Topic, go grab an Amulet from the Trade Links (endgame Gear section, low budget), but prioritize Phys + WED over Crit Multi.
There are many out there that will fix your INT simply due to their Implicit.

That'd be all that comes to mind now, hope I could help you :)

roya82 wrote:
Does a headhunters provide much to this build? (i've never had one but might be able to get my first this league)

Depends on what you consider "much". HH provides most to Running/Movement Speed based Projectile Builds.
It's nice for this Build too, but it can't utilize as many Mods as the Builds I mentioned.
That said, HH is pretty nuts for Delves from what I heard.

But before you go for the HH, there is still a lot of Gear you can upgrade that will give you way more Strength for the money :P
Last edited by Guffinn on Sep 30, 2018, 11:31:19 AM
Thanks a lot!
Just got my Unnatural Instinct and it feels pretty awesome! Now I gotta get a slot for this other jewel

can you please take a look at my char and advise me on what would be best to invest next? ty
Guffinn wrote:

sh0ckzz wrote:
Thanks for your recommendations and taking time with my stuff ! :)

Especially pointing out my flask setup was rly helpful! I just forgot about them after I hit maps :D

I usually never replace quicksilver tho, i find it too much of a QoL in a lot of the endgame maps which u just have to run in SSF (Selffounders cant be choosers) but this time i made an exception :P
Your build is still rly enjoyable with many highs (yesterday i tanked through a full duration Tul´s ice spray on an ele weakness map) but late game wise i´ve got some problems occuring. Im beginning to struggle with accuracy (currently 81%), which makes mid level (≈ 280) delves and T15+ maps somewhat dangerous. So i tried fossil crafting some amu and got this monstrosity instead :D

So in order to wear this I now need to find some life, fire res and still the missing accuracy. SSF adventures for real :P

How far do you think the "classic" setup of your build can go in delves? I read your thoughts on it, but I have my doubts on how good it will perform due to lacking dmg mitigation on higher delves, as is somewhat reflected when u browse poe.ninja for BF scions... also wanna point out that the current top5 of these are wearing Loreweave, so I think you might wanna reconsider that :)

Other then sharing that, I just wanted to emphasis how big of a deal the inc aoe helmet really is, I dont recall you mention it in the gearing section, but I feel it makes mapping so much more enjoyable compared to just the 5link...

Have a nice day ! =)

Edit: gonna start crying soon :X
Guffinn wrote:

Hey mate, glad I could help you out and that you still enjoy the Character :)

As I say in the SSF Notes in the FAQ, this Build is very rare Dependant. We need Accuracy rolls on 2 or 3 Rings/Amulet/Abyss Jewel to comfortably reach 90%. In a Trade League that's no problem, in SSF it might be :P

I mention the Inc AoE Helmet in both the League Start Gear, and Endgame Mapping Gear.

As for the Delves: no Idea.
But as far as we can see, Damage is not the limiting Factor, getting one Shot is. So going for a Kaoms or Belly with a good Corruption (max Life or ideally Crit Strikes Reduction) is recommended.
I still don't recommend a Loreweave. It's a great Chest, yes, but this Build struggles to breach 7k Life without a Belly or similar Chest.
I explain my reasoning for that in the FAQ, which I see you read, and it still holds true: Physical Damage is more dangerous and abundant than Elemental, and Belly or a Kaoms offer more help against that (and still help against elemental). The Deaths of high Level HC players in Delves are either dying to exploding Wetas (can be avoided), getting DDed (tough luck, but nothing helps there :P), or dying to a big Crit Rare/chunky Phys Hit. The latter is nothing you can avoid, you can just stack Phys Mitigation and Life (and Curses etc.), or kill it before it kills you. Loreweave actually gimps our Phys Mitigation as Taste of Hate doesnt bring us to 81% Cold Res anymore, and the Life Total will be way lower. Lower Life Totals also mean weaker Leech btw :P.
But I went over all of that in the FAQ already.

Ideally I'd go with a Kaoms with a Crit Reduction Corruption, and the full HC Setup etc.
With a full HC Tree, 2 Might of the Meeks and an Unnatural Instincts I'd be sitting at 7k Life at Level 99 with a 60 Life Loreweave.

And that's a nutty Ring craft btw :D Wish I'd have that one on Standard :P
If you can craft that, you'll hit some Accuracy one day :D
Overall, gotta say I'm really impressed with your Gear for being SSF.

Hey Guffin,

thanks for the detailed response again! :)
just wanted to make some things clear from my previous post...

I was aware that you mentioned the inc aoe on helmet, just not the extend of the difference I felt it makes. I was very surprised when I experienced the difference in overall QoL and clearspeed and since someone asked right before me I wanted to share that...
Also I wasnt expecting such a detailed explaination as for why Belly/kaoms over Loreweave as I didnt intend to criticize your build. I just felt somewhat obliged to give you some feedback after you made such an effort to improve my setup. So I put some thought into it and compared builds on poeninja and that was the clearest distinction from the "high-performing" builds and i wanted to share that with you. But thank you anyway, was a good read :) By the way I actually happen to have a Kaoms Heart lying around^^
But my guess would be, that I wouldnt be able to put it to use since I´d need a pseudo 6link in my gloves, which, even if I could get that, I cant use it due to not having Watchers Eye Conversion (damn you, Elder!) I guess I could use a 6link elder offhand, but with my current claw I suppose getting rid of the extra ele dmg from shaper sticks seems unreasonable... or am I missing something?

Im pretty happy with my gear too, Fossils are rly a blessing for SSF !
about Ring and amu... would you try to annul one of them ? I´m sweating just by thinking about it! :D

Oh and btw, can confirm: SSF Shaper viable :P

Greetings and have a nice day :)

One more thing to the ppl complaining about the leveling progress (not the one with 1,5k health in maps, you´re beyond hope o0)... From my experience with leveling scions, they generally feel worse then other classes due to the nature of their progression. While every other class gets dope ascendancies on normal lab we get basically nothing so thats one thing. The other one is the Sunder nerf, that at least for me, felt rly bad. My next one will definetly use something else for leveling... And last but not least the fact that we dont have access to good damage nodes early on will only later after we respec be compensated. So imho some people are right to complain about having a hard time leveling to maps (compared to lets say arc witch or RoA anything), but its not because the build is bad, but Scion being a harder class to level by nature (and by nature I mean GGG)... just my 2cents
So i've facerolled Shaper and Uber elder (havent tried Uber Atziri but pretty sure it would be np). Currently pushing delve deeper (only at 310 if i recall properly).

I am looking for ways to improve. Disclaimer: I am using Loreweave.. (i just read your 'rant' about that vs belly :D)

I am wondering how to improve?

Sitting at almost 6300 life, 3,2M shaper DPS.
It would seem that all proper improvements are atleast 25-30ex (maybe getting Unnatural Talent would be worth..)
Could replace Kaom's roots but they're just so good at cheesing Uber Elder...
Struggling for resist and int, but i guess i could get that on some jewels.

Anyways, any tips/improvements would be welcome!
- And thanks for a really nice and enjoyable build!

EDIT1: Fixed some subpar talents...
Last edited by Janneban on Oct 1, 2018, 11:28:09 AM
Hey man, iam have problem. Have good staff, but dont have damage(~2.5m shaper dps). See my profile plz and tell me what to replace.
Bought my new gloves and crafted a new Searching Eye Jewel :-)
Replaced my head with a new one with as much life as available and got now exactly 6.666 HP :-)
Hey mid 80's trying this out and enjoying so far, can't say i like BF as a skill but can't argue with the damage...might consider MS version down the line.

I give up a flask for quicksilver, if the game was only diagonal then ok but leap slam up/down/left/right just feels bad.

My gear

Last edited by Shankhook on Oct 1, 2018, 1:19:15 PM

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