[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

Think im gonna try your build.
I´ve been searching for a league starter that I can go into endgame aswell without needing to make new chars just because it can´t do map bosses etc..

Atm have trapper as my league starter, can do into T15-s pretty easy but dead stops there pretty much as staying alive is almost impossible.. plus trap is pretty boring anyway.

Second I found the Soulwrest staff summoner build which is amazing but it has trouble killing red map bosses from T10 upwards.. like it just takes forever and you can still get oneshot pretty easy.. but mostly just damage is feeling on the low side for single target bosses sadly, otherwise a great build.

I then made a Double Strike character and got to maps and it was unreal how bad it was.. I watch people play no problem.. I play and It takes like 0.5sec for my character to start hitting.. so I zoom into packs and die instantly cause for some reason my character is just not hitting fast enough.... and just waits to get killed..

So my real concern is if I spend another 10hours getting into maps will this be the case of double strike where I watch your videos and everything is zoom zoom but when I get there I just die to 1 shots and hitting mobs takes 0.5s..

Ofcourse id like this build to do atleast yellow map bosses and content with ease with random selffounds, maybe a few uniques here and there that dont cost that much.. to be a viable league starter. I see some jewels are costing 10EX lol, but I guess you don´t really need them.. more of like minmax I guess?

I also made a Consecrated Path character that im still in the process of gearing but again I feel like very squishy and very easy to die on even somewhat decent gear.. although saw Malthil zoom zoom super easy.. but I don´t have the 3exalt Voidforge that he had.. then again still dying so easy on that char.

PING is 18 so I donno.. Moscow server
Mathils actual cat
Last edited by HDTanel on Sep 26, 2018, 4:47:13 PM
have you watched what mathil said about that weapon? He said that a statstick and a one hander could probably do better, he just likes the way the char looks with the double handed, and he is experienced he can compensate stuff with ease, but people dont really watch or pay attention to the entire video and try to copy him. A not so useful weapon is now costing way more than normal, just because mathil like the way it looks.

I dont wanna be rude, but the problem isnt on the guides you are following, be sure to follow stat priorities, upgrade your rares constantly and you will not have a hard time.

Please dont compare what you can do with mathil and dont try to copy from him, he is experienced and makes things looks easier.

Take a look at this thread and read top comments.


HDTanel wrote:
Think im gonna try your build.
I´ve been searching for a league starter that I can go into endgame aswell without needing to make new chars just because it can´t do map bosses etc..

Atm have trapper as my league starter, can do into T15-s pretty easy but dead stops there pretty much as staying alive is almost impossible.. plus trap is pretty boring anyway.

Second I found the Soulwrest staff summoner build which is amazing but it has trouble killing red map bosses from T10 upwards.. like it just takes forever and you can still get oneshot pretty easy.. but mostly just damage is feeling on the low side for single target bosses sadly, otherwise a great build.

I then made a Double Strike character and got to maps and it was unreal how bad it was.. I watch people play no problem.. I play and It takes like 0.5sec for my character to start hitting.. so I zoom into packs and die instantly cause for some reason my character is just not hitting fast enough.... and just waits to get killed..

So my real concern is if I spend another 10hours getting into maps will this be the case of double strike where I watch your videos and everything is zoom zoom but when I get there I just die to 1 shots and hitting mobs takes 0.5s..

Ofcourse id like this build to do atleast yellow map bosses and content with ease with random selffounds, maybe a few uniques here and there that dont cost that much.. to be a viable league starter. I see some jewels are costing 10EX lol, but I guess you don´t really need them.. more of like minmax I guess?

I also made a Consecrated Path character that im still in the process of gearing but again I feel like very squishy and very easy to die on even somewhat decent gear.. although saw Malthil zoom zoom super easy.. but I don´t have the 3exalt Voidforge that he had.. then again still dying so easy on that char.

PING is 18 so I donno.. Moscow server
Last edited by wackygoose on Sep 26, 2018, 5:20:59 PM
wackygoose wrote:
have you watched what mathil said about that weapon? He said that a statstick and a one hander could probably do better, he just likes the way the char looks with the double handed, and he is experienced he can compensate stuff with ease, but people dont really watch or pay attention to the entire video and try to copy him. A not so useful weapon is now costing way more than normal, just because mathil like the way it looks.

I dont wanna be rude, but the problem isnt on the guides you are following, be sure to follow stat priorities, upgrade your rares constantly and you will not have a hard time.

Please dont compare what you can do with mathil and dont try to copy from him, he is experienced and makes things looks easier.

Take a look at this thread and read top comments.


HDTanel wrote:
Think im gonna try your build.
I´ve been searching for a league starter that I can go into endgame aswell without needing to make new chars just because it can´t do map bosses etc..

Atm have trapper as my league starter, can do into T15-s pretty easy but dead stops there pretty much as staying alive is almost impossible.. plus trap is pretty boring anyway.

Second I found the Soulwrest staff summoner build which is amazing but it has trouble killing red map bosses from T10 upwards.. like it just takes forever and you can still get oneshot pretty easy.. but mostly just damage is feeling on the low side for single target bosses sadly, otherwise a great build.

I then made a Double Strike character and got to maps and it was unreal how bad it was.. I watch people play no problem.. I play and It takes like 0.5sec for my character to start hitting.. so I zoom into packs and die instantly cause for some reason my character is just not hitting fast enough.... and just waits to get killed..

So my real concern is if I spend another 10hours getting into maps will this be the case of double strike where I watch your videos and everything is zoom zoom but when I get there I just die to 1 shots and hitting mobs takes 0.5s..

Ofcourse id like this build to do atleast yellow map bosses and content with ease with random selffounds, maybe a few uniques here and there that dont cost that much.. to be a viable league starter. I see some jewels are costing 10EX lol, but I guess you don´t really need them.. more of like minmax I guess?

I also made a Consecrated Path character that im still in the process of gearing but again I feel like very squishy and very easy to die on even somewhat decent gear.. although saw Malthil zoom zoom super easy.. but I don´t have the 3exalt Voidforge that he had.. then again still dying so easy on that char.

PING is 18 so I donno.. Moscow server

Thanks! The game is super open to build upon your build, I just feel that I maybe have an issue with my connection.. or well place where I live (east europe).. I do have a pretty decent 200\200 connection but Moscow server is closest which is 18ms. Anyway this seems similar to Double Strike which was just completeley unplayable.. zoom into packs and hits wont register before like 0.5s passed.. which was enough time for mobs just oneshot me.

Anyway will give this one a shot still, the guide is super detailed which I like! But I am afraid of that cost\progression spike :D
Mathils actual cat
Petfo0d wrote:
Yoo. So yea ive already got mapping flasks up and running. They are super useful when running double beyond elder UGS with like 40% pack size XD. A few questions. I have not fully invested into 6l reave yet. Do you think it makes a big difference? Right now im running it in the pseudo and even switch out my rings for ventors and a HH and i do just fine in elder UGS. Level 93 now.

So i farmed that HH to sell, and dropped 3 watchers eye that sold for around 4-5ex each, and an unnatural instinct which sold for 8 lol. Hence got some MASSIVE upgrades

I actually snagged that claw for like 18ex which is crazy cheap i feel. And that scepter! I finally used my mirror. Gave me a 1.6mil dps boost lol. I have 2 empty sockets in my bubonic trail on my bossing setup, i havent tried AW or frostbomb yet and they barely feel even necessary, you think i should add both to the bubonic sockets?

Also the golem feels pretty useless, i use it exclusively for uber elder/delve bosses and they just die anyway. Maybe replace it with something else?

Overall very happy with where i am, but i think i might need more attack speed? I'm not sure, what do you think? Right now im looking for an amulet/second ring with more life but enough DPS but primary target right now is a 6l belly with a 50% reduced crit damage corruption since they seem to be pretty damn useful in delves.

Gz on the big Upgrades mate!

Yes, that Statstick and Claw are nuttttty! Especially the Claw is incredibly cheap for 18ex, ye. That said, the Implicit is completely useless sadly. The Life Gain on Hit (LGoH) of Imperials etc. is an incredibly strong Mechanic.
But offensively, that Claw is hard to beat in a Challenge League :P

As for the Golem: like I say in the Gemlinks Segment, I don't take him during mapping as he dies way too often. Theres just no reason to not take him on Endgame Bosses for the "free" DPS increase.

As for Frostbomb and AW: the impact is obviously there, they add a lot of Damage. That said, at some point any more DPS becomes unneccessary as everything gets instagibbed :P It can't hurt to take them for Endgame Bosses tho, why not.

The reduced Crit Corruption is BiS for Delves, especially Vaal Cities/Outposts/whatever where I've seen some nutty rares. If you don't find one on the market, you can just corrupt some well rolled Bellys yourself and then use Vorici 8 to 6 socket and 6 link them (350 Jewellers + 350 Vaals and 1500 Fusings + 1500 Vaals respectively). That's a lot of money tho :P

As for your Rares, I'd really go for an Amulet with at least 60 Life. Yours is very strong offensively, but 31 Life is teeeerribly low sadly.
I'd say you can afford to go a bit down in the DPS department tho, even if it feels bad to see lower Numbers in PoB :P Won't make any difference in actual Gameplay.

Regarding your Attack Speed: Terror Claws are a bad base for that, but Base Attack Speed doesn't affect Movement Skills. As weird as it sounds.
You will whirl as fast with a white 1.4 APS Claw as you would with a white 1.6 APS Claw. Movement Skills overwrite the Base Attack Speed of a Weapon by Default.
That said, the local attack speed modifier on a Weapon affects the base Attack Speed of a Movement Skill! So a Terror Claw with 24% inc Attack Speed on it whirls as fast as an Imperial Claw (faster base APS) with 24% inc Attack Speed.
After that, any other increases get taken into account.
So for general Movement, it doesn't matter.
It does matter however, for how fast you reach 6 Stacks with BF and everything else. So if that feels too low for you, it might be worth pursuing something else. If it feels fine, stick with it I guess :P

Hope I could clear everything up, and hf continuing with the Character :)

sh0ckzz wrote:
Thanks for your recommendations and taking time with my stuff ! :)

Especially pointing out my flask setup was rly helpful! I just forgot about them after I hit maps :D

I usually never replace quicksilver tho, i find it too much of a QoL in a lot of the endgame maps which u just have to run in SSF (Selffounders cant be choosers) but this time i made an exception :P
Your build is still rly enjoyable with many highs (yesterday i tanked through a full duration Tul´s ice spray on an ele weakness map) but late game wise i´ve got some problems occuring. Im beginning to struggle with accuracy (currently 81%), which makes mid level (≈ 280) delves and T15+ maps somewhat dangerous. So i tried fossil crafting some amu and got this monstrosity instead :D

So in order to wear this I now need to find some life, fire res and still the missing accuracy. SSF adventures for real :P

How far do you think the "classic" setup of your build can go in delves? I read your thoughts on it, but I have my doubts on how good it will perform due to lacking dmg mitigation on higher delves, as is somewhat reflected when u browse poe.ninja for BF scions... also wanna point out that the current top5 of these are wearing Loreweave, so I think you might wanna reconsider that :)

Other then sharing that, I just wanted to emphasis how big of a deal the inc aoe helmet really is, I dont recall you mention it in the gearing section, but I feel it makes mapping so much more enjoyable compared to just the 5link...

Have a nice day ! =)

Edit: gonna start crying soon :X

Hey mate, glad I could help you out and that you still enjoy the Character :)

As I say in the SSF Notes in the FAQ, this Build is very rare Dependant. We need Accuracy rolls on 2 or 3 Rings/Amulet/Abyss Jewel to comfortably reach 90%. In a Trade League that's no problem, in SSF it might be :P

I mention the Inc AoE Helmet in both the League Start Gear, and Endgame Mapping Gear.

As for the Delves: no Idea.
But as far as we can see, Damage is not the limiting Factor, getting one Shot is. So going for a Kaoms or Belly with a good Corruption (max Life or ideally Crit Strikes Reduction) is recommended.
I still don't recommend a Loreweave. It's a great Chest, yes, but this Build struggles to breach 7k Life without a Belly or similar Chest.
I explain my reasoning for that in the FAQ, which I see you read, and it still holds true: Physical Damage is more dangerous and abundant than Elemental, and Belly or a Kaoms offer more help against that (and still help against elemental). The Deaths of high Level HC players in Delves are either dying to exploding Wetas (can be avoided), getting DDed (tough luck, but nothing helps there :P), or dying to a big Crit Rare/chunky Phys Hit. The latter is nothing you can avoid, you can just stack Phys Mitigation and Life (and Curses etc.), or kill it before it kills you. Loreweave actually gimps our Phys Mitigation as Taste of Hate doesnt bring us to 81% Cold Res anymore, and the Life Total will be way lower. Lower Life Totals also mean weaker Leech btw :P.
But I went over all of that in the FAQ already.

Ideally I'd go with a Kaoms with a Crit Reduction Corruption, and the full HC Setup etc.
With a full HC Tree, 2 Might of the Meeks and an Unnatural Instincts I'd be sitting at 7k Life at Level 99 with a 60 Life Loreweave.

And that's a nutty Ring craft btw :D Wish I'd have that one on Standard :P
If you can craft that, you'll hit some Accuracy one day :D
Overall, gotta say I'm really impressed with your Gear for being SSF.

HDTanel wrote:
Think im gonna try your build.
I´ve been searching for a league starter that I can go into endgame aswell without needing to make new chars just because it can´t do map bosses etc..

Atm have trapper as my league starter, can do into T15-s pretty easy but dead stops there pretty much as staying alive is almost impossible.. plus trap is pretty boring anyway.

Second I found the Soulwrest staff summoner build which is amazing but it has trouble killing red map bosses from T10 upwards.. like it just takes forever and you can still get oneshot pretty easy.. but mostly just damage is feeling on the low side for single target bosses sadly, otherwise a great build.

I then made a Double Strike character and got to maps and it was unreal how bad it was.. I watch people play no problem.. I play and It takes like 0.5sec for my character to start hitting.. so I zoom into packs and die instantly cause for some reason my character is just not hitting fast enough.... and just waits to get killed..

So my real concern is if I spend another 10hours getting into maps will this be the case of double strike where I watch your videos and everything is zoom zoom but when I get there I just die to 1 shots and hitting mobs takes 0.5s..

Ofcourse id like this build to do atleast yellow map bosses and content with ease with random selffounds, maybe a few uniques here and there that dont cost that much.. to be a viable league starter. I see some jewels are costing 10EX lol, but I guess you don´t really need them.. more of like minmax I guess?

I also made a Consecrated Path character that im still in the process of gearing but again I feel like very squishy and very easy to die on even somewhat decent gear.. although saw Malthil zoom zoom super easy.. but I don´t have the 3exalt Voidforge that he had.. then again still dying so easy on that char.

PING is 18 so I donno.. Moscow server

Hey dude, thanks for sharing your Thoughts and Experiences, and considering this Build :)

Yes, the expensive Jewels etc. are for minmaxing. I provided different Trees if you don't have these/can't buy them.
And if you check the Videos: I did Uber Elder on an incredibly low Budget last league for fun (was 60c at the Time), and I put together a shopping List 2 pages ago or so that will let you clear all Content for like 280c (Delve prices) extremely comfortable.
So yeah, you can do everything in the Game on a pretty low Budget (and then scale that to infinity if you have the currency :P)

That said, some words of warning:
You will NOT be comfortable with some random self found Rares. This Build is very Rare Dependant (Helmet, Rings, Amulet, Belt mostly), and you need to get the right ones. I provided a Stat Priority and Trade Links for the different Budgets exactly for that Reason.
If you don't like juggling Rares, checking Trade Sites regularily or fiddling around a bit in PoB, this Build is not for you.
As for the Playstyle: this Build is very *zoom-zoom* indeed. It's the fastest clearing Melee Build together with Flicker Strike (if you exclude some Autobomber/Inpulsa+Three Dragons or Tempests Binding etc. Elementalist). That said, it requires a fast playstyle, and more micromanagement than many other Builds out there to truly feel good. I listed that in the Cons of the Build as well.

If that sounds like something that you can enjoy or like to do, I can only recommend this Build :) I personally have played it for 3 Leagues in a row as a Starter, and enjoyed every moment of it. It is incredibly strong if done right, and many People during the end of Bestiary/Flashback, Incursion and now Delve can attest to that as well.
But really consider these words of warning: the very active playstyle and requirements to properly gear with Rares are not for everyone, and over the months I've had a couple people report that it wasn't for them.

You can get used to it, and I think you will learn a lot about Gameplay and gearing if you do, but there are easier Builds to play and gear out there. For example a Trapper like you already have :P

I'm not trying to deter you from playing the Build tho, just shedding light on the only "negative" aspects it has.
Last edited by Guffinn on Sep 26, 2018, 7:43:08 PM
Hi there

I'm really enjoying this build and leveled it up to lvl94 this far into the league.

But there is one thing that makes me curious:
Atm im runnin tripple meek setup as seen in my profile. PoB tells me if i switch the right most meek to unnatural instinct i will loose about 10k dps. Does PoB calculate the dmg wrong for this jewel?

It calculates my elemental resistances wrong as well. Ingame it shows that im overcapped by 10% on the lowest element and PoB says im not capped. I tried to update Pob right now and it says its running on the latest version.

One other question how much hit rate do u recommend? Im feeling realy good on about 87% chance to hit the mobs, but thince this is my first attack build dependant on accuranc i have no feeling on how good it can get. Should i get more accuranc or is this a good point to stop stacking is?

If u got some other hint what i can do better with my build i'm really thankfull. But i think i set it all up really well and there is nothing i could upgrade without investing at least abou 8ex

thanks for your advice
Last edited by BlooperXS on Sep 26, 2018, 9:36:25 PM
BlooperXS wrote:
Hi there

I'm really enjoying this build and ran it to lvl 94 this far into the league.

But there is one thing that makes me curious:
Atm im runnin tripple meek setup as seen in my profile. PoB tells me if i switch the right most meek to unnatural instinct i will loose about 10k dps. Does PoB calculate the dmg wrong?

One other question how much hit rate do u recommend? Im feeling realy good on about 87% chance to hit the mobs, but thince this is my first attack build dependant on accuranc i have no feeling on how good it can get. Should i get more accuranc or is this a good point to stop stacking is?

If u got some other hint what i can do better with my build i'm really thankfull. But i think i set it all up really well and there is nothing i could upgrade without investing at least abou 8ex

thanks for your advice

Hey mate, glad you enjoy the Build :)

Yes, PoB doesn't calculate Unnatural Instincts correctly in Interaction with Meeks. It does not account for the Values being amplified by Meeks, it grants the default Values. If you want accurate results, paste this Item into your PoB and put it into the Jewel Socket:

Guffinn's Unnatural Instinct placeholder for 2 Meeks Scion Setup, as its Interaction with Meeks doesnt work in PoB yet.
Viridian Jewel
Radius: Small
Limited to: 1
Implicits: 0
26% increased Attack Speed
+82% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
8% increased Maximum Life
16% increased Movement Speed
+10 to Intelligence
16% increased Cast Speed
+10 Life gained on Kill
+10 to Dexterity
Minions have +6% Chance to Block Attack Damage
12% increased Spell Damage

In terms of Accuracy, look at it like this:
as long as you feel it's okay, it is okay :P
I personally go for 90% tho, and you can get there with Accuracy on 2 Rings/Abyss Jewels/Amulet.
Accuracy is a big DPS increase at this Point for you.

As for your Character: you definitely got the gist of gearing, everything looks ok.
For now I'd go set up a Bossing Set for Uber Elder etc., just check the Endgame Gear Bossing Setup and Uber Elder Tips for the specific Pieces.
Other than that, it's mostly about upgrading Rares from now on. And yes, some Rings with Phys, WED, AND Accuracy would be nice :P Or an Amulet.

Some Changes to your Tree that result in more Damage at the same Life:

Basically drop the whole Aspect of the Panther + Lynx stuff, complete Heartseeker and Forces of Nature, grab a Frenzy. Heart of Oak instead of the 2 Eva Nodes above Revenge of the Hunted to get some Stun Immunity (tho it's not actually needed).

And really consider to drop the Life Flask please :)
Ideally for a Taste of Hate at this Point. That offers significant Phys Mitigation and Damage as well, while a Life Flask really isn't necessary at all for us. Just gotta reroll one of your 2(why?) anti Curse Flasks to Bleed :P

Hope I could give you a point to start from :)
Guffin thanks for the reply!
Reporting in at ACT IV.. been total FACEROLL atm lol.. I think I played sunder last time in.. Breach league.
But why I didn´t play endgame with it if I remember correctly is that you are kinda locked in place and targeting only one area.

Anyway insane damage and I reaallly love that early on I have 40% chance to dodge all attack damage and 30% spell damage dodge.. Kinda makes me rethink on why I prioritized armour and phys reduction in my other builds lol.. maybe just balls out on life and just dodge everything..

Anyway I don´t mind at all buying and selling, I do it A LOT.. I just hate if I am faced with like YOU NEED THIS ITEM to do any damage at all.. that item is 3EXALTS.. or if you don´t buy this you get oneshot.. that item costs.. 5EXALTS.

Im just tryin to find a build that gradually increases in power and does not need any really expensive mandatories. I can deal with killing a boss in minutes if I don´t die doing it.. I can´t deal with being unable to kill a boss in yellow\white maps and even map mobs stun and kill me.. which happened with my Double Strike char..

Also do you think Phase Run is essential for Delve? I feel like I can´t play without it :P always get stuck behind mobs that I can´t see.. and get gibbed lol

edit: on a funny note I was reading and wondering why the hell are you using whrling blades for somekind of dps as reave is the main skill? Then I noticed.. OOOOHH.. theres whrling blades and theres Blade Flurry lol.. for some reason I really mix these up
Mathils actual cat
Last edited by HDTanel on Sep 27, 2018, 1:03:43 AM
I hit lv95 earlier farming shaped T16 smoothly with just reave 6 link, seeing as I won't push any further in levels I'm gonna try doing some boss farming.

I melted shaper but am having trouble with T16 guardians still, I feel like I don't leech fast enough (which is why i'm using life flask instead of quartz flask that I used while mapping) and at 6.3k life gets 1shot/2shot by phoenix and minotaur before I can heal up. Hydra and chimera were easy. I do use a blade flurry setup for bosses.

I'm moving to uber elder soon but I'd like to know if there is something wrong with my setup or how I can improve it for these bosses?
Last edited by elfril on Sep 27, 2018, 2:02:08 AM
Guffinn wrote:
Petfo0d wrote:
Yoo. So yea ive already got mapping flasks up and running. They are super useful when running double beyond elder UGS with like 40% pack size XD. A few questions. I have not fully invested into 6l reave yet. Do you think it makes a big difference? Right now im running it in the pseudo and even switch out my rings for ventors and a HH and i do just fine in elder UGS. Level 93 now.

So i farmed that HH to sell, and dropped 3 watchers eye that sold for around 4-5ex each, and an unnatural instinct which sold for 8 lol. Hence got some MASSIVE upgrades

I actually snagged that claw for like 18ex which is crazy cheap i feel. And that scepter! I finally used my mirror. Gave me a 1.6mil dps boost lol. I have 2 empty sockets in my bubonic trail on my bossing setup, i havent tried AW or frostbomb yet and they barely feel even necessary, you think i should add both to the bubonic sockets?

Also the golem feels pretty useless, i use it exclusively for uber elder/delve bosses and they just die anyway. Maybe replace it with something else?

Overall very happy with where i am, but i think i might need more attack speed? I'm not sure, what do you think? Right now im looking for an amulet/second ring with more life but enough DPS but primary target right now is a 6l belly with a 50% reduced crit damage corruption since they seem to be pretty damn useful in delves.

Gz on the big Upgrades mate!

Yes, that Statstick and Claw are nuttttty! Especially the Claw is incredibly cheap for 18ex, ye. That said, the Implicit is completely useless sadly. The Life Gain on Hit (LGoH) of Imperials etc. is an incredibly strong Mechanic.
But offensively, that Claw is hard to beat in a Challenge League :P

As for the Golem: like I say in the Gemlinks Segment, I don't take him during mapping as he dies way too often. Theres just no reason to not take him on Endgame Bosses for the "free" DPS increase.

As for Frostbomb and AW: the impact is obviously there, they add a lot of Damage. That said, at some point any more DPS becomes unneccessary as everything gets instagibbed :P It can't hurt to take them for Endgame Bosses tho, why not.

The reduced Crit Corruption is BiS for Delves, especially Vaal Cities/Outposts/whatever where I've seen some nutty rares. If you don't find one on the market, you can just corrupt some well rolled Bellys yourself and then use Vorici 8 to 6 socket and 6 link them (350 Jewellers + 350 Vaals and 1500 Fusings + 1500 Vaals respectively). That's a lot of money tho :P

As for your Rares, I'd really go for an Amulet with at least 60 Life. Yours is very strong offensively, but 31 Life is teeeerribly low sadly.
I'd say you can afford to go a bit down in the DPS department tho, even if it feels bad to see lower Numbers in PoB :P Won't make any difference in actual Gameplay.

Regarding your Attack Speed: Terror Claws are a bad base for that, but Base Attack Speed doesn't affect Movement Skills. As weird as it sounds.
You will whirl as fast with a white 1.4 APS Claw as you would with a white 1.6 APS Claw. Movement Skills overwrite the Base Attack Speed of a Weapon by Default.
That said, the local attack speed modifier on a Weapon affects the base Attack Speed of a Movement Skill! So a Terror Claw with 24% inc Attack Speed on it whirls as fast as an Imperial Claw (faster base APS) with 24% inc Attack Speed.
After that, any other increases get taken into account.
So for general Movement, it doesn't matter.
It does matter however, for how fast you reach 6 Stacks with BF and everything else. So if that feels too low for you, it might be worth pursuing something else. If it feels fine, stick with it I guess :P

Hope I could clear everything up, and hf continuing with the Character :)

Thanks for the reply! I am indeed constantly looking for an imperial claw, right now the leech having no effect isnt that noticeable, so i guess im alright but yea i'll focus on getting that. The attack speed i mentioned is mainly to charge BF faster. I'm not sure where to get it from though. Maybe switch my abyss jewels around/replace them. Gonna work on that and the corruption along with more life ammy/ring. The only belly up with that corruption is 40ex which i think is ridiculous, but hey where theres a demand.... :D

Well i'll keep you posted!
How to level this character ?

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