[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

nunka wrote:
Hi all -

I'm new to overleech style builds and just had a question for anyone more familiar/comfortable with them to see my problem is build related (ex: not enough damage/leech) or efficiency related (spending too much time not killing things).

The question is: with Vaal Pact, is it expected that 5-10 seconds of inactivity eats up half of your health pool (from Blood Rage), or should overleech be keeping you sustained during that time?

These moments of inactivity happen to me a few times each map, for example when picking up a rare for a quick stat check or doing Syndicate mechanics. By the time I'm ready to move on, I'm between 50-75% health and in danger of getting one shot if I get too close to a dangerous mob before my leech picks back up again. I feel like I have to keep a health flask on me to prevent that from happening and I am getting the sense that that's wrong for an overleech build.

It also feels pretty bad in delve, where I'm used to being able to leap slam into the darkness with blood rage up and not actually take any damage from it due to high life regen. Is it recommended to just keep blood rage off when darkness delving with this build?

As a note... I DO NOT have Vitality Void so that might be a factor.

Thanks to any who help me figure this out. :) Really loving the build otherwise! Frost Blades is a bunch of fun.

I experienced this problem during the earlier stages of my character. What is your level, where are you in your skill tree, and what's your PoB dps?
Muzeyen wrote:
Doesn't life gain on hit from claws not work with slayer ascendancy? Also would a version with xophs and ignoring the cold stuff be the same/better?

the way i see it,were getting a lot of cold pen from the tree,some from watcher eye ( depend which one you buying ) . So moltenstrike gets more benefit by being not 100% pure fire.

your also getting an awesome clearing skill /frostblade. Which is just flat better then molten for trash.
Hey, thanks you so much for updating the build :)

i have a noob question, u said that having a ' true dual welding ' would mean a cost of like a mirror.. and i dont get it ?
Why is it important that the 2 claw are identical ?

i'm c o n f u s e d
Aethilius wrote:
Hey Guffin, what are the links for reave? I wanna go reave with BF and if you could get the old POB for that would appreciate it. The POB you gave the person above me has the light poacher helm and not hypothermia helm.

Vaal Reave + Multistrike + WED + DofL

streej wrote:

Good day, fellas. Played as Lightning strike build with gear above. Want to change main skill as well as skill tree. Question is - should i replace double Tamings with some Steel rings or its not necessary when you've got high pdps weapon + herald of purity?

Yo dude, ty for the interest :)

While Tamings are great, I personally wouldn't recommend them.
The loss of Life is huge, and Steels or Opals can reach the same/more Damage while giving Life.
And the more max Life we have, the stronger our Leech is :P

King_Arthas wrote:
@Guffin Thanks alot for you're awesome work about this guide, have a question regarding the primeval force, from poeplanner you go from the top part, but on the pob link you take the bottom way :S which one we must take

It doesnt matter that much, if you read the Nodes its basically the same.
Top one is a tiiiiny bit more Damage, but bottom one is a bit better for mapping due to Freeze Chance.

miChaaaaaaa wrote:

I'm in love with the build, thanks again. For mapping we simply switch to herald of ice and inc AoE and stuff explodes super fast :) Not on the level of Reave but also not too far away.

I'm running a dual wielding version of the build for those interested. With accuracy on rings and one abyss jewel, War banner and Ice Golem I sit at 92-93% accuracy, which is way enough from my point of view. So the investment is not that insane, except for the fact that you want 2 similar claws of course.


Yo dude, cool that you like it :)

Running dual wield is certainly a possibility, but only for the rich.
Now that crafting phys weapons got nerfed, it's not as achievable any more.
One good weapon + Lyco is almost the same Damge, but more Survivability and way less cost than 2 good weapons.

Also, I wouldn't recommend actuities.
The Damage and Life from Tombfists simply can't be beaten, and it's not like we're far from VP (and Vitality Void) anyways :P

That said, as long as it works for you everything is fine. But 5.5k Life is pretty darn low sadly.

Sceronz wrote:
Awesome build. tested bow builds first now rerolled to this and damn its fun

Cool to see that you enjoy your Time :)

The Talisman with 2 pierce is actually a good Choice!
Gonna include that later as a possibility, but it's certainly a niche one/harder to achieve.

That said, why do you use conversion Gloves? Frost Blades and Molten Strike have 60% conversion already, and you get 40% from the Tree.

loobi wrote:
Can we swap conc effect with Ancestral call to proc it for more damage?

I go over that in the Gemlink Section.
Ancestral Call doesn't realistically outperform any Support Gems like Conc or Ele Focus. It CAN be better if played perfectly, but no one manages that.

Like I said, that's explained in the gemlinks tho :)

nunka wrote:
Hi all -

I'm new to overleech style builds and just had a question for anyone more familiar/comfortable with them to see my problem is build related (ex: not enough damage/leech) or efficiency related (spending too much time not killing things).

The question is: with Vaal Pact, is it expected that 5-10 seconds of inactivity eats up half of your health pool (from Blood Rage), or should overleech be keeping you sustained during that time?

These moments of inactivity happen to me a few times each map, for example when picking up a rare for a quick stat check or doing Syndicate mechanics. By the time I'm ready to move on, I'm between 50-75% health and in danger of getting one shot if I get too close to a dangerous mob before my leech picks back up again. I feel like I have to keep a health flask on me to prevent that from happening and I am getting the sense that that's wrong for an overleech build.

It also feels pretty bad in delve, where I'm used to being able to leap slam into the darkness with blood rage up and not actually take any damage from it due to high life regen. Is it recommended to just keep blood rage off when darkness delving with this build?

As a note... I DO NOT have Vitality Void so that might be a factor.

Thanks to any who help me figure this out. :) Really loving the build otherwise! Frost Blades is a bunch of fun.

Yo dude, great to hear you are having a good time in General :)

I can jump around in Darkness for quite a while, even without any investment into Darkness Resist, due to Overleech.

Overleech scales with the amount of Max Life you have (and some other Factors). The easisest way to "fix" that would be getting Vitality Void and 7k Life or so (which I see you have).
Other than that you can get a Max Life leech Rate amulet from the Survivability Section. But that's generally not needed and pretty pricy.
So I'd give Vitality Void a shot and see how it works out for you.

Other than that, your Char looks pretty damn decent.
I would recommend looking into a better Amulet tho, it seems that's your weakest Slot for now.
Sadly the Crit on your Claw is pretty low as well, and I'd look into that for the future too.

Hope you have a good time and that I could help a bit :)
Feel free to let us know how it works out.

Muzeyen wrote:
Doesn't life gain on hit from claws not work with slayer ascendancy? Also would a version with xophs and ignoring the cold stuff be the same/better?

No, it works. Why wouldn't it?
And no to the second question.

Baleyine2 wrote:
Hey, thanks you so much for updating the build :)

i have a noob question, u said that having a ' true dual welding ' would mean a cost of like a mirror.. and i dont get it ?
Why is it important that the 2 claw are identical ?

i'm c o n f u s e d

Glad you like it :D

Not like a mirror, but a lot :P
They don't need to be identical, but as close to identical as possible.
If you dual wield a 400pdps 7.5% Crit Claw and a 100pdps 6% Crit Claw, you are gonna hit like a whet noodle half of the time. To make good use of Dual Wielding, you pretty much need 2 very good Weapons.
One Hand + Shield is way cheaper, has more Survivability and offers almost the same Damage.

Hope that covers it. I'm gonna update the 2nd Post on the 27th to include Dual Wield, BF, Foil Variations etc.
Hey Guffin, loving the build! Great guide as well

Had a question about what I should go for next as far as upgrades. I have about a 12ex budget, wasn’t sure if unnatural instinct would be the way to go, or if I should spread out the upgrades

My profile should be on public

That's mine items I don't know what to upgrade next. Im low on budget now after buying Unnatural inst. ( I know that's dum to do it when your gear isint rdy yet but I did it )

And I have to make a decision to buy 2 sock. Tombfist's or get better rings,amulet and belt

Hello! I don't know why but i feel like I'm extremely squishy and my molten strike does meh damage despite being in a 6 link.

Here's the pastebin.

And suggestions would be great!

Syndicates beat me up.
Hey could you update the lvling trees? Seems they are still for dual wielding and few nodes are different. Not sure what way i should chose while heading through endgame tree.
raizoir wrote:
Hey Guffin, loving the build! Great guide as well

Had a question about what I should go for next as far as upgrades. I have about a 12ex budget, wasn’t sure if unnatural instinct would be the way to go, or if I should spread out the upgrades

My profile should be on public

Yo mate, ty for the kind words and glad that you enjoy the Build :)

12ex is a lot of currency, and your Gear looks pretty damn solid so far.
That said, there are some things that come to mind:

Flip your Gems to get them to 20/20 at least. This mostly affects your Frost Blades Links right now, but keep it in mind for the MS ones as well.

Consider recrafting your Claw. WED is a suboptimal Prefix for the Multicraft, you could craft "Hits can't be evaded" and drop the Lyco for another Shield with more Life/Defenses/Damage/Res.
I'm gonna add that into the Guide on the 27th when I have time.

Try dropping the Quicksilver Flask. This really isn't a running Build, and a Quicksilver doesn't really add anything.
A Quartz would add another defensive Layer.

Your Jewellry looks pretty decent. You CAN get better ones, but it is questionable whether or not the price is justified.
There are some that I can find right now that would be slight DPS upgrades, at the loss of Res and Stats, which is pretty bad.

Other than that, you're obviously still missing quite some Nodes on the Tree :P

Your Char looks damn solid and you definitely got the Gist of gearing it.
Unnatural Instinct would for sure be an upgrade, but I'd recommend recrafting the Claw+getting another good Shield, getting 20/20 Gems and fixing Flasks first.
As soon as you're a bit higher Level/have more Life, you will be able to drop the Life Flask as well pretty easily.

Crafting Pierce onto the Helmet is a nice idea btw, didn't know that Betrayal introduced that! I'll have to check myslef if clear with 1 Pierce feels good, maybe I can add that as a gearing option.

Hope I could at least give you some hints on what to do, let me know how it goes for you!

madziar169 wrote:

That's mine items I don't know what to upgrade next. Im low on budget now after buying Unnatural inst. ( I know that's dum to do it when your gear isint rdy yet but I did it )

And I have to make a decision to buy 2 sock. Tombfist's or get better rings,amulet and belt

Yo dude, nice Progress! Gz on the Unnat Instincts. While it might not be the "smartest" decision, it sure as hell is a very cool Item :D

As for what to Upgrade:
I found pleeeenty of Upgrades for both of your Rings and the Amulet in the Trade Links I provide in the Guide.
It doesn't look like it'll cost too much either, and I think investing 6ex into that instead of a Tombfist is the better Investment for now.

Tombfist seems like the Option to choose right now if you feel your Life is too low, you get better bang for your buck from Rings and an Amulet otherwise.

Hope that works out for you!

Ahhoytmate wrote:
Hello! I don't know why but i feel like I'm extremely squishy and my molten strike does meh damage despite being in a 6 link.

Here's the pastebin.

And suggestions would be great!

Syndicates beat me up.

Your Gear looks okay for now, but I can't tell for certain as I can't see your full gem Links :P

But the rares etc. certainly look okay.

The big thing, for now, is that you're still missing your Merc- and Uber Lab and a ton of Levels.
Going for Merc/Uber will not only give you Damage and Speed, but also a lot of Skillpoints (~11)

These you should invest into grabbing more Life and transitioning into the Endgame Tree. Especially pick up Vaal Pact and Vitality Voide to boost your Overleech tremendously, for a big survivability increase.

This is how your Tree should look if you got Uber Lab right now:

Same Skillpoints (+ the ones from Lab), more Life, more DPS, etc.

Hejti wrote:
Hey could you update the lvling trees? Seems they are still for dual wielding and few nodes are different. Not sure what way i should chose while heading through endgame tree.

Like I say in the Guide, I'll do that whenever I have Time.

Christmas season always leaves me pretty busy, I might get to it on the 27th tho! At least that's what I plan for.
Last edited by Guffinn on Dec 25, 2018, 6:01:06 PM
i tested do i have more life with atziris or tombfist and i have more life with atziris, i know i dont have best rings and amulet,im kinda bad with searching ones

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