May Flashback Event!
Well, I'm not an "first class" Player. I am a simply casual (mostly standard solo) 40yold Player and I do not trade. I want to earn everything by myself. I play for having a good time in a good game and not for stress and ellbow mentaltity. If I want stress I can stay in real life. This game is free to play and this is good. But it's not an argument to shut the mouth of others who see some negative developments. There were many good arguments and improvement suggestions from others, which will perhaps never heard from GGG?! I played poe a long time and supported it more often than I show on my profile. But the develepments of the last months/years lead me to do a a last support, will say my First Blood starter pack will perhaps be a "Last Blood Leaver Pack" or I will wait what will come with the next leagues. But I fear the end for me in this servers is near and I will change to Titan Quest or something else.
This Event is very funny ... No one wants Bestiary (me too: I thought it was a good Idea related to the history in the game but its implementation is nonsens and I hope it will not get to the core game). Why not with all the past leagues and then 3 per coincidence per area?! (Alle guten Dinge sind 3 ;) And then ... if you reach blablabla then you have - the chance- to win blablabla. What is this? Either I win or I win not!!! At the end it's always the same. Always the same Elite players who are always on the top for different reasons. No or low chance for new or low ones to reach out. With micros that are not favored from the most. Nothing Special or Individual. I think will only make a L35 character and hope there is some thing interesting in the box :))) Every day every week and every month always new micros as if with the years there aren't enough. Now with my low ressources - I - have to spent money to improve my technical ressources only to ensure my player experience because now I have to wait until the mircos of other players are loaded including some other still unfixed Problems. Not speaking of increasing the number crap loot in every part of the game. I you make too much from everything in a game it will leed to boreness and unplayabilty for most people. (Manchmal ist weniger mehr ;) Just an idea: Why don't you integrate an option to switch out the micros of other players. If there is something similar and i missed it then sorry ... I was out of Poe for a long time. Fazit: Spending so much money for a game that in the end you can't play anymore. As if everyone has the will and the money to get an octocore or better only for admiring the other micro-poser-players. At the end it gives me the feeling that poe transformed from free to play into some other moneymaking thing that is not better than pay to win. I'ts a pity for such a good game. And for those who always answer with: Go and play D3! >>> I never played it and I will not, as I never played Blizzard Games (except D2). Why don't you go yourself! I will not discuss here with others because I don't like the way of dicsussion especially from Elite Players who mxxx with their little Joysticks everyday in front of their High End Pcs. I just wanted to say my opinion as someone who invested much money in this game (as others). Sorry for my bad English and travel save in Wraeclast ;-) fear the cold of my heart ...
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nice :)
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" NZT is GMT+12 google says. CEST is GMT+2, i.e. 11pm on Friday it should start for you/us. |
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I guess most worth is to get like 2 or 3 characters to level 95 the pros will like have 3-5 chars.
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abyss items with 2 sockets and Shroud of the Lightless can drop??
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Really? Saturday ? ugh...
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" I asked on reddit, as well. Didn't get an answer as of yet. EDIT: An answer is coming... don't know what it is yet, but it's coming. How Fusings Work: IGN: TheHammer Last edited by TehHammer#0539 on May 2, 2018, 9:35:34 PM
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" No, sorry. |
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Please just for 1 time make something decent on theese races ggg.
I really dont get why all ssf , sc, hc are in the same pool??, Why only 1-2 of fun stuff on maps? Its like playing with zana modes not a fun "race" Whatever u do, just dont ruin ur own game and community, please.! Last edited by Freyr_SWH#7788 on May 2, 2018, 9:51:15 PM
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" Yes they can drop from Lichs - unless they change it which is unlikely. " Nice to get an answer BUT: The link actually does list 4 flashback leagues named BRE001..BRE004. So the link is wrong or you were wrong or it was changed after the post or I misinterpret the xyz Flashback Event (BRE00x)? No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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