Weapon and Shield Effects On Sale - Get a Free Mystery Box When You Spend Points
I think I do MAYBE have some 20 Points left I may use.
Bought a 10 Points Hideout Decoration and get the Innocence Cloak... THX GGG! :)
Last edited by Hatstick#3983 on Apr 13, 2018, 9:06:01 AM
I wonder, what is the reason for discontinuing Weapon Effects?
Black Friday 13th and players that already left the game (3 pages of comments is a joke :) )
Been waiting just for this XD
SSF since ~OB
Got Oriath Citizen and Sin Cathedral...don't do gambling, kids.
Oriath Citizen..its a joke GGG riht? Giving useless hideout decorations fin mystery box when they appear 75% of times sucks so bad. Thats why i dont buy them regulary! Delete them from mystery box and gives anything useful! Maby any bad and small pets, poor looking armour pieces anything not ho decorations pls!
No Fire/Ice Weapon effect? Why isn't that included?
of course when i already spend all my points kappa :D
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