Skill Usage Statistics

Barrage deserves some attention. I know it's one of the most common used skills, but the way it works is so weird. Some times i'm aiming at a direction and barrage shoots to another. I switched to Blast Rain because of that.
Uncool, these statistics would be about 500% more valuable if you remove movement skills and probably even some util skills such as blood rage (or just show stats without these).

Seeing 4 move abilities in top 10 is 'no sheep sherlock'.
Is there a brained player *not* using movement ability? Sincerely doubt it.

Wonder what the list would look like without maybe just showing top 20 instead would give more in-depth insight.
these stats are complete garbage... its all about movement, buff and utility abilities that are used in almost all builds, providing absolutely zero information about popular "active" skills... either remove untility from these statistics or show more skills that top 10 only
Skelden wrote:
these stats are complete garbage... its all about movement, buff and utility abilities that are used in almost all builds, providing absolutely zero information about popular "active" skills... either remove untility from these statistics or show more skills that top 10 only

These stats are not useless, not at all. Those who recall similar statistics from the past would know that in the past there were certain dominant offensive skills that created meta to such extent that these skills dominated all the statistics, no matter it was HS or SC.

You do not see many offensive skills in top10s, which implies build diversity improved or at least that meta is now broaders than one or two top-tier skills.

These actual statistics also show great use of movement skills, which should be incentive for GGG to look at under-used or sub-par movement skills and bring them on par with best movement skills--Lightning Warp, Flame Dash, and few other movement skills need improvements or tweaks.
I am kinda surprised to see people using Portal gem. But i guess it's caused by loot filters that people do not pick up portal scrolls anymore.

RF ever so popular
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
ES is complete dead.

CI is complete dead.

Direct spell casters - completely dead.

Multi spell casters / CoC casters - completely dead.

PoE 3.x is one big fun killer. Obviating more than 20 skills, and more than 1000 builds.

None of above is not viable to do even mid tier maps easy as it is supposed to with a gear worth 10 EX or so.

The forum is full of so called "junk/troll builds" which is worth a crap if they can not do the Uber Elder / Shaper with 0 deaths.

PoE 3.x is one big fun killer. that's all.
Last edited by ThorTX#4927 on Apr 13, 2018, 9:26:43 AM
Ty GGG for Statistics!
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torturo wrote:
kylegetsspam wrote:
This data is not "enlightening". It's effectively useless.

The data provided shows intense usage of movement/leveling/backup skills (which are a must by default), with no emphasis on certain preferences as the ultimate choice - but build dependent variants of all of the same in terms of functionality.

Breaking news: players actively use several movement skills and versatile leveling skills/supports, initially defined by a narrow choice.

What's the purpose of this thread anyway?

My guess is to nerf the living piss out of movement skills. Because, we all know how "most" players enjoy the challenge of being crippled up from nerfed movement skills.

I can see the BS on the patch notes, Leap slam now has a 5ms cool-down, as it was previously being used in a manner that was not "foreseen or intended".

I for one will completely quit PoE if movement skills get nerfed with cool-downs. Everyone I knew from a year ago is gone already. My guild is a complete ghost town.

I'm sick of it really, sick of the constant gutting of builds, sick of the constant nerfs. God forbid something becomes popular and fun, NERF NERF NERF!
Wait... so you are also revisiting old Vaal skills?

Are we finally going to get the second Vaal expansion SOON? or does this mean the opposite? hmm...
Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Apr 13, 2018, 7:10:06 PM

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