The T-shirt Design Competition Highlights
If you are making:
Kitava by xfey Exiles by QueenNie I will put in my order now :)!! |
Story of Piety is the best and only one i'd wear.
My favourite is 'Kitava by xfey' (Black T-shirt with bright red Kitava head) without a doubt.
It would be nice if we could order them and pay the printing, shirt, and shipping. GGG would have my money if thats possible. |
There is no shame in FALLING to god. Yes?
Well I already want Le Toucan shirt.
Le Toucan Will Return
Copy pasted game's art assets and 10yo memes, kewl.
I would buy "Keep Kaom and Karui On" in a heartbeat.
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
Le toucan :D lol - this will be my personal winner :D
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It's not picking up Oni that drives you mad, it's grinding 16 hours for it that does lol!
Seriously though there are a lot of cool designs in here that I would actually buy/wear. |
Absolutely astounding. I love them all.
A build that only has might is not mighty.