As a community, how do you feel we should proceed? Is it worth the resources to take this one-day prototype and polish it into a standalone supported game mode with ongoing improvements? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Get some beta testers, generate hype, and see where it goes. I humbly nominate myself to be on the ROYALE balance QA team.
Pull it out every now and again, maybe polish it up before doing so. But a regular feature? I don't think so really.
I loved the mode, and feel that it ran for just the right amount of time.

I would love to see it return occasionally but don't really feel like it should be a standalone game mode. I am afraid of it splitting the community and that the resources to scale and balance it would be better spent on the core game experience.

Also, I am not sure it has the legs to stand as a permanent game mode forever. Even near the end of this event I had lots of matches with 60-70 players each (which was actually pretty nice) compared to 8 hours in every match had 100 people guaranteed.
Fork the development resources into making a standalone game, what have you got to lose? not much.

What do you have to gain? Market share.
It's great, it turns out, and it's true that they did it in one day, and they did it very well. And I'll support the above-mentioned ones - it's worth working on the regime, but not at the expense of other developments.
Thank u, GGG!
Is it possible that you create a 1 month or 3month(your choice)PVP race/ladder based on the Royale?
Level 1 to 10 first layout,the last person alive can move to the second layout
Level 10-20 second layout,the last person alive can move to the third layout
etc so you have layouts for

When a person dies he doesnt lose his gear,he will only lose xp(you determine how much xp)
At each layout there will be lvl 8 masters for crafting(great spot for people to camp and kill one another :P)
Also when someone dies he will always return to the queue for the layout in which he died in.
For example a person died at level 13 this means he will always join the second layout for levels 10-20.
Also you need to make all mobs respawn at each layout to help with the leveling process
You also nerf the xp gained from each mob/player because it was a bit too much xp gained in Royale.
At the end of the 1month or 3month race even if noone is level 100 then the person with the most xp wins
Last edited by Arionas#4822 on Apr 3, 2018, 7:09:34 PM
It sounded really cool. But I was too busy with clearing challenges :p
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (
Personally I enjoyed it as a mode, but feel that a proper long-term mode version of it should be less cramped, both in time and space. I feel it would be better with less players and a longer endgame, though the latter seems harder to implement.
I loved it because it reminded me of old race/pvp leagues.
However you bring it back, it needs to be quickly visible and accessible, otherwise it won't sustain.
I LOVED PoE Royal. It was plain fun. PoE is heavily missing out in terms of PvP action and the mass of people came to lose interest in PvP mode per se. Now you launched Royal and people (including me! :D) where going NUTS. Guess that describes it. Make it a standalone mode! Was actually looking for a Royal game JUST when my FAVORITE game brought one forward. Immediately stopped searching and was having a BLAST playing. Plus new players might be easily attracted to join the community (as you yourself hinted also) imo - Royal is hyped atm. Pretty sure it would be a good decision to implement it and give us the PvP mode we came to love and wanted for so long. :)

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