[3.4] Teleports Behind You - Poet's Pen Lightning Warp & Arc, MF / Facetank t16 / Shaper / U. Elder

you only have 4.9k of life in PoB :c
Last edited by Hennri#0256 on Jun 15, 2018, 10:36:25 PM
Hennri wrote:
you only have 4.9k of life in PoB :c

MoM - Read the build mechanics.
Can I map farm with this build even if I can’t afford the inpulsa right away?
Could I just use a tabula or 6l chest until I can farm up enough to afford it?
If so is there anything I would need to change gem wise?
Tried to buy my second set of Poet's Pens tonight before work, and of the 23 people I sent a tell to, copied from poe
trade, not a single one responded.

I'm only 56, need a lot more life to do my ascendancy, but through regular content, I'm just mowing through it all.

Having fun.

Thanks for the build and guide.
Casual Player - who likes microtransactions and hideouts.
Khaini wrote:
Can I map farm with this build even if I can’t afford the inpulsa right away?
Could I just use a tabula or 6l chest until I can farm up enough to afford it?
If so is there anything I would need to change gem wise?


I was mapping with a friggin' blue lvl 12 req chest, lvl 12 req gloves (14% lightning resist), and 2x lvl 24-30 lvl req rings.

You could literally leave half your inventory blank and go mapping. I was doing whites with all of that and without a flask. Just get your 2 poets, make sure your sockets are right and you can do yellows fine even.
FilthyMonkey wrote:
Additional accuracy is better than LMP if you don't need the attack speed. With my level 93 guy, 20/20 additional accuracy brings my barrage hit up from 58% to 84%. 84% of 8 projectiles is 6.72, whreas 58% of 10 projectiles is 5.8. That means that the accuracy, on average, involves about one more projectile hitting than LMP would.

I suggest the following links if you can get a power charge on crit pen.


If you can't get such a pen, probably swap flame dash and faster casting back to orb of storms and PCoC.

For my main link, I use Barrage/FastAtt/GMP/LGoH/Accuracy. Link six would probably be LMP, if you have a six link.

If you are 5L like I am, the last socket can either be portal or an ice golem. The golem adds another 3% chance to hit, from 84% to 87, and around 2% damage. Personally I just use portal, since I find recasting a golem annoying.

With blood rage keeping frenzy charges up during mapping is easy, so barrage is your main attack skill 99% of the time. You only use frenzy for regaining/keeping charges on bosses. For things sub guardian, it isn't even necessary.

Kurnis wrote:

3. I have lightning warp, less duration, and swift affliction, all near lvl 20, but I still feel slow. Very often I'll try to warp and it's not ready yet and I just shoot barrage with no warp. any advice?

Yeah, the power charge on crit is universal. Very useful. I have it on my ball lightning pen, and it makes keeping up power charges on bosses a breeze. No more orb of storms PCoC.

For your lightning warp, it sounds like you might be skipping activations? Poet's pens have a default internal cooldown of 250 ms. Your theoretical maximum attack speed is 4.0. Faster than that, and you'll skip casts due to getting out of sync with the pen's timer. Due to latency though, you need to be a bit slower than that. In practice, I find that around 3.8 is where you want to be when you are all frenzy charged and blood raged up.

Thanks a lot for this man, I was skipping over Addtl Accuracy because I didn't really think it was necessary, I'll give it a try over LMP in my current setup since I already have one 20/0.
Hello !

I will give this build a try today( reroll from my now rich leaguestarter Witch ) and give a feedback :)
I didn't see in the guide an indication that the 3rd and 4th pen are for bossfight right? Maybe I'm blind or dumb but if they are maybe you should add something about it for begginers to help them understand.

Sorry if i'm mistaken.

Edit : ho it's on the 3.3 update spoiler I did'nt bother to read since I didn't play bestiary ^^
Last edited by MrChiffre#5269 on Jun 16, 2018, 2:53:51 AM
why do not you use the three heralds? ;-; and golem?
Last edited by Hennri#0256 on Jun 16, 2018, 5:32:40 AM
Hennri wrote:
why do not you use the three heralds? ;-; and golem?

Because we want unreserved mana for MoM, and golems doesnt add to much to this build.
i m lvl81 now / impulsa + 4 poet's

there are difference beetween path of building and the 115 skill points.

should i have to take node DEEP THOUGHTS or not?

should i have to take node LIGHT OF DIVINITY or not?

ty for the answer

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