Design a T-shirt Competition

Newominus wrote:
This is my Hillock shirt, designed to resemble the style of the Chaos Orb Shirt.
Edit: Now with Uber Hillock.

I'd happily wear both of those - specially the Uber-Hillock one. Love that colour!

There are 10 types of people. Those that know binary, and those that dont.
My idea is drawing of a chubby and cute version of Kitava on the front, we could write something like "Unending Hunger!" under it :P, and at the back of the shirt we could write "Path of Exile" in a casual font :)
One more to follow the trend
EDIT: updated black shirt version
Last edited by neoflux#1515 on Apr 13, 2018, 10:32:06 AM
Skrei wrote:

I was keeping it oldschool, with a touch of the digital age ;)
Just a simple hand drawn logo because I think it fit's the game really well.
Also I'm a tad to old for bright colors and flashy stuff. :)

Hope GGG and you fellow Exiles like it.

Last edited by eemmbbeerr#5287 on Apr 4, 2018, 2:46:20 PM
kovalk123 wrote:
First entry:

Lunaris vs Solaris (tooked from my entry from Arte competition)


Second entry:

The models were took from a web site with free pictures and no copyrights
Hello everyone! Since I am a fan of divination cards style artwork, my entry is devoted to one of my favorite pieces of art. I am not so good at photoshop, but I tried my best to depict how I imagine it would look like.

Also here is a bonus "Party hard, exile" collage:
My entry for the T-Shirt Design Contest. I know everybody loves watching their favourite streamer die. So why not show the best reactions I could find to remind them of their deaths.
Streamers are:
- Zizaran
- ZiggyD
- Nugiyen
- ZenocideGenius
- DCLara
- MartyPoe
- Bax_Cd
- 1GoldBaer
- Asuzara
- BalorMage
- Mathil
- Shinrha
- AlkaiesrSenpai
- HunterFezza
- TheUberElite

Hope you enjoy!
(Please GGG let it happen)

As a lover of wordplay, I couldnt resist this play on words. Hope you all like!
Hello guys, here are my designs for the create a T-shirt Competition.

I hope you like them! =)

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