Volley Support

Post your feedback for this support here.

Make sure you concisely state your character build, level, and other complimenting abilities you have when you talk about a support.
Please email support@grindinggear.com if you need any assistance!

Last bumped on Mar 31, 2020, 9:03:35 PM
Hijacking the first post to add a useful graphic by Mark_GGG showing how the additional projectiles are added (click to enlarge):

Yes, with certain numbers of projectiles you end up with a "dead zone" right in front of your character. This is currently working as intended; although might be subject to change in the future.

Source: [1]
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Mar 20, 2018, 3:52:00 AM
I was sad when I found out that Volley does not support Molten Strike. Does Molten Strike not fire projectiles "from the user"?
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
I was sad when I found out that Volley does not support Molten Strike. Does Molten Strike not fire projectiles "from the user"?

Molten Strike's projectiles are clearly emitted from the target's position, not the character's.
(or even, from the ground)
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Mar 20, 2018, 10:09:39 AM
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
I was sad when I found out that Volley does not support Molten Strike. Does Molten Strike not fire projectiles "from the user"?

Volley doesn't work with projectiles created from the secondary parts of skills. Something like Molten Strike creates projectiles after you've attacked with your melee weapon.
The entire appeal of Volley is with 3-5 projectiles it eliminates the deadzones of the skill while reducing the spread. Once you have more than 5 projectiles though, it just ends up feeling more awkward than the natural projectile spread.
I am using Ice shot with volley support gem .
When I use the Death harp bow the Ice shot isnt hitting some targets anymore .
I can stand next to the monster and shoot all my mana on it and not a single hit .
Changing my position helps , at some point I get a position where the shots hit again .
When removing volley support gem the iceshot is hitting targets without problems .

How does VOlley works with Sire of Shards?
Will Ball lightning count side projectiles as additional sources of damage (bypassing 150ms hit limit) or are those just like LMP?
Jess_GGG wrote:
Post your feedback for this support here.

Make sure you concisely state your character build, level, and other complimenting abilities you have when you talk about a support.

what are the full effects of volley support on ball lightning? is it essentially another lesser-multi-proj support? or does it work like ancestral call where it counts as a separate cast for each projectile added by the gem, hitting the same target and ticking procs individually?

thank you!
Is there a particular reason for why Volley does not support Soulrend? Is it due to the "homing" nature of the projectiles?

Edit*: Nevermind, this was just fixed in a patch.
Last edited by wedontcare#7516 on Mar 14, 2019, 5:46:20 PM

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