The Seraph Character Effect
Looks amazing. Saw this on poedb a while ago. Finally released.
" i agree with this, just look at the steam player stats or your own for that matter the ship is sinking, are you throwing around life preservers or fixing the boat? I got a fever and the only prescription, is more cowbell!
Perandus Jewels: |
" ^ I doubt it. #BringBackOriginalScionPortrait
#BringBackOriginalAscendantPortrait #BringBackCruelMerciless |
" GGG needs the sheckels so they can release even more un-optimised game content. Stop complaining and just buy a new I7 and GTX1080ti. |
"No time to re-work skills with our current schedule"
Meanwhile, "Here's 30 new MTX for you to throw your money at." xd |
" Why do people assume it is the same people working on this? If they just stopped making MTX it's not like you'd move the artists over to do skill reworks. Lol. |
should allow 2 character effects active at one time so we can get some sweet layered action going
What really irritates me are the morons that just keep chain buying this stuff every single day, they are the reason that new mtx is coming out on a nearly daily basis.
Why fix the game if these morons are just going to keep jizzing themselves and swiping anytime you release a space kitty. I have np with a cash shop and micro-transactions, maintaining servers, paying staff etc I get it, theres overhead. But this trains going off the tracks, I dont need a reminder in-game every few hours to buy your new shiney sparkley fairy wings and when your current league is literally unplayable I think you should put a little more effort into fixing the actual game. I wonder what tommorow's MTX release will be and how many fanbois will spam "hype" 1 line posts. |
Lots of people complaining each time about GGG putting up yet another mtx announcement.
At this point, I kinda feel like GGG is hurting itself by announcing new mtx almost every other day. As an old player, I remember when they didn't come out as often as this. I'm not saying that this is taking away from dev time - the developers and bug fixers are a different set from the artists - and I do understand why they're able to do this - they've got more staff now. However, from a PR perspective, it just leaves a very bad taste in the mouth, when there's still loads of complaints and the company says it's stretched thin and then releases more mtx. But, of course, they need the mtx sales to keep the lights on. So what to do? Well, I suggest simply ceasing the announcements of new mtx on the main page as soon as they're released. But new mtx needs marketing to sell, right? Yes, which is why instead you can just quietly add them to store and then announce a whole bunch of them in one go every three weeks or so. Same revenue streams, same amount of money generated (albeit at a slight delay), but now people won't feel like GGG is pumping all their time into mtx since they won't be seeing a new mtx announcement whenever they visit the site. There is a possible issue with this strategy, however - announcing mtx one-by-one allows them to (possibly) make more money by preying on people with low impulse control who'll buy them as soon as they see them. Seeing a slew of mtx, however, will probably make people check them all out and prioritise which ones they like best and so only buy those. While GGG will make more money in one go on the day, it might end up being less than the total they'd have got from announcing the mtx one-by-one. However, if this is the reason for them choose to keep the frequent announcements, then personally I feel it strays a little close to the unethical side of things as what you're selling isn't really a product so much as uncertainty. Alternately, they could include in every mtx announcement a list of other mtx they're currently working on, even if they can't show us a picture of them yet. That way people know that there'll soon be some other mtx they might be interested in for sale and so choose to conserve points for that. Unfortunately, I suspect that'll only exacerbate the problem of people feeling like they spend too much of their time on developing mtx, so might prove to be a bad move. |
" It's people. They're stupid. |