Can one of the vendors be made to sell stacks of currency?

Let's say I have 15000 alts on Standard from previous leagues. To convert these to fusings to conserve space and get rid of old tabs, I'd have to buy 7500 jewelers and then buy 1875 fusings. That's 9375 clicks. That's at least somewhat insane.

If some vendor (maybe Lani in the epilogue town so as to not confuse newbies) sold full stacks of jewelers and fusings instead, those 9375 clicks get reduced twentyfold to a mere 468.75. Having all of the currency be available in stacks would be very helpful because we could easily vendor our way from wisdom scrolls to fusings. It'd also reduce server resource usage -- 20x fewer requests and some amount less disk space used up by old tabs.

The technology already exists since masters sell currency stacks, so why not allow vendors to do it as well but without the discount?
Last bumped on May 23, 2018, 8:29:30 AM
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+1 yes please my arm can't take another end of league clean up (actually haven't done it in a while because it's too much clicking)
Hell yes, please
May your maps be bountiful, exile
Just do it slowly via masters. You get a better return that way anyway.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
dudiobugtron wrote:
Just do it slowly via masters. You get a better return that way anyway.

The sheer amount of currency available to convert makes this prohibitive. Most of your currency will never be converted if you use only the masters recipes. Maybe if masters quintupled their availability you could drain excess resources from heavy playing -- as currently implemented master recipes are only useful for light playing or a small boost in currency. Not to mention that masters don't do all recipes anyway.
dudiobugtron wrote:
Just do it slowly via masters. You get a better return that way anyway.

Are you high? 15000 alts converted at 20 per day means it would take 750 days to get through them.
By which time you would have earned another 15000 alts from leagues, and you can start again :-)

PS: actually its 32 alts per day, but I get your point.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
Maybe a vendor available in Standard Oriath for 2 weeks after a league ends that trades currency, then gets removed until next league ends
kylegetsspam wrote:
dudiobugtron wrote:
Just do it slowly via masters. You get a better return that way anyway.

Are you high? 15000 alts converted at 20 per day means it would take 750 days to get through them.

They dont have those stacks every day.

OP +1

just make it the act 10 vendor, give her a tab where she sells all currency that can be sold at a vendor at vendor rates in full stacks. Why wouldnt you? Theres literally no reason not to do it.

also give the vendors premium tabs and label them for goodness sake.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)

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