[3.2] Twin Spin - A Dancing Dervish Champion (Atziri viable)
WARNING: this build is not for people who enjoy a laid back summoner experience. The guide is a Work In Progress.
Greeting Exile! I here present to you my 3.2 Dancing Dervish Champion! Apologies for the lack of images and pretty stuff, this is my first post and I will update it as soon as i understand how to link items. VIDEOS
Atziri Guide https://youtu.be/Ri8Uoh6gIbg Early Mapping https://youtu.be/i8pE8uA7y_M Gear https://youtu.be/ewxrmS8d6SE PROS AND CONS
-Fast paced and active play style -Only 1 necessary unique -Good Regeneration and defenses -High life -Good map clear (can be optimized for different layouts in different ways) -Great single target shredding -Starts very cheap -Scales with your gear, you can always look for some kind of upgrade Cons: -Relies on Rampage. -No attack movement skill, has to rely on movement speed or spells. -Taunted enemies will focus you over minions, watch out! FAQ:
Why would you want to play this build?
If you want to play a summoner but are tired of waiting for your minions to clear the map, this is the build for you. Why champion over necromancer? "Enemies Taunted by you cannot Evade Attacks" -Worthy Foe (2018) Doesn't necromancer still do more damage? "Enemies you Taunt take 20% increased Damage" -Worthy Foe (2018) How much does this build cost? If you have a 1c budget and a few scraps of gear that have a couple of blue sockets, you can play it. Every drop of currency you invest will make it that much better. How do you maintain Rampage? Every kill grants 1 stack of Rampage. Dervish has a chance to give 1 stack when it hits unique monsters. Writhing jar can be used for extra safety. How many damages? 250k per Dervish on a budjet (<30c), 400k with mediocre gear (30c-2ex), 600k+ with optimal gear and specialized set-ups. Some INFO
The build relies on the Dancing Dervish (or Dancing Duo) as main sources of high DPS. It might sound weird, but these swords actually deal a LOT more damage than specters with this build (except for Tukohama's Vanguards, maybe).
The dervish is then supported by one or two additional minion types. It's up to personal preference, and generally only serve to start the rampage and take care of those couple of stragglers. Utilize a Freezing Pulse setup with curse-on-hit to apply Elemental Weakness and proc Elemental Equilibrium, Wrath and Anger with Generosity to boost minion damage by a lot and the usual summoner supportive spells (convocation, desecrate, flesh offering). ASCENDANCY NODES (in order) Conqueror - Worthy Foe - Unstoppable Hero - Fortitude I do not suggest leveling as summoner, but quests will give enough points to respec into summoner without Orbs of Regret. GEMS
Depending on how much currency you can use, here are the set-ups. Dervish is a Str/Dex weapon, so blue sockets are tough to get. I will assume that, if you can get 6 sockets you also can afford two blue sockets. Gems are in order of importance. Note: Dervish doesn't take damage, so it's always on full life. Budget Elemental Damage with Attack Skills - Minion Damage - Damage on Full Life - Faster Attacks - Melee Physical Damage 2 Blue Elemental Damage with Attack Skills - Minion Damage - Damage on Full Life - Elemental Focus - Faster Attacks - Melee Physical Damage 3 Blue Elemental Damage with Attack Skills - Minion Damage - Damage on Full Life - Elemental Focus - Added Lightning (or Inc Aoe. Avoid Conc Effect) - Faster Attacks 4 Blue (Best Set-up) Elemental Damage with Attack Skills - Minion Damage - Damage on Full Life - Elemental Focus - Added Lightning - Immolate (or Inc Aoe. Avoid Conc Effect. If using Immolate, use secondary minions to apply burn) 5 Blue (Specialized in AoE or Damage) Elemental Damage with Attack Skills - Minion Damage - Elemental Focus - Added Lightning - Immolate - Increased Area or Concentrated Effect or Minion Speed 6 Blue (Why RNG, WHY!?) Minion Damage - Elemental Focus - Added Lightning - Immolate - Increased Area or Concentrated Effect - Minion Speed Freezing Pulse Freezing Pulse - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Curse on Hit - Elemental Weakness Auras Wrath - Anger - Generosity - Flame Dash Support Skills Desecrate - Convocation - Flesh Offering - Faster Casting or Increased Duration Secondary Minion Whatever works. ITEMS
As mentioned in the pros, there is only one required unique. Everything else can be whatever works for you. with that said, there are a few items and mods that improve the performance of this build quite a bit.
Dancing Dervish
This is the only core item of the build.
It's a two handed sword that give Rampage. Rampage is a stacking bonus that gives you and your minions damage and movement speed for every enemies killed. If you fail to kill enemies for 5 seconds, the rampage will end. Dancing Dervish is a minion that constantly attacks with cyclone, goes over most gaps and obstacles and is VERY aggressive. It will activate only when you have Rampage and will disappear if you lose it. It should sustain itself through kills during map clear and fast hits against bosses (every hit has a chance to refresh Rampage). Writhing jar can be used for extra safety. Dancing Dervish reaches very good damage, about 500k shaper DPS with good jewels and an optimized setup, which means we reach the seven digits if we utilize the improved version: Dancing Duo. Normally Dervish will get to about 300k each, with very low investment. It's important to note that the Dancing Dervish minion is supported by all gems socketed in the weapon, without the need of them being linked. Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline
You should always have this, but in this build especially it is very good. The prefix doesn't matter too much, Chemist or Alchemist work best. You will NEED this flask to keep up with the Dervish when your gear gets good. Use this at every pack of monsters.
The Writhing Jar
This is the simplest way to keep our rampage up during boss fight phases or empty map spaces.
The flask spawns 2 enemy worms when used, which will die almost instantly and refresh the Rampage duration. Combined with a "Reduced Flask charges used" belt, we can utilize it 3 times, meaning the rampage lasts an extra 10-15 seconds per equipped flask. If one isn't enough, you can put in two (but you will likely never need two for normal map bosses). Insanity Gloves/Elder Gloves
Insanity gloves with 16% more cast speed help a lot either freezing pulse or the summoner support spells (convocation, offering, desecrate)
Elder Gloves can roll "Supported by Faster Projectiles" which is amazing for freezing pulse Curse on Hit Ring
If you can get a curse-on-hit ring, you can get a second curse on the tree and increase your damage or defenses by a bit
Raise Specter
My personal favorite minion type. I suggest using minions with large coverage and fast attacks for this. Wicker-men, Flame Sentinels, goats, Stygian Revenants... I don't suggest tukohama Vanguards, because their totems are slow, and i also don't particularly suggest Solar Guards because their super-beam takes a while to charge. Don't use minions that deal Cold Damage, since we are increasing that resistance for enemies with freezing pulse. If using Wicker-men, you might want to socket an Immolate in your Dervish. Summon Raging Spirit Good old SRS. Not much to say here, really. If you are using these, you might want to consider wearing a Mark of The Red Covenant, which would allow you to save time on the spawn and possibly support the Dervish with Immolate. You can also pick up one duration node on the tree without any extra travel. Summon Skeleton Haven't tried them yet, but they should work well enough. Mages have more coverage but require jewels, warriors have more damage (enemies can't evade, so they never miss). Probably not going to be better than SRS or Specters, but if you like skeles go ahead and use them. Hybrid Minions If you find two types of minions that benefit from the same support gems, you can use both of them. These minions go in your chest, so you have 6 sockets to play around with. If you are using a 6-link, you can effectively obtain two 5-linked minions. PoB
Dual curse tree, without two curses...
https://pastebin.com/xQhUMnSe GAMEPLAY
1. Use secondary minions to start rampage
2. Run around the map, refresh flesh offering, cast freezing pulse, occasionally convocate 3. Use worm flask if no monsters are nearby to refresh duration of rampage 4. Minions will focus enemies you hit, most of the time. You should cast freezing pulse every 4 seconds to refresh Taunt, Curse and EE 5. Remember: YOU are taunting enemies. They will try to kill YOU. This build has a lot of health and good regen, but always stay alert. 6. Enjoy =D EDITS
1. Added PoB link
2. Added Curse-on-hit ring as a gear suggestion 3. Corrected Layout 4. Added first two Videos 5. Added Atziri guide Last edited by vukumpracapo#7846 on Mar 11, 2018, 12:15:12 PM Last bumped on Apr 6, 2018, 12:23:33 AM
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Very interesting take on using Dancing Dervish that doesn't involve punching mobs. How's the bossing potential? Is the rampage sustain good enough vs Atziri when you have mid-level DPS?
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WOuld a decoy totem help in this build? take the aggro off you etc
I'd be using a Carnage chieftain + blood magic for frenzy charges Last edited by CoolColJ#7084 on Mar 10, 2018, 3:02:32 AM
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Single target is amazing, going to try an atziri with two worm flasks just in case for the pauses during phases. Bosses with long pauses are definitely the most annoying to do.
Dervish don't really need frenzies, it's much more helpful to have sentinels or wickermen for the AoE clear |
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Atziri guide is up!
Purposely made it as sketchy as possible to cover all the possible inconveniences that might happen. Hope you like it ;) |
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Thanks for the Atziri video! I started leveling a Duelist for this build last night. I'm planning to run SRS/Wicker men as my secondary minions socketed in my chest since it seems like the Dervishes should provide plenty of single target, but may need help with AoE. Do the Wicker men die often without fitting in Elemental Resistance gems/jewels for minions? I saw that they died during Atziri, but usually they are pretty tanky.
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i think for that video I got specters under-leveled so they would die. Also worth mentioning that the trio is deadly to specters anyway (physical damage), so ele res wouldn't help that much. Generally, Wickermen don't die, so i wouldn't suggest spending jewels or points on the tree.
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You do realise that by using freezing pulse together with wrath and anger you are hitting all three elemental damage with on hit and according to wiki it makes monsters gain +25% to every elemental resistance if you have elemental equalibrium. Im currently leveling character to try your build but i allready made my own twist on it. For auras im going to use hatred and haste, gems in the tree will have cold damage instead of lightining and as a spell to aplly curse and elemental equalibrium im going to use spark with aditionall chain so i should be able to easly apply taunt on my enemies and kill all worms if needed to start rampage once again.
Last edited by brokchus#4231 on Mar 14, 2018, 11:54:51 AM
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" Nope, Generosity support means that you don't get the benefits of the linked auras. That being said I'm going to run Haste instead of Anger since PoB says it's only a few percent less DPS. |
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Ohh i didnt realise you are using generosity. Sorry my bad. Still i think arc is more suitable for lazy man like me. :D
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