[3.2] TECTONIC SLAM/ICE CRASH - FACEBREAKER, cheap, fast, starter, HC viable

I really want to test new skill gem Tectonic Slam. This gem itself need so many Endurance Charge to have more damage and AOE. So we play Juggernaut to have free Endurance Charge. Most easy and effective way.
But Tectonic Slam AOE isn't good, single target isn't good as Sunder or other melee gems. The only better option i found on Tectonic Slam is it work with unarmed. So Facebreaker is the next piece. Very clearly and simple. If you follow my build or having some experience, other idea, i would love to see it.
Look like Tectonic Slam isn't feel great for single target but at least AOE look crazy with Juggernaut. Clear speed are great. Jugg also very tanky. There are 2 guys use similar build in HC and i myself beat Kivata deathless with 4L so this build is good as starter. I think DPS at max ~500k. It could go higher but need a lot of ex and not necessary.
I made a version of this build with almost similar gears. With Jugg, the AOE is better. Not as good as Tectonic Slam, but you don't have to care about losing Endurance Charge and this version have better DPS (~1,2M). Path of building: https://pastebin.com/CRCGq8gt
When cast Immortal Call you will lose all endurance charge. You should drop it. It's my mistake with this build. I'm really sorry.

Pros and Cons
+ Strong and tanky as starter league
+ Cheap
+ HC viable
+ Good clear speed, good AOE
+ no mf
+ can not do reflect elemental, no leech map

I. Gears
My current gears

II. Gears choice/Replacement/Upgrade

Facebreaker give you 600-800% physical atack damage while unarm. That mean you have x6-x8 physical atk damage when you don't wear any weapon.
Mechanic is very simple. Find some physical damage from other gear and x6-x8 it. You can buy corrupted one with Curse Elemental Weakness on hit. Its super strong.

Buy one when you can +1 Endurance Charge. Using a normal one is fine.

A lot of stats you need, AOE and leech. If you can reach Templar starting point, you have 5% penetrades Elemental Res too. Good for mapping but isn't great for HC or hard boss.

Best for DPS, Or you can use smt for defense

2 best flasks for this build. Using Taste of Hate and Sin's Rebirth give less damage

My leveling item. Change it to Abysus give a lot of DPS but i need more defense from body armour for safe. Enchance chance to not consume Endurance charge work very well.

Rare amulet with flat physical damage on it. Using Rigwald Curse and change it to Crit version but its could be expensive. I will test it later.

6L rare body armour with much armour as posible. 6L The Brass Dome is expensive but armour from it is no joke. You can change Basalt Flask to DPS flask when you have it.

Rare ring with flat physical damage life and resistance. Buy steel ring after lv80 and craft it with essense.

Abyss jewel with flat physical damage. Attack speed, Life, Resistance. Rare jewels with inc physical damage, physical damage while holding shield, area damage,melee damage, atk speed, life, resistances...

III. Skill tree/Bandits/Ascendancy
HC tree without Pure Talent
lv 100 tree with Pure Talent
Tips: Take Resolute Technique first, its good for all marauder lvling. Finish first lab and pick all endurance charge and life node around. Pick life and mana leech. Unwavering stance and some jewel sockets can be picked later
Bandits: Kill them all
Pick all Endurance Charge ascendancy and Unbreakable
Why Unbreakable?
- Unarmed has 0% crit chance so i don't pick undeniable
- Immune stun from unstoppable can be pick on skill tree so I pick unbreakable and plan to use abysus helmet

IV. DPS - Damage per second
Finish act 10 Kivata after 14 hours. lv65. Blue gem is Inc Area. Almost 4L btw haHAA

Current DPS in ho without Charge ~300k. Can upgrade with
+ taste of hate,
+ shaped/elder amulets with flat physic and gain physical damage to other damage
+ elemental damage with atk on rings
+ bubonic trial boots
+ red nightmare jewel
lv 16-19 20% gems (Melee Phys-Concentrated-Multistrike-Element dmg with atk-Fire pen)

V. Gems and Links
Because Path of building doesn't work with Tectonic Slam so i use Infenal Blow - the most similar gem, and here is the best option:
- Tectonic Slam - Melee Physical - Multistrike - Fire Pen - Element damage with Atk - Inc Area/Concentrated Effect
- Shield Charge - Melee Physical - Faster Atk - Inc Area/Concentrated Effect (you can clear white mob with it.
- Ancestral Protector/Warchief - Melee Physical - Faster Atk - Concentrated Effect (for boss)
- Hatred
- Herald of Ash
- Blood Rage
- Stone Golem (for regen) or Lightning Golem.
- Enduring/Ralling Cry
- Cast when damage taken + Immortal Call will lose endurance charge if it cast Immortal Call. You don't use it. This is my mistake.

VI. Leveling
Leveling as another melee build with molten strike and sunder. Pick up all high DPS weapon on the ground. Pick up all rare boots give movement speed. Change to Tectonic Slam when you finish first lab and can wear some gears below:

VII. Pantheons
Soul of Solaris , Soul of Tukohama or Soul of Shakari

VIII. Videos

All my build

Last edited by youngjuzell#6338 on Sep 18, 2018, 3:22:02 AM
Last bumped on Sep 3, 2018, 8:16:33 PM
I am playing Tectonic Slam with staff at the moment, but this build looks very interesting ...

Thank you for the post!
I am currently using Facebreaker Jug on HC atm, im glad that others have seen it as being an interesting available option.

Just wanted to make a couple comments from what I have noticed so far:

Gem stuff

* I took avatar of fire so that I had full conversion to fire damage so these may not apply*

-Elemental damage with attacks support was pretty much a must have. Maybe during your testing maim was more useful :? or maybe you could explain it a bit more, seems like its a lower damage increase to use maim but maybe I am incorrect.
-Fire penetration gem was also a must for 6L (I thought about using flammability on a blasphemy or cast on damage taken but never got around to it).
-Even with a bunch of ways to increase total endurance charges I found that I was burning through them to fast with multistrike. Maybe you could give some detailed input on your experience with this..

-Belt is a great idea for +1 endurance charge, not quite sure if belt of the deciever is better or not but might be (im just using resist belt atm)
-Helm should probably be abyssus for softcore, even for hardcore im starting to see it as pretty much the only option for a hefty flat damage boost.

That's the main stuff I noticed, my tree is quite a bit different because i'm trying to hit atleast 9k hp and high mitigation.
Last edited by Tome_of_exp#3867 on Mar 8, 2018, 11:49:21 PM
Tome_of_exp wrote:
I am currently using Facebreaker Jug on HC atm, im glad that others have seen it as being an interesting available option.

Just wanted to make a couple comments from what I have noticed so far:

Gem stuff

* I took avatar of fire so that I had full conversion to fire damage so these may not apply*

-Elemental damage with attacks support was pretty much a must have. Maybe during your testing maim was more useful :? or maybe you could explain it a bit more, seems like its a lower damage increase to use maim but maybe I am incorrect.
-Fire penetration gem was also a must for 6L (I thought about using flammability on a blasphemy or cast on damage taken but never got around to it).
-Even with a bunch of ways to increase total endurance charges I found that I was burning through them to fast with multistrike. Maybe you could give some detailed input on your experience with this..

-Belt is a great idea for +1 endurance charge, not quite sure if belt of the deciever is better or not but might be (im just using resist belt atm)
-Helm should probably be abyssus for softcore, even for hardcore im starting to see it as pretty much the only option for a hefty flat damage boost.

That's the main stuff I noticed, my tree is quite a bit different because i'm trying to hit atleast 9k hp and high mitigation.

I'm still testing it. My current set up is WED - Melee Physical - Multistrike - Ruthless - Inc Area/Concentrated. I had an idea about full convert to fire damage. Avatar of Fire seems nice. but hatred give so much damage.
Multistrike lose a lot of Endurance charge but without it, i feel weak and slow. Sometime i lose all charge and AOE is bad. There are few ways to fix those problem but i need to farm more currency.
First is the enchant on helmets 40% chance to not lose Endurance charge.
Then a jewel The red dream.
Or maybe i change one gem to Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support.
Your build look very nice. If you go full fire damage the Wise Oak flask is cool. i'm very appreciated if you share more experience and detail about your build.
Last edited by youngjuzell#6338 on Mar 9, 2018, 1:56:12 AM
After few days farming and scamming, i added a few change to my build. And i added a video clearing T11 map. DPS in ho without Charge is over 200k. Here is some gears i bought yesterday.
Very nice gear youngjuzell,

I am still fairly poor so I have held off on quite a few upgrades, did manage to get a couple though :D

I literally just hit 88 on hardcore today and got uberlab all finished up. Tooltip in hideout is currently 48000, not sure what that would be for dps during a fight with curse up and flasks popped. Feels very tanky atm with 7.4k hp and I think im at 74% phys reduction without endurance charges (can't remember sorry :x). I still have lots of room to improve so feeling quite good about the build.

I did want to say about my build that some things are not perfect and I could have done differently:

1) Death's oath- Its a 6L, gives life leech/attack speed/res/hp/very high armor/+all stats those are the reasons I had chosen it. I am 100% sure people will think it is bad because I do not actually use the aura for any damage (avatar of fire makes it do 0) and it makes me take 450 damage a second (which I mitigate substantially with jug's endurance charge chaos resist/nodes on tree/resist on gear). The main reason that I could see someone not using it would be because you cannot use the cast on damage taken/bloodrage/immortal call with the Soul of Arakaali for the 50% increased Recovery of Life and Energy Shield if you've stopped taking Damage Over Time Recently and other benefits from blood rage. Eventually I might get another 6L chest but as of yet just need more currency before I look at min/max.

2) Avatar of fire- Since tectonic already gives 60% phys to fire I felt it would be fine to go full conversion. Got a fire pen in 6L and since I went for bloodmagic on tree I got a cast on damage taken / flammability setup for anything that survives more than a few hits as well as a wise oak flask. It does make me weak to ele reflect but has not been an issue just yet.

That's enough about my build though XD, I really want to see how your setup works out. Really not sure which will be stronger for bossing late game but I expect that mine will have less damage than yours since I have to be more careful on some encounters in hardcore :x
I just find out some cool shield. Broken Faith give both DPS and defense. Unholy Might for 10 sec. When you cast Blood Rage. Your energy shield always 0. You still have same armour like other 1500 armour - shield. A lot of life gone but you have both DPS and armour. And Magna Eclipsis has more armour and +2 level socketed gems. I changed Ruthless into Fire Pen and Warlord Mark into Elemental Weakness. It feel better vs boss now.
Last edited by youngjuzell#6338 on Mar 13, 2018, 8:38:08 PM
So, I am using this build(Well, 90% of it) without realizing that OP is not playing in HC... so I can say that this build is viable in Hardcore... well, kinda... haven't tried fighting the end game bosses, but I could facetank 66% of Mercilles Argus's triple punch... Too afraid to take the third, really...
Friendship with Path Of Exile has ended. Now [Insert a video game title here] is my best friend.
Hit 90 fairly easily on Hardcore today (using full conversion to fire still), getting to the point where upgrades are expensive now. Lioneye roar flask would be my biggest upgrade damage wise for cost (about 35c on HC atm for max roll). I checked in poe builder and that would put me up to 200k dps with everything popped and full endurance charges. Another dps upgrade would be loreweave chest, the flat phys + ele damage would probably be quite high, just sucks that it is low armor and not really cheap so would probably not switch into it. With jewel upgrades and getting gems with 20 quality, glove/boot/helm enchants could probably get dps to around 300k but that would be around the max for the build I think (not sure if that enough for guardians/shaper/elder).
Tome_of_exp wrote:
Hit 90 fairly easily on Hardcore today (using full conversion to fire still), getting to the point where upgrades are expensive now. Lioneye roar flask would be my biggest upgrade damage wise for cost (about 35c on HC atm for max roll). I checked in poe builder and that would put me up to 200k dps with everything popped and full endurance charges. Another dps upgrade would be loreweave chest, the flat phys + ele damage would probably be quite high, just sucks that it is low armor and not really cheap so would probably not switch into it. With jewel upgrades and getting gems with 20 quality, glove/boot/helm enchants could probably get dps to around 300k but that would be around the max for the build I think (not sure if that enough for guardians/shaper/elder).

Well, i have same problem. Tectonic Slam is just bad for single target, vs boss. In HC it seem hard to end game. And map drop this league very bad. I can't even push the atlas. So i think this build only work as starter and great clear speed with Shield Charge friendly maps. I checked out your profile, It is super tanky with a lot of life. I think you doing great as a HC character.

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