[3.2] Icy "The Cat" Shieldmaiden (Spectral Shield Throw, 90% Ele, Deadeye, Aspect of the Cat)
Optimized the tree again, we use now Kaoms roots, have 6.7K life and > 2M DPS.
Maybe we will really play completly without Fork and we dont even have to switch gems at bosses with -> SST - Cold pen - Ele dmg - Crit multi - Phys projectile - Maim Last edited by birdis0n#5909 on Mar 15, 2018, 2:39:00 AM
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If youre going to use kaoms roots then grab IR, considering unwavering stance makes your evasion useless.
Why arent you taking acro? you gain more dodge then you lose block, your armor is so low that losing half of it wont matter, same with ES (i understand not taking it if grabbing IR). Suggestion: Making a PoB with top of the line items + lvl 100 might be fun but rather useless for a buildguide (imo), creating godly/unrealistic rares helps noone. Keep it if you want under some kind or "goal" spoiler but have the build + items you are currently using at the top. This will actually make a referance point for people following/looking for ideas from your guide. I myself am also playing some SST, similar tree but i chose raider instead. Currently im using a Poets as i was lucky enough to find one and it just gave me so much more clear + boss dps then the princess i was using, pair it with EK and youre basicly using the same nodes on the tree (especially is you temporarily switch shield nodes to globas phys from the shadow start). Fork is kinda nice, but consider using 3 passives for "piercing shots" instead. +2 pierce is enough clear (atleast for me, but then again im up at 5 APS with onslought and 7 frenzies. Shields everywhere!). Keep up the good work @SpyChicken
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" Hello, thanks for the feedback! Yes I took already IR but had no time to update PoB & Guide, you catched me :) I will update later today I plan to add 3 versions: 1 cheap one with princess, lionseye etc. , 1 medium version with a shaped 1-hand, Magna Eclipsis, Belly etc. and 1 version with ubergear. The PoB version you see now is actually what I am aiming for I will also do 2 versions of this build I think, 1 will be maybe completly without extra frenzys from the tree and one will use aspect of the cat with all frenzys from the tree but I have to analyse this a bit more. Because for mapping we dont need the extra Frenzys actually.. About Fork, I somehow like mapping more with Fork but it works also very good without fork so you can decide yourself I would say - Build is possible without any gemswitching Also about EleFocus im not yet 100% sure I have to get to Shaper or at least Guardians to finalize this Last edited by birdis0n#5909 on Mar 15, 2018, 5:38:55 AM
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added a new video from T12 Crystal Ore -> https://youtu.be/vGWRPUCO_JI This is without Fork and without gemswitchting My current gear: I wish I could show higher Tier Maps but something is wrong with mapdrops this league. Last edited by birdis0n#5909 on Mar 16, 2018, 2:08:47 AM
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Magna Eclipsis is a kickass shield, with no rng needed.
but, I was also reviewing theoretical best rares, to be on the lookout for. And, I noticed, many of us made a mistake. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Colossal_Tower_Shield at 632 base, most of us just took for granted Colassal tower shields as the best base. They are not.. +400 armor +110% inc armor +42% in armor/17% stun/block gives a 20% qual colossal tower shield a whopping 2807 potential armor. Suffixes dont matter. resist, block, etc. nothing effects damage. Shaper or elder either. Cardinal Round shield. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Cardinal_Round_Shield at 209ar/209ev. it seems clearly inferior to the colossal shields 632. however! While the colossal tower shield can only get +400 flat armor, the cardinal shield gets up to 300/300 of ar/ev. +300/300 armor/eva +110% inc armor/eva +42% in armor/eva/17% stun/block +13% increased attack speed 1384/1384 ar/eva 2768 combined! And up to 13% increased attack speed. this clearly wins out by a large margin. (again other two suffix, do not directly effect offense potential. str, resist, life rgen, block, dodge, etc..) Ess of doubt and dread only add flat ar, or flat Eva. not both. So, will lose out on a cardinal, and be best on a colossal likely, even with a 13% ias roll. so, ess of dread on colossal tower shields. Alch/chaos cardinal round shields. i play ssf, so its not godly.. but, an example that dropped just minutes after posting. Or, one map later this one. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Mar 16, 2018, 4:39:55 PM
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" yes I will add soon shields to the rare section, dont forget that Eclipsis has a +2 to gems and we run hatred in there, I tried to craft shields with Essence of Dread -> The one with % global Phys does slightyl more damage but we loose all the benefits from Eclipsis the 2nd one does less damage then Eclipsis - And a 2.5k-3k shield is not budget :D Update: I removed all Frenzy's from the tree and exchanged Maim with Damage on Full Life (Will update PoB soon), killed also Guardians + Red Eldar, instead of blood rage I took again ice golem... and I hate him dont know what else I could take Last edited by birdis0n#5909 on Mar 17, 2018, 6:35:55 AM
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Added a new video - T14 Colosseum: https://youtu.be/_RWXbKVbLNs
Gear Update: Now with You can find the updated PoB on page 1 |
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I followed your guide since the start, I like it so far.It works great I can do tier 15 easily and did red elder, I didn't tryed guardians yet.
Current gear close to uber budget but still can be upgraded(MaozeSST) : My tree is similar to the HC version with the life in scion area and maraudeur. I also self cast projectile weakness on boss. Because Farrul's Fur gives us charges, we don't need to use asssassin's mark. What do you think about using herald of ash and the others auras with enlighten lvl 3/4? Looking for updates on the guide keep it up. Sorry for my english. Last edited by Antopmm#0039 on Mar 19, 2018, 5:53:58 AM
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Oh you got the fur :) I would love it.. I want to do a Fur version also ofc we take then all Frenzys on the tree and we can remove blood rage + the assasins mark setup.. I want this chest :D !
Your items are nearly perfect ;) just rings could be better and belt a bit. Shield also but thats expensive.. do you do more damage with this shield then with Eclipsis? (+2 hatred) If it works with enlighten then its for sure good, what you say because I see you run it already? Maybe we could try empower + hatred in eclipsis, you should still have ~ 13% mana after that I think it would do more damage then with herald of ash. Last edited by birdis0n#5909 on Mar 19, 2018, 6:32:30 AM
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My shield is definitly better even with hatred in Eclipsis, it gives me 20k more tooltip dps.
Empower lvl 3 doesn't boost us much only 1 k on my tooltip compared to herald of ash that give 10k and could help in clear.Problem is that cold pen is not showing in tooltip. I think its possible with a lvl 3 enlighten but a lvl 4 will be a great qol boost. I have enough regen in my tree to sustain blood rage. Is there something better than 20% increased attack speed? Edit: blood rage removed while leveling. A great boost will be a watcher's eye with crit chance and switch crit chance gem to crit damage gem but it cost 15 ex, I hope I will get it this week. Thanks for the reply. Last edited by Antopmm#0039 on Mar 19, 2018, 8:03:45 PM
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