Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
NO, league mechanic is clumsy, but this would be a horrible fix imho.
My 2c: make net trap beasts in an area ( big enough )and make it so that beasts take longer to break free, so that we can capture them at higher life threshold and damage them so they don't escape. If you want to keep the 1 net=1 beast captured, when the nets captures more than 1 beast, we have to choose which one to keep with a popup, not in the istance but when we go to the managerie. Oh and please escaping the nets should enrage the beast, ok, but NOT heal them up, why is that supposed to happen anyway ??? "Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018 |
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> It doesn't make any sense at at all to capture a dead beast which is in the Menagerie alive again...
Why not, maybe Einhar resurrects it :-) |
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" I agree so much!! And Im a clearspeed person, the ting that burns me out of a league is usualy repetitivness from doing that super clearspeed stuff. I tried to swap it up with elder hunting last league but it was counterproductive to any shaped atlas strat. I always wanted stuff to do in between. Now I wont capture much beasts at all at the speed I play. But after a couple of hours I can switch it up and burn 50 nets per map to restock my pens. Thats more refreshing than throwing dead nets on corpses in my usual speed. |
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" Then you do something wrong...or don't have a proper working build. I'm lvl 60-ish right now with my Juggernaut and still deathless. And I captured alot of beasts, especially unique ones! ;-) |
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It's a no from me. I initially thought it was a good idea but I feel that it somewhat tarnishes the spirit of the league... Imagine if you watched Dog The Bounty Hunter and all the felons he was trying to capture were already dead? You will be able to trade beasts in a week and plenty of people make alts with different builds (potentially ones that can capture beasts more easily).
Despite all that I'm not dead set against these new nets as long as they are rare (which it looks like they will be). It logically seems like the fairest compromise given how close the votes are on this topic. |
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" Normally, I'd be all in favour of that. But this is a challenge league, not standard. Where's the challenge in capturing a beast that's dead on the ground? Only to have it magically revived in your menagery, so you can 1 shot it again in an arena for ez gainz. I'm so sick of the greed, man. I'll be honest with you. Let games be games, and for once learn new mechanics and get good at it rather than throwing in the nerf towel. Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more. 'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league. Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave. |
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I say no, the current capture method is good enough. Besides, how am I supposed to show my bestiary around and brag I'm a good hunter to those that are just good killers?
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
◄[www.moddb.com/mods/balancedux]► ◄[www.moddb.com/mods/one-vision1]► |
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I vote no, it's stupid to capture something that is alredy dead.
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this will be fun. I'm betting the speed meta will win this poll. Annihilate map in 1 min, run back throwing traps at random. Waahoo captured 30 mobs in 10 more seconds then it took to run the map. May as well just remove the league and roll it back to abyss cracks those took a minute or two.
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" Well, it just doesn't fit to the whole theme. It's not about dark cult necromancing, it's about hunting beasts. Where's the challenge to just throw a net on a dead beast? It's just real, when you're not able to capture the beast or when your char is one-hit-cannon-fodder and ya can't throw a net because in that moment your char probably dies...well: then skip the beast or make a better char. You don't HAVE TO capture any beast, if your char isn't capable enough to do so. Last edited by haGrOck#6020 on Mar 5, 2018, 5:36:41 AM
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