Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
Bashing on a high life, high regen, life leech (like, seriously, why do they all have high life and regen?) for multiple minutes is not fun. Knowing that if you throw your net early it will simply enrage the critter and it will heal a bit, so you can rinse/lather/repeat the last 30 seconds of the fight. Knowing that you foolishly decided to make culling strike a part of your build... or minions... and thus have to hope you hit the perfect window between where the beast is weak enough to next, but not weak enough to suddenly die. It all becomes increasingly not fun. God forbid you are playing Slayer and cull at 20% instead of 10. The window where it is weak enough to net before you cull it is that much harder to catch.

I don't like nets that capture dead critters, but I like some builds not being able to enjoy the league even less. Maybe don't make the nets break on a binary yes/no check. Have the nets weaken over time, relative to the critter's health, and check for breakage X per server tics. The longer it takes you to club the netted critter unconscious, the higher chance the critter breaks free. The all or nothing way they work now makes the league mechanic really un-fun for cullers, miners, and summoners (at least).
I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly...

PLEASE GIVE US THOSE DAMNED NETS FFS. My Spectres literally 1shot most beasts, and sometimes even the red ones. I can't manage to cast a net before my 20 srs, 8 zombies and 4 Solar Guards decide to unleash a volley of 32 attacks per half a second god damnnit. Or just make summoners only have them or something, because it is frekin hell for us, honestly.
i love how you are asking the community.
great job once again GGG
xand1r wrote:
NeroSeven wrote:
KatKira wrote:

If the capture mechanic is so shit, why not just play standard? Don't have to worry about killing the beasts with your roxxor deeps there.

Because all old players play only on league, because they(we) want something new, so your advice is completely out of place.

Seems more like they(we) want to complain about anything new until it's the same old "run through as fast as possible, loot later" stuff as last league.

There is also another whole game, that was designed for kids who like Pokemon and other "fun" stuff.

Cute. If you think this league is pokemon and "kids stuff", it just just underlines that maybe standard is more for you.
Last edited by NeroSeven#3957 on Mar 5, 2018, 11:28:40 AM
DeF46 wrote:
Voted: NO.

The whole idea of capturing a "dead" beast to me sounds like trying to patch a problem without rethinking the way it works. You cna improve the mechanics for capturing a beast.

Various ideas to explore:

- First, capturing could always require the beast to be defeated, meaning it reaches 0% life but it's considered "knocked out". Point being here, no awkward trying to lower your damage output while you're being beaten on by bunch of other dangerous mobs nearby. As long as the creature has a net/trap on it, you can spam damage.

- Able to throw the net as soon as you engage a mob. A gauge appears kinda like when you fish in Stardew Valley. It could be a horizontal bar under the mob name or at bottom of screen. Now you have to get the gauge to some level. Could be a DPS check where you need to keep hitting the mob (so for most people this is just spam). But if the beast has movement tactics then you have to move and try to keep hitting. When the gauge hits a certain threshold, or the beast is close to dying, it's captured.

- The net is more like a trap like those large Temporal Chains AOE effects in the trials. So perhaps you can throw it anywhere, and you want to lure the creature in it. OR , you need the creature to die WHILE in this area. It may be a little clunky too but better still than the original implementation because you don't need to care about timing. Just throw the net/trap and spam the beast till ti dies. The advantage of this approach, which could be combined with above, is that you can capture multiple smaller beasts (often who are in packs) without the awkward Einhar animation repeating for each small beast.

Other suggestions

Personally I feel like the tiered nets are also a drag and a PITA. It adds yet more drops to sort through. It's completely unnecessary. I'd rather have just one net, also bindable as a skill to the skill slots, which can be upgraded.

Being in an area and having the wrong tier of net, or running out of net, having to buy some, come bac, or reset the area... it's all just busy bee work that the game doesn't need. It's complex enough as it is. You're making the gameplay slower and annoying.

- Improve the capturing mechanics and make it a little bit chalenging or fun.
- Make it possible to capture multiple small beasts at once with a trap.

As it is right now, I just want to skip the whole thing until, I presume, I can find all the beasts in higher level variations in the Maps at which point it'll be less frustrating. So it kinda defeats the point when you added "leveling" recipes but it's such a PITA to manage different tier or nets in inventory while leveling, it's just not worth the trouble.

The League is a good idea, with some polish and creativity you can make it work.

If you voted "NO" then you don't need to continue on with any suggestions. Did you read this part of the post: "No: In this case, we'll keep the current capture mechanics how they are."

This is the problem I have with the first option they are offering. Sure you can vote no, but then you're also voting not to change anything so suggestions become a moot point.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
I will chime in with a No as well since its supposed to be a Challenge and it doesn't make sense to Sacrifice a dead creatures in an arena... I mean.. this is called the Challenge League right???
GGG launches a poll to place the decision upon the community.

Community rips each other apart in the process, slinging proverbial mud and insults.

This gives GGG time to actually ignore the poll and fix the mechanics once and for all.

Well played, GGG, well played.
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No for me, this will make netting monsters trivial, clear an area as with any other league then just go round netting at your leisure, about as challenging as picking up any other loot item.

Maybe an ascendancy or Notable to allow you to do so, but not just because you have as easily obtained item(Doesn't matter how rare they are, if it's a tradeable item people will hoard them).
My hovercraft is full of eels.
Last edited by Moose_Q#7746 on Mar 5, 2018, 11:30:29 AM
I vote no. As a casual scrub, I really get tired of the obsession with the clearspeed meta, and the hate that gets dumped on people for playing the game their way.

I really appreciate how the mechanics of this league (whether intentional or not) incentivizes careful play, and is a fresh direction for the game. We really need new play styles every now and then.
Grant all beasts to be captured the Immortal Call mod (at least for a duration).
So that you can't kill them completely but you can lower their life to 0%, after that you can send the net easily.


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