[3.2] Juggernaut - Tectonic Slam - 1.1 mil DPS - Crit - Stormwall/Hegemony's Era **UPDATED** 3/4/18
" A lot of different Armours are fine for Tectonic Slam. You just need to have good enough gear and have to go for crit. Thats all Tectonic Slam needs (like a lot of other skills too). And consider the possibility for going Dual Wield because thats just the stronger option. |
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Its garbage to go twohander with a staff that only can do crappy leap slam.
I use a nice crit mace one hand and a very nice stat stick foil, with tons of crit multi and some nice shaper extra gain mods. So I can use whirling blades and zoom zoom for efficient map clear and fast uberlab. deaths door is good but not BiS to be honest, some nice tri res and move speed life boots work wonders in a build that otherwise is really unique-item heavy. Oskarm is BiS as you said, cant work around those insane gloves, same goes for abyssus, a no brainer. But while you are crippled by the ugly side of staves, I get to enjoy dual wield boni like the crit wheel for dual wield, as well as mods on jewels that would otherwise be worthless. since tectonic only attacks with main hand there really is no incentive to go twohander. You miss out on a sexy shaper stat stick. With only abyssus, oskarm and some crappy gear I got 1.2 mill deeps, using brass dome with double armor from chest ascendancy to counter abyssus damage taken. If I manage to min/max my stuff, get gg uber enchant (blood rage attack speed or tectonic enchant), getting a shaper amulet with % gain mod and then saving up for an insane onehander mace, which also allows you to enjoy the overpowered mace crit wheel at templar, then I would easily break 2 mill. currently I can facetank minotaur and chimera with no issues at all. even with nasty mods they dont give me any issues. elemental damage is your worst nemesis though. Phoenix is easy just dodge some obvious stuff and ez fight. hydra is aids, but then Hydra always is aids until you get the mechanics down. The char I am doing has the potential to be a shaper and even uber elder farmer. When I get it that far I will provide my own guide, until then you can check my stuff on my profile. |
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" Hi, some questions for the way you are going 1. Why did you chose maces over swords? Currently i'm usings swords but i didn´t checked if maces would be better. 2. I saw you have no stun immunity. Didn´t that cause some deaths sometimes? I really enjoyed switching to Kaom's Roots. 3. How do you feel about elemental damage with 5,6k life? I had quite some trouble with it as i played with 5,1k. Then switched to 6,8k, lost nearly 60% of my damage because of it and went back to something between with 6,1k. The last point are the reason i didn´t played with Abyssus and Brass Dome yet. Because i would lose 600HP and would go down to 5,6k HP. My current setup is: That results in 570k Hideout dps without flasks and 2,3mill Shaper dps with my 6l setup: Tectonic, Elemental Focus, Ruthless, Melee Physical, Elemental Damage, Multistrike But i have to say, with Multistrike, i'm almost out of endurance charges all the time or at least, very low on them. So i'm now thinking about switching to Abyssus + Brass Dome + Concentrated Effect (increased Area for mapping). But that will be quite hard and expensive because of resits... i'm losing 130% resists which i have to cover with a better Belt, Ring and a stat stick offhand with resists. So the question is, is it worth it? The Shaper dps would go up to 3,8mill. And i don´t know how i should evaluate the loss of 600HP, the -40% phys from Abyssus vs the gain of 25k Armour (from 15k to 40k with Brass Dome) Last edited by Rake7#7894 on Apr 1, 2018, 11:04:16 PM
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Can someone doing a video with dual-wielding this build?
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" Yeah your build is further ahead than mine. That would be the general direction I am going to take with my build, upgrading my stat stick to something godlike as yours. I don't know about stun immunity, I don't get stunned that often. The problem I have is, I can't put on any more uniques, or else my resists are going to be ultra shit. I don't evne know how you cap or even ele weakness cap yours with all those uniques on you, can only be done via resist jewels and speccing into resists in tree ye? Maybe I will have to switch to kaoms roots some time soon but I don't know man I really have never died to being stunlocked so far neither have I been in clutch because of getting stunned. I believe brass dome does a lot for me against getting stunned but then I don't know about heavy payload ele dmg burst, so maybe when I meet eradicator I might get rekt and then have to evaluate the roots. Maces imo are op because you can hardly go to right wing of the tree to get crit and crit multi with swords/daggers/claws, but that mace wheel is right there on the left and its insane. At one point I was thinking of maybe changing to a foil so I can use blade flurry for hard bosses. My other problem is that I am bound to cyclopean coil, it gives me freeze immunity and ignite immunity and a lot of life but it takes away the belt slot which could otherwise provide resists allowing me to use roots or alike. THe thing is though, and I have no idea how it ended like this, but my cyclopean coil gives me freaking 12k damage increase and I have no fuckin idea how I am going to handle losing that damage. I was using 6l Belly at first, easy 6.8k life, but belly with abyssus leaves you vulnerable against physical damage, at least that is what I experienced when I tried abyssus with the belly. The Dome however, evne if I lose life, grants me crit immunity and counteracts abyssus. I also have a lot of jewels ready with %life and damage, crit chance, crit multi ready, just need some levels so I can switch around some nodes to get more jewel sockets and/or switch out existing jewels. Again I dont know how you all manage your resists without purity of elements hahaha. If I knew... Also is tectonic enchant that worth? wouldnt blood rage be more insane? |
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" I think it's pretty clear that if you are going Staff or 2H for that matter, Kaom's is going to be the obvious choice for the chest piece. Otherwise, it begs the question of why not go dual wield and get much higher DPS. If doing Lab, I would suggest swapping out the Abyssus. --- Anyway, just to share on my experience, I started out with Tectonic Slam but decided to switch to Molten Strike for much better single target and to keep the endurance charges. Skill tree obviously had to change quite a bit to focus on projectiles but still using Hegemony. Build is not bad with lots of life (7.2k now) and decent damage (150k Shaper Dps with only End charges and Ancestral Call per ball, 11 balls), and able to do Guardians and Elder pretty well so far. Not using Abyssus also comes with several advantage such as being able to have more life and not having to mitigate the IPD. I'm running Aspect of the Spider, Arctic Armour and HoA now, which I think is pretty great for both survivability and damage. However, the crit chance is pretty bad esp if not using ICS and just switching to say Oni-Goroshi would add so much damage without much disadvantage, so it's really hard to justify still using a Staff. Especially as a 6-link Hegemony is like 3ex more than an Oni. Probably will try to transit in a week to see how it goes. Last edited by EternalSceptic#7484 on Apr 2, 2018, 11:41:58 AM
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150k shaper dps? that sounds terrible man ....
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" On most builds i don´t even try to get resists for ele weakness cap. A curse immunity flask has to handle that. Items with damage rolls + high resists are always insane expensive. Thats just not worth it. And yeah, i started from the beginning buying Jewels with resists. 4 Stat Jewels (3x crit multi + life) are either insane expensive, about 20+ex, or don´t even available. But 4 stat jewels with 2crit + life + resists where quite affordable over the last few weeks. Just bought my fourth one some minutes ago for 4ex. the others where around 2ex. And probably the Brass Dome really helps you against stuns. But i guess i will keep the Kaoms Roots. Just for avoiding freeze and getting slowed. With a new belt i buyed yesterday i'm now at 50/87/52 resists. I have to cover the missing resists with a offhand and a new ring. Probably with less damage than my current one. But if someone don´t want to spend 10+ex for each ring and belt and want to save some ex on the jewels, i guess going for rare boots is the way to go. The boots alone give easily 150 resists. That would make jewels, rings and the belt so much cheaper without losing damage. Regarding the enchant, i don´t know what the bloodrage enchant does. But i think the endurance charge enchant is just to good to lose it. At least with multistrike its mandatory. I have to see how it will be without multistrike. Last edited by Rake7#7894 on Apr 3, 2018, 7:43:12 AM
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" 150k per ball dude. Have you never used Molten Strike before? With Ancestral Call, it's 22 balls if you position yourself properly on a single target. Obviously, not all of them would hit the target but it's easily higher than 1 mil. And that's with my current ok-ish gear (only using a +2 proj helm). Last edited by EternalSceptic#7484 on Apr 2, 2018, 12:25:19 PM
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is this good for boss farming or just lab or maps?
IGN: hyrenfreak
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