[3.2] Juggernaut - Tectonic Slam - 1.1 mil DPS - Crit - Stormwall/Hegemony's Era **UPDATED** 3/4/18

What do you guys think of the Disintegrator staff now that the price has gone down: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Disintegrator

Much higher DPS especially with some shaper/elder items but slow and low crit. Also anti-synergy with AoF since it adds chaos dmg.

Go phys and use a different skill?
Last edited by EternalSceptic#7484 on Mar 14, 2018, 3:58:30 AM
EternalSceptic wrote:
What do you guys think of the Disintegrator staff now that the price has gone down: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Disintegrator

Much higher DPS especially with some shaper/elder items but slow and low crit. Also anti-synergy with AoF since it adds chaos dmg.

Go phys and use a different skill?

Edit: Wonder how it would interact with the Aspect of the Crab, cos that could mitigate the degen.

That staff is a whole different league and it nowhere near affordable, note that you also need multiple elder items to make it scale really well.
It will surely work if not for anything else, then for the sheer damage numbers it has.

However, I don't think it worthy for a crit build with staff. You are going to be better off with resolute technique build due to it's low crit chance. And totally some mixed damage build, possibly with unholy might procs here and there?

Furthermore, I wouldn't wear abyssus with it (even if you were going crit) because of inc phys dmg taken and the dot from charges.

As for aspect of the crab - it gives additional phys dmg reduction and the staff gives physical dot. So I really wonder what could it possibly do...hmm? ;-)

I'm not a great PoE player, this being only my second league, but I have been using your guide in combination with Camdalf's, and I'd like to say that the build is really fun. It has very good clear map speed, although some difficulties on the map bosses. Managed to do Uber Izaro solo on my 3rd try (couldn't stay alive long enough in the last battle), but I just rushed through the lab, without taking any shrines, so maybe that was my mistake.

For me at least I still have two problems with the build that I hope I can overcome with more funds. First is that if I do not have a leech mana on physical damage, I cannot sustain mana (saving up for Oskarm, as I think those will help). Because of this, AoF for me is out of the picture, for now at least. Second, I need more armour and life maybe (I'm not sure if 6.5k is good). For the armour I'm currently saving up for a Brass Dome, and hopefully that will help.

I'd like to thank you for the guide, as I couldn't have been able to come with such a build on my own, and I wish you good luck further on.

Here's my build. Tectonic Slam tooltip in town is 160k dps (with Hatred & Herald of Ash active). Really having a lot of fun with this build!
Siliarus wrote:

As for aspect of the crab - it gives additional phys dmg reduction and the staff gives physical dot. So I really wonder what could it possibly do...hmm? ;-)

The wiki also says "All Crab Barriers are lost when the player takes physical damage."

Does that mean it would just wipe your crab barriers all the time? Maybe someone with the armour can test with Blood Rage since it should be the same.

Edit: Someone on reddit says the degen doesn't remove crab barriers.
Last edited by EternalSceptic#7484 on Mar 14, 2018, 6:30:26 AM
EternalSceptic wrote:
Siliarus wrote:

As for aspect of the crab - it gives additional phys dmg reduction and the staff gives physical dot. So I really wonder what could it possibly do...hmm? ;-)

The wiki also says "All Crab Barriers are lost when the player takes physical damage."

Does that mean it would just wipe your crab barriers all the time? Maybe someone with the armour can test with Blood Rage since it should be the same.

Edit: Someone on reddit says the degen doesn't remove crab barriers.

If they were removed by DoT, that would make it pretty useless, just think of Blood Rage or plain Bleed for that matter. It's going to work on a per-hit-basis although I agree the tooltip should be improved on that.
I'm thinking of transitioning this build from using Axes, which I currently am using, to dual-wielding swords. I am specced into using 2H but I can replace those nodes with refunds for 1H's and get some sword specific nodes too since I don't have any specific weapon nodes other than 2H.

I'm currently looking to PoB tuning to see which weapons may fit best with this build. I don't have an identical tree like OP's and I'm still only mid level 70's so I have a lot of work to do to see if I can get the build in a very nice spot. I need added surviving for sure.

I will report back if I find something that's pretty nice. If anyone else has a successful Jugg Dual Wield Tec build hit me up with your gear and tree so I can try and work out some issues I may have.
Last edited by Gold3h#6418 on Mar 14, 2018, 1:10:48 PM
For dw tec just look at modz, he switched just an hour ago and destroys things...sure another league too his damage and his offhand is sure good but theres better ones, so is his mainhand...but yea sure still very nice.


Im ethical, my (still young) 2h tectonic jugg will always be 2h.
Hey guys, I've been playing Tectonic since the start of the league, and this is also the first league in PoE I started from the beginning (I started playing PoE in late December). A few days ago I transitioned into staves with the Hegemony. Obviously, as you can tell, I've gotten REALLY lucky with my fusings this league.

I was rolling through maps T1-11 and Uber Lab very easily, but have recently started to die a lot in certain T12+ maps. Dying this often is preventing me from leveling higher, and probably from completing my Atlas since some bosses have been impossible for me to kill lately.

So I'm just looking for some advice regarding gear upgrades and passive skill changes that I should be looking to make. I currently have 6k hp, beyond max resistances, and about 150k HO DPS with Herald of Ash/Hatred. Thanks in advance for the help!
Un saludo a todos, este es mi segundo personaje, y el primero que hago siguiendo una guía, me parece realmente sencilla y libre de complicaciones apenas actualices el hilo principal sera mas fácil aun.
me parece una build espectacular para jugadores principiantes, ya que por lo menos para comenzar los únicos de leveos son eficaces y baratos.
Realmente agradezco el trabajo que haz realizado y espero con ansias la actualización del foro de tu parte, y recuerda no es necesario llegar hacer el shapper puede ser una build exclusiva de uber lab farm, si cumple con ese objetivo genial,luego se puede hacer un segundo personaje con build distinta para el shapper.
disculpen si consideran que lo que digo no tiene sentido, soy nuevo :V

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