[3.2] ✮ MrBones Wild Ride Dancing Dervish Melee Skeleton Summoner ✮ [400% Movement Speed]
![]() We Diablo now BOYS Basic Summary of the Build Difficulty: Easy Cost: Mid-Range Safety: ✮✮✮✮ She's a Cheap Hybrid Dancing Dervish Skeleton Warrior Build. People think Skeleton Warriors are terrible because they move slow and they are right. This Build uses 400%+ Minion Movement Speed to give my army of the damned a little push. Can Easily kill any boss safely due to insane Skeleton Damage and DD Clear Speed. Key Points: -Budget Friendly -Starter League Friendly -Fast Clear Speed -MOM/EB for Mana -No Queen's Escape -Temporal Chains & Vulnerability (Enfeeble also an option for more Defense) -Vaal Haste (or Grace) -Hatred & EE -Flesh Offering (Bone for Defense) -8 MAX To Dust's (Each Giving 100k+ DPS) -6S The Dancing Duo for Rampage -6L Skeleton Warriors for Damage -3L Animated Guardian in +2 Minion Helm holding Dying Breath/Leer Cast with Fortify -3L Spectres in +2 Minion Helm with Fortify -500+% Increased Skeleton Minion Damage without Rampage -150+% Increased Skeleton Minion Attack Speed -400+% Increased Skeleton Movement Speed without Rampage ___________________________________________________________________________
Pro's & Con's
-Only truly required Unique is the Dancing Dervish.
-Offensive/Defensive Curses. -Easy to use. -Fast Clear Speed -Doesn't Screen Spam Projectiles -Pretty Cheap only need The Dancing Dervish -Strong minions. -Works well SOLO and Partied.
-Gotta Essence Craft Movement Speed on Gear.
-Gotta be level 59 to use The Dancing Dervish & 65 for The Dancing Duo. -Chaos Damage Bypasses Energy Shield so big hits without resists.
Right Click: Summon Skeleton
Left Click: Move Middle Click: Flesh Offering 5-Auras: Purity of Elements + Hatred + Aspect of the Avian 4-Summons: Stone Golem + Spectres + Animated Guardian 3-Boost: Vaal Haste/Grace 2-Desecrate: Desecrate 1-Curse: Vulnerability/Enfeeble + Temp Chains
Gem Setups
Sword: The Dancing Duo Additional Accuracy + Minion Movement Speed + Maim + Damage on Full Life + Melee Physical Damage + Minion Damage/Brutality (GBRRR~R/B)
Note: The Dancing Duo doesn't need to be linked but colouring can be annoying but thankfully we have a red/blue gem option for the 6th slot to make it easier. though it doesn't get Hatred if we use brutality so try for minion damage. BOOTS: Purity of Elements + Stone Golem + Hatred + Discipline (BBGR) BODY: Skeleton + Minion Damage + Minion Speed + Maim + Melee Splash + Melee Physical Damage (BBBRRR) Note: Swapping the last slot for Vaal Summon Skeletons if you have Dervish is an Option HELM: Animate Guardian + Spectre + Fortify + Minion Life (RRBB) GLOVES: Arc + Vulnerability + Temporal Chains + Curse on Hit (BBRG) RING: (Socket Ring) Vaal Haste/Grace (G) Swap or Ring: Flesh/Bone Offering (B)
Skill Tree
Kill All
Ascendancy Order
Invoker->Bone Sculptor->Commander of Darkness->Puppet Master
We Rush to Bone Sculptor as its the cornerstone. Commander for the Resists/Damage Puppet Master is last but still useful.
Brine King & Shakari
For Stuns and Chaos Damage. https://pastebin.com/huJ5AZzY Level 75: https://pastebin.com/wQ01XUKC Level 91: https://pastebin.com/ET7BjSwe Level 100: https://pastebin.com/yaEDuvb3 To open these use Path of Building. Click Import/Export Build at the top left. Click Import from pastebin in the bottom right of the new window. Good to go. Or Look at my Profile character MrBonesStrikesBack. view the passive tree there.
Current Gear
Important Things on Flasks is Curse Immunity/Bleed Immunity/Freeze Immunity I currently use Aspect of the Avian gear despite what everyone says about revolving buffs for 25% reserved mana that aura is far greater than anything else for skeletons. 20% Movement Speed or 20% More Damage either is the most important skeleton stat so. The Chest Gives 100% Increased Effect of the Buff all the Attributes needed and enough Mana reserved reduction to use only 1 Aura node in the tree. The boots are just until I can craft it onto something else.
Important Uniques
-The Dancing Duo Boots -Alberon's Warpath for Skeleton
Detailed Gear Choices
Elder Rare Bone Helmet: for +40% Minion Damage Prefix -Life -Minion Life Support Optional -2 to Minion Levels Suffix -Resist -Resist -Dex/Resist Gloves: Rare Gloves Prefix -Life -Defenses -CRAFTED: Minion Life Optional Suffix -Resist -Resist -Dex/Resist Boots: Alberon's Warpath Strength, Movement, and Skeletons Sword: The Dancing Duo Rampage's Damage and Movement Speed Body Armour: Rare ES Chest: Prefix -Life -Extra Skeleton Craft IMPORTANT -ES Suffix -Resist -Resist -Resist Belt: Rare Leather Belt: Prefix -Life -Armour -ES Suffix -Resist -Resist -Dex/Resist Rings: Rare Ring Prefix -Life -ES -Minion Movement Speed 20-30% IMPORTANT Suffix -Resist -Resist -Dex/Resist Amulet: Rare STR/DEX Amulet Prefix -Life -ES -Minion Movement Speed 20-30% IMPORTANT Suffix -Resists -Dex/Resists -Resists Jewels: Hardcore option gives you 63% Increased life but 1/2 the damage Rare Cobalt Jewels Prefix -Minion Damage -Max Life To Dust Damage, Attack Speed, and Movement Speed Flasks: The Writhing Jar for carrying over rampage stacks in situations two makes everything better. The Sorrow of the Divine for "Mana" Regen in the form of ES Regen for early
ES/Mana with EB/MOM
SO Here is a detailed explanation of my mana system
First we have our mana pool. Looks nice eh? Nope! we dont care about mana. Reserve it all. Next you're gonna ask me but how do I cast things with no mana? Eldritch Battery Keystone! Take all that ES its MANA NOW. Downside of every time you cast something its like you took a hit on your ES so no recharge. Zealots Oath time. Now I know you're thinking. Just get it in the Tree. Summon Stone Golem gives 116 Flat Life Regen and with 2.7% from the Tree is fine. You'll Have 3 Life Flasks so Health is no Issue. Alright so Spamming Skeletons is easy now. But I lost all my ES. With the Mind Over Matter keystone we get 30% of damage taken from Mana before life. We use ES as mana so it takes 30% from our ES. So now as long as we have more than 30% of our life as ES we are fine. I like to keep it near 50% though.
Animated Guardian
He's an Animated Guardian that never goes down and buff's the legions. Most tanky part of your team though damage wise he isn't bringing home the bacon.
Weapon: Dying Breath Damage Helmet: Leer Cast Damage Armour Zahndethus' Cassock Massive Life Regen on Block Boots Victario's Flight Faster Move
The Zombies do no damage they are mostly used to form a wall and block the enemy while soaking up projectiles. They will be removed by maps so you don't even need to invest in them once you have Spectres.
These are the bread and butter of the build but start off as mediocre bone bags.
Pros: -High Damage -Fast Cast Speed -Body Blocks Cons: -Slow movement (Fixed with stacking Movement Speed) -Low Health (Bone Offering on Hard Fights and just Recasting them Helps) -Low accuracy (Bone Sculptor fixes this) -Summons one at a time (Bone Sculptor or From Dust Early gets you 3) -Duration (They gon die anyways wit dem brittle bones) Using Skeleton Warriors on cast with the Bone Sculptor Ascendancy and The Dancing Duo should carry you through most content. Bone Sculptor gives Movement Speed, Accuracy, 2 extra Skeletons, and an extra 2 Skeletons on Cast. This is important because skeletons can't hit the broad side of a barn late game. Summoning more in a single cast and raising their terrible movement speed are huge quality of life improvements. I don't use From Dust and Bone Sculptor together because my cast speed is 3 casts a second which is about 9 Skeletons and I never have to worry about a cooldown. The Dancing Duo gives Rampage and 2 Dancing Dervishes. Rampage gives you and your minions -1% Movement speed per 10 Stacks -2% Damage per 10 Stacks This with Movement Speed, a Blind on Hit, and Dervishes 25% Chance to gain a rampage stack on hit During a map its not hard to have 500 Stacks come the boss which is 50% Movement Speed and 100% Increased Damage. Topped with Stacking more on the boss Achieving 1000+ in a prolonged fight isn't too tough. CON: Damage and movement is based on rampage stacks which aren't always possible. SO although possibly much better than Queen's Escape it lacks the reliability. The Writhing Jar Helps maintain Rampage so one or two of these for smooth gameplay is nice To Dust is a jewel that for the cost of duration gives Damage, Attack Speed and Movement Speed. Stacking as many of these as you can get in every jewel slot is a 100k+ Total DPS boost per Jewel. Problem is we don't have much duration. Giving up a Jewel slot can get us 3-4 More of these Puppy's but they are so darn expensive ALSO: You can get Minion Damage/Player Max Life Cobalt Jewels which makes you more tanky but offers 1/2 the DPS of To Dust and no movement speed
Dancing Dervish
To be clear this guy is utility & I'll break down why.
Another Cheap option is Apparitions Unique Jewel. Get it with 10% Movespeed for early its Cheap then Upgrade to Ghostly Eye Jewels with Movespeed, Life, and like 10% Total Blind on hit in order of importance. So why use them? 4 reasons. -Rampage -25% chance of Rampage stack on Hit -Onslaught on Rampage -Minions get 30% Increased Movement Speed on Rampage Rampage gives: 10% Increased Damage to Minions per 50 stacks 5% Increased Movement Speed to you AND your Minions per 50 stacks The Writhing Jar Helps maintain Rampage so one or two of these for smooth gameplay is nice Most Maps you'll have 300-500 Stacks once you hit the boss and then they spin on that sucker gaining stacks faster than when you were actually killing things so getting 1000 is super doable. Assuming it lived long enough because your skeletons damage is wild at this point. So although you lose Movement Speed at first your Speed will ramp up as you go and you will get much more damage than Queen's Decree hypothetically. This being Said They Already do a lot of damage and getting 100% Movement speed is better for mapping from the start and you will most likely not reach the same speed values as Queen's so your choice.
Stygian Silverback AKA Frenzy Apes
Find them Act 2 The Riverways. Once you have them go in a high level Map Desecrate and Raise Two. The Level is based on the Desecrate Gem lvl and Summon Spectres Gem lvl. Having a low level Spectre means they will die in maps so update them once in awhile. They give frenzy charges. But minions charges are not like ours. Minions get per Frenzy charge: -15% increased Attack/Cast Speed -5% More Damage -5% increased Movement Speed Minions get per Power charge: -200% increased Crit Chance In the Ashen Fields there is a Power Charge variant with a parasite on its back. Get 1 of them and 1 of the Frenzy. You can tell the difference by the parasite or looking at the corpse Power Charge says Empowers Allies and Frenzy says Frenzies Allies. This is a buff.
Basic Gameplay
-Acquire a Sword -Summon Speedy Skeletons to beat everyone up -Vaal Haste for that Speed Boost -Spectre Monkeys to smack stuff -Animated Guardian to buff stuff -Sit in the back Curse Everything that has too much health -Grab a beer and wait for it all this nonsense to blow over -Laugh at Bosses unless they have Elemental AOE then drop the beer and spam Bone Offering/Vaal Grace
Pretty Simple
Google the vendor recipe for +1 Fire Gem Wands Make a 3-Link Fire Gem wand or find one. Put SRS + Minion Damage + Melee Splash Use this for leveling Safely/Quickly Use Skeletons on a totem in a 4-link Totem + Skeletons + Minion Damage + Minion Movement Speed. Extra Boss Damage till you can self cast. Zombies will be super weak and die. Minion Life Gem and some Levels on them will help. Dont expect much till lvl10+ on gem though. Stone Golem ASAP Flesh Offering ASAP Temp Chains ASAP (+30 Dex nodes in the tree) Purity of Elements ASAP Alberon's Warpath ASAP Hatred ASAP Flame Dash ASAP Animated Guardian ASAP Once he hasn't died on any boss in awhile get him Dying Breath, Zahndethus' Cassock, and Leer Cast. Kaom's Roots at Gem lvl14 Practical Application, Agility, and Alacrity All Stat Nodes to Fill Holes for DEX. Don't Be Shy to use them early. Until you get DEX on gear. Some STR is also needed. Citrine Amulets are nice. Vulnerability Self cast Most Minions will Body Block Projectiles and Melee. Use SRS until you get Bone Sculptor This is basically Queen's Escape without costing you anything. NOTE: Queen's Escape for leveling to 59 is an option if you have one but it tends to be pricey and Dervish is better overall. Realistically SRS Damage will start to fall off. This is because 50% of its damage is fire and things are getting resists. Skeletons have 100% Physical so once you get some movement speed on them. You'll feel the point where skeletons start to out perform SRS. Put Melee Splash on them for much faster clears. The Dancing Dervish at 59 The Writhing Jar or two after you get that The Dancing Duo at 65 Skeletons Killing will trigger Rampage don't worry Bone Helmet at 75+ Using Tabula until you get a good 5-6L ES/Life Chest If you take too much damage from mobs around red maps. use Enfeeble instead of Vulnerability. If its Shaper and Guardians giving you trouble. Enfeeble wont help much. Life/Minion Damage Jewels + Blinding Dervish.
Detailed Gameplay
-Animated Guardians 33% Increased Damage Aura on 6L Skeletons is actually more like 95% Increased Damage so don't write it off. He is very tanky and gear is cheap so if by some miracle he does die its no real loss.
-Zombies are tanky. They are the Balanced Troop of our army and will follow you till they die. They do however require a corpse to be summoned out of. The corpse doesn't effect their stats at all. Each level in zombies is a huge step up in flat health so if possible putting them in a +1or2 to Skill/Minion Gems Item will put you at a huge advantage. Don't bother with their damage. Also remove them once you get to endgame suckers are a pain to resummon and they can't keep up. -Vaal Summon Skeletons is very good for flooding a Boss if you find your 6L skeleton damage being well above what is needed slot in a this so you have two 5L's. Also a nice "I'm Spooked HELP" Button for when things ain't going your way. Keep in mind its useless in the Lab. -Practical Application, Agility, and Alacrity nodes on the Tree will Help with Dex till you can get it on items. Respec out later for Minion/Player Life. -Any Increased Minion Damage although seems like nothing is a HUGE DPS Boost due to 6L More Modifiers Every 5% is actually more like 14%. -Minion Instability It's ok in some situations and costs 1 point I'll leave it up to you if you want to min/max remove it. -Skeletons will SMASH bosses but are weak to all Spell AOE so Bone Offering will be better than Flesh Offering for tough fights. Resummoning them is also to be expected in the later game. -Essence Crafting Rings/Ammys with Essence of Fears is a huge movement Boost of (60-90%) don't forget as well as (30-40%) on To Dust Jewels -You use a Mana pot until you can sustain your cast speed with your unreserved mana pool. Once you get Eldritch Battery and Mind Over Matter your ES will be both life and Your new mana allowing you to reserve all your mana with Auras/Curses. -Temporal Chains aura will make walking through mobs a breeze but on Standard Bosses its only 40% Effective and Against Shaper and his Guardians it's only 20% Effective so don't let your guard down. -Vulnerability is basically another gem of damage but turning it off and using a self cast enfeeble on really tough bosses is also a valuable option as you get more Mana to use for Mind over Matter and Enfeeble neuters most bosses. -Don't forget to grab the needed Str/Dex Gems from Library for later and level them on weapon swap even if You aren't using them. As you will need to buy red gems them from the library or players. -ALWAYS Cap Resists & try for at least 70+ Life on rares. DONT Forget Chaos Resist as it bypasses ES. -Flasks are key try to get Anti-Bleed/Curse/Freeze. -Always try to pick up Rare Cobalt Jewels until you have the ones stated in detailed gear under the character tab. -With To Dust jewels getting 4 to start then after 91 Every 3 Points is another Socket. -Rampage is AMAZING and Dancing Dervish can keep rampage up against bosses. With 6L Skeletons every 100 Rampage is actually over 55% Increased Minion Damage. Movement Speed for you and minions is just what this build needed but with Two Dancing Dervishes Stacking Rampage on hit Vs Uniques the damage just goes up. Oh and they cant die so they just sit there stacking rampage till you or the boss dies. -The Writhing Jar helps keep Rampage up as an Emergency so one or two of these help.
So for hardcore Swapping Vulnerability for Enfeeble is an Option
Using Cobalt Rare Jewels with Minion Damage/Player life instead of To Dust's gives you 62% Increased Maximum Life but Half the minion damage and no movement speed.
End Game
At this point in most fights you will be using Bone Offering and you've possibly subbed out Vulnerability for Enfeeble for safety if on Hardcore.
Getting Dex and Str from the Gear means removing the Practical Application, Agility, and Alacrity nodes and having 4 Points to put into the Minion/Player Life nodes. 4.5+K life with 2+k ES is at least some ok numbers. Skeletons should Easily be doing 100k+ Physical DPS Per Skeleton Warrior no Rampage or Curse with 4 To Dust's and by Level 91 You should have 6 of them plus every Three levels After this is 1 more jewel.
Forgive the music being forced onto you but here we go!
Atziri Corrupted Rare T13 Map with 1000 Rampage 6-Link Quick Guide and a T14 Map
1. Reason for Skeletons over SRS
This is because skeletons though they move slow (which we deal with), summon in packs of three for easier casting. They do more damage endgame with To Dust's. They last base 20s which is basically a whole boss fight. Also a sweet MTX <3. 2. Dervish Vs Queen's? Queen's Escape gives Flat Movement and Damage so its reliable allows for 3 Spectres for defense and more Skeleton duration to offset To Dust Jewels. Also while mapping having 100% Movement Speed from the start for skeletons is better than Dervishes (30-80+)% for clear speed. The Dancing Duo gives both you AND minions movement speed and possibly much more damage while also giving you rampage vs bosses, blind, and has good synergism with our stacked minion speed. Also gives a base 30% Increased Movement Speed to Minions and Onslaught to the Player. But if rampage ends for some reason it gives you nothing. 3. Why Dex on most Rares? We need 119 for level 20 Temp Chains and 155 Dex for lvl20 Vaal Haste/Grace but optional is lvl11 which meets Temp Chains requirement. 4. Spectres? Everyone and their mom has Spectres and personally I find them to be played out. I have Frenzy Apes that buff my skeletons and dervish so that's enough for me. 5. Movement Speed who cares? Most important stat on skeletons as they can't miss and do huge physical damage. But they have low life and don't do damage if they cant get to a monster before they die so the faster they are the easier the ride. Also makes dervish a speed demon. 6. Can I swap to another weapon once DD is Activated? Yes but DD causes both weapon slots to deactivate so nothing in your right or left hand counts so it doesn't matter you wont get the Damage or Gems or Defenses.
Change Log
-Added Queen's Escape Spectre Setup in Skills -Added Dancing Dervish Section in Minions -Added Spectre Section in Minions -Added Vaal Summon Skeleton Section in Minions -Added Mana/ES Section -Added Leveling Section -Added lvl55 & lvl75 Skill Trees 07/03/2018: -Added 3 Videos to Video Section -Updated Spectres Section with Frenzy Apes -Updated Gems Section -Added/Updated Gear to Gear Section -Added Hatred, Arc, and EE -Removed Zealot Oath Flask -Using Aspect of the Avian -Curses no longer Auras -Added Budget Jewels -Updated Passive Tree 09/03/2018: -Updated Zombies to be removed once you get Spectres -Added Ascendancy Section -Added Pantheon Section -Added Power Charge Ape -Removed Queens Escape -Changed Orb of Storms for Arc [3.2] ✮ MrBones Wild Ride Dancing Dervish Melee Skeleton Summoner ✮ [400%+ Movement Speed] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2094226 Last edited by MrKasor#6572 on Mar 9, 2018, 5:01:14 PM Last bumped on Sep 13, 2018, 1:27:18 PM
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Sounds interesting...)
In gem section you noticed 6 support gems in your Queen`s Escape. What should they support?)) |
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Oh seems I only posted for Dervish setup ill make the Queens Escape one as well.
[3.2] ✮ MrBones Wild Ride Dancing Dervish Melee Skeleton Summoner ✮ [400%+ Movement Speed]
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2094226 |
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Sounds good.
1 question- if I make 15 rampage stack, DD activate, can I swap weapon for another or DD disabled? |
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" Yes and No. Yes you can keep the Rampage but Dancing Dervish goes away. At that point why not just use Bisco's Leash with Queen's Escape and get the same results. The Bonus for DD is Rampage on Hit against Uniques. This leads to being able to use Rampage Vs Bosses and gaining a fast increasing Minion Damage modifier. They are also Immortal and Blind on Hit with the Blind Gem hehe sneaky buggers. I added this to FAQ Section as its a good Question [3.2] ✮ MrBones Wild Ride Dancing Dervish Melee Skeleton Summoner ✮ [400%+ Movement Speed]
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2094226 |
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Life seems a little low if somebody wants to play this in HC - would probably change the tree a little around to get to at least 200% inc max life.
Another huge problem with your builds seems to be mana. I don't know if you looked at it, but with your PoB build you have 10 unreserved mana left with only a 30 manareg/sec. Skeletons will need 40-50 mana per use and you want to be able to (optimally) spam cast them. I would definitely advice to take the full mana reduction wheel on the top left. Last edited by kEvS#1534 on Mar 2, 2018, 6:39:44 AM
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" You are unable to swap weapon at this point(15stacks) till rampage is over; but if your minions/you've done couple kills(1-2 stacks) and then switched wep - later on you can achieve 15 KILLS(stacks) and rampage starts, w/o dancing sword ofc, but all other bonuses is present. " "Rampage on Hit against Uniques" is DDswords's function only, which means that to start rampage you gonna have to kill some stuff, which often means "get freaking 15 stacks out of nowhere", you cant start rampage by just entering boss-room w/o rampage active and casually hitting boss. Here comes bright part - you can start rampage with Vaal Breach (I may regret sharing this xd) and keep up with The Writhing Jar. Good luck with this build! Hoping to see badass DD this league 🙏 Last edited by Zadske#5986 on Mar 2, 2018, 7:01:04 AM
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" Love it! Yes 182% is a little low on life for HC I mention Jewels with Minion Damage/Player Life instead of To Dust giving you 245% at max rolls. Swapping out Vulnerability for Enfeeble is also a hardcore option mentioned. We also have Eldritch Battery(EB) for Mana and Mind Over Matter(MOM) which is a combo 30% Extra Life and A Very large 2.5k+ Mana Pool to Spam from. Summon Stone Golem and some nodes in the tree give us life regen as it is our main life pool. If you feel like this isn't enough 1 Point gets you Zealots Oath Keystone swapping all Life Regen to ES regen or a simple flask hit on The Sorrow of the Divine gives you Zealots Oath and Consecrated Ground for 6% Extra Life Regen for a time which switches back to Life Regen which I prefer. [3.2] ✮ MrBones Wild Ride Dancing Dervish Melee Skeleton Summoner ✮ [400%+ Movement Speed]
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2094226 |
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What about leveling section and some League starter tips (if this build is starter viable)?
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" Yes I mention a drawback of if rampage ends you get nothing it's a reason for Queen's Escape being an option as well. Being if there are monsters we summon skeletons easy which can start Rampage easy enough to start a map. In a boss room we use The Writhing Jar as you mention to keep it going between phases and stalled momments and pray. Start rampage just by opening a Vaal Breach or by killing things in them? [3.2] ✮ MrBones Wild Ride Dancing Dervish Melee Skeleton Summoner ✮ [400%+ Movement Speed]
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2094226 |
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