Geoducks | Harvest League SC, NA/EU/AUS, Discord, New Players & Veterans Welcome

Hey guys, we're still alive an kicking. If you're in the market for a new guild after your old one fell apart, just looking for a group of guys to chill with while you're playing, or even a new player in search of advice from people who have been playing this game far longer than is socially acceptable, we've got your back!

You can join by first visiting our discord, the link to which should be posted all over this thread. We don't require anyone to join us in voice chat, but joining the discord helps us keep things organized and gives us a way to communicate outside of the game itself (which comes in handy when we're bored at work and still want to talk about PoE).
IGN: LepreTuggler
Hey guys, it seems most of us are finished with Betrayal, although a few are still logging in from time to time to finish off their last builds of the league. We had a great time with both our new and returning guild members and are eagerly awaiting the upcoming news for 3.6! In the meantime, as has become tradition, we scatter to the four corners of the earth and dust off various games that we can play together.

If you're just starting out now and looking for advice or preemptively seeking out a guild to chill with next league, come check out our discord (the link should be in the original post) and see if we might be the right fit for you. As a bonus, if you join now, you can get a front row seat to watch the drama of our first fantasy baseball league unfold, which I will win of course.
IGN: LepreTuggler
Hey guys, a few of us have decided that we'd like to start Synthesis League in our own Private League to add an another layer of challenge and slow down the easy progression that trade leagues facilitate. This doesn't affect the guild as a whole, the majority will likely start in the normal challenge league. If you're interested in being part of relaxed group that wishes to explore the new league content at our own pace without the added pressure of hoarding wealth and buying upgrades, check us out on Discord ( Alternatively, if you're just looking for a group to hang out with and enjoy the normal challenge league, that is fine too.

Don't wait too long if you want to join us for our private league, while its entirely possible to join in at any time while the league is running, getting in at the start will be a lot more fun than playing catch up. We hope to see a a bunch of new and returning faces for 3.6, stay sane exiles!
IGN: LepreTuggler
Hey guys, just letting you know that we're still planning to run a no-mod private league for synthesis league start. Bring your friends! Currently the private league is funded for 30 days, we will most likely extend it as long as there is interest in playing.

Oh yeah, and we also have quite a few people playing the normal challenge league, so if you prefer not to have fun, that is fine as well.
IGN: LepreTuggler
Hey guys, Synthesis releases today and we're super excited to play it. If you also enjoy games, hanging out with man-children, and phallic-shaped animals, we're the perfect group for you! Don't play with yourself, we're more than happy to keep you company!
IGN: LepreTuggler
Hey guys, hope you're enjoying Synthesis league so far. Our first league start in a private league has been a pretty big success, bringing some of the old challenge back to the game and keeping the league interesting. We initially started the league with a month of time on the clock, but as we've still got a solid group of friends logging in daily to play, we're looking to extend that time until interest wanes. A few spaces have opened up though, so if you're looking for something a little bit different and are willing to put up with us, we have a spot for you.

You can join the fun by first checking us out on our discord server:
IGN: LepreTuggler
Hey guys, we're gearing up for 3.7 Legion League, its starting to look like it will be a good one. If you're looking for a laid back group of guys to hang out with and enjoy the new league, we might be a good fit for you. We have plenty of space right now, so bring those friends you've been trying to convert to PoE along with you!

You can join up by visiting us on our Discord server.
IGN: LepreTuggler
IGN: LepreTuggler
Hey can I join? I'm really casual though, and the last league I played seriously was Abyss.
Guys, if you're interested in joining, visit our discord server. Once you're there, you can let us know that you're looking to join and provide us with your current in-game character name so that we can gt you properly invited.
IGN: LepreTuggler

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