Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

BeDarkAndy wrote:
5 level
No chance at all

i think for now it doesnt worth it at all

"Great job farming for something in the most mind-numbing way possible! Here's a boss to stomp all over you as a reward! You can thank us later ;)"

I'm passing up on this item now for sure. I'll just get the div cards when mapping and save me the effort. So much for being what I hoped to be a good League starter.
LordCeruleus wrote:
Wow. did he disappear after he killed you or can you try him more than once? What mechanics did you see?

You can keep trying as long as you want. Mechnics seems the same - at half of hp he starts spawning zombies, so that you just cant kill him.
Look like the best class for that is scion with spectral throw, cause she has piercing attack. Other characters just cant get close to him. May be a ranger have a chance.
Kinda lost my cool and used abit too foul language so edited out :p
Last edited by evensen#4900 on Mar 2, 2018, 7:49:39 PM
hmm. I'm leveling a brace of rangers. One has a unique bow. Fingers crossed.

ALSO: Spectral shield throw drops in strand now. Coincidence?
That zombie crowd is awesome.
~ There are spectacular moments.
After beeing spawn camped by hillock + 50 zombies and killed for about 500 times the chance to bleed finally hit him enough for him to tick down and drop a 70& oni >.<
Grats! I'm still looking for him. The first one showed up for trade also. ten ex XD
evensen wrote:
After beeing spawn camped by hillock + 50 zombies and killed for about 500 times the chance to bleed finally hit him enough for him to tick down and drop a 70& oni >.<

See now I am going to go farm one. (again)

LordCeruleus wrote:
Grats! I'm still looking for him. The first one showed up for trade also. ten ex XD

In Abyss STD the very first one listed was 20 EX iirc. :)
~ There are spectacular moments.
Last edited by DoubleU#7266 on Mar 2, 2018, 8:32:42 PM
Took me 2 hours to get mine, level 5 Scion (for the movement speed).
Spectral Throw deals with the zombies decently, you can just kite them around.
If you find some sort of weapon with ele damage, it should work out fine.

Now to get my Molten Strike lab farmer levelled up and unlock Uber Lab. x)
dang, rngesus must really like you.

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