Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

rshap wrote:
BasilWood wrote:
In strongholds you can get a crafting bench that allows for over 20% quality on an item.

ok thanks, don"t have that recipe yet...

Get hillock at rank 3 under transportation and he'll give you 28% on weapons.
You just wasted 3 seconds reading this.
鬼殺し wrote:
Nyuo wrote:
hankinsohl wrote:
In Betrayal League, Oni-Goroshi was available for 50c as recent as three days past.

Now, prices have sky-rocketed to 3ex+. Can anyone account for the dramatic jump in price?

Mathil made a build with it. Not joking. Happens everytime he uses specific uniques that are hard to get but still very underused and thus not worth that much.

God damn it Mathil, leave my niche shit alone.

Face reality, Charan. A sword that levels with you from level 1, can use some of the most powerful "melee" skills there are, has some nice attack speed and a ton of crit chance AND is a DAMN 6-LINK with a more or less easily managable downside (with its own upsides like providing METRIC FUCKTONS OF EXTRA DAMAGE) is anything BUT niche at this point.

In my humble opinion it pretty much is - and also has all the rights to be - a chase unique at this point.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Don't get me wrong, the drawback is plenty nasty as is. But it isn't as noticable until it is VERY MUCH SO. It takes up a lot of the usual recovery mechanics, though I think it got more harmless due to loreweave and the resistance flask rework.

I might actually farm for one again this league. Do consecrated path (as inquisitor maybe? Those consecrated ground buffs sound really nice...) or maybe Ice Crash.

To me it's more surprising that it took one of the most popular streamers calling it one of the most powerful weapons currently in the game to realise that it's actually fucking good. I should've known the community better.

Point is, it's far more powerful than you were willing to admit to yourself and it's starting to get more and more popularity after people FINALLY took a closer look at it. Oh and twilight strand will probably become one of the most visited instances again.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
I'm gonna try and farm it for the first time ever. I will probably give up halfway trough tho.
鬼殺し wrote:
Damn it, ONCE was enough.

And I'm not being faux-humble here. I much more enjoyed the attention Scorned got because it brought people together in a great, cooperative way. I am genuinely proud of that recipe hunt 'event'.

The grind for Unleashed-Goroshi was meant to be something only the really ardent fans of the sword would do. Instead I had hundreds if not thousands of strangers cursing my name for 'making' them do the Strand grind. That was amusing to wake up to but I got over it real quick.

Why can't these people just stick to Poet's Pen?

Well then it's past time for me to commend you for designing Charan's Sword. I didn't know you had a hand in how it got implemented too. As I stated in a previous post I am one of the few that like the simple grind of zombie killing (making them ALL dead as opposed to their undead state). There is no danger of dieing and Hillock is a simple straight up kill even for a DS Duelist. I am sorry that you get nasty-grams from that many hating the beach grind. I did a 4 farmer rotation last league and pushed all 4 to get 4 swords as I have Asperger Syndrome and thus daily routines are comforting (I don't like surprises that disrupt my daily routine). That makes the 1000s of beach runs comforting to me (yes I know, all non-aspi players will dismiss me as just weird). To each their own playing of PoE as I won't grind 1000s of maps for leveling in the 90s.

Thank you Charan. Merry Christmas to you.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
I have been farming my ass off for the last two leagues just to get one of these, and I am either far enough on the spectrum to actually enjoy myself or I am actually a masochist.

Charan, I will be honest with ya,I am speaking for myself here, the old goddess scorned trio along with the new unleashed goroshi and its method of attainment have keep me actually really interested in this game. Over time PoE has become more and more my main thing. And a lot of that has to do with your weapon.

How hard it is to attain now actually makes me want to play even more.

Regardless of if Mathil has now touched it with his effect.

That being said, thanks for making it!

Now back to farming my ass off for this thing.
So I've been farming it for ~10 hours yesterday rotating 3 scions at first, then 4 cuz I was going too fast. I have to say it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be and nowhere near as horrible as most people say.

I was kinda enjoying it TBH. I'm gonna do another 10 hour session today and see what happens.

Edit: it dropped on my foruth rotation today, lol
Last edited by rzuk892#2901 on Dec 25, 2018, 2:32:40 AM
I did this farm despite most people saying not to (on my steam account, not this one). I agree with them, it's not "worth" it for a single drop. It's also not worth it if you're farming 4+ of them and i will explain why.

Before matilda posted his league video they were 1ex each (max rolls being ~3ex) they were raised to 4ex and dropped down to 2ex. Even if they were still 4ex and you use my data it would still only be 0.25ex or 30 chaos per hour. I can make more than 30 chaos an hour running normal lab on a level 70 character with high movement speed. With delve and yellow maps not only are you making more money you're also progressing a character and getting items.

I ran 4 scions, i'm fairly new to PoE so it took me 1 hour and 11 minutes for each scion to reach level 7. If i were to do it again i could definitely reach level 7 in under 50 minutes. People have reported uber hillock spawning as low as 5 but generally around ~level 6. I would still power level to 7 before doing pure hillock runs just to get enough wisdom scrolls for movement speed boots and yellow weapons/rings. One of my scions did not have movement speed boots until level 8, another scion had 3 uniques and quadfecta (40-60% physical increase, 3 elemental damage affixes) rusted hatchets with over 75 ST dps unbuffed.

My first sword dropped at 12 hours 55 minutes, level 8 (3 hours 12 minutes on one scion). I then deleted that character and ran 3 scions, immediately running into map-reset issues causing me to not do continuous back-to-back runs because i could not be bothered timing exactly 1:30 minutes or making a new scion.

My second sword dropped at ~15 hours, level 8. I am not exactly sure of the total time but the character time was 3 hours 43 minutes. I then deleted the character and started running 2 scions casually.

My third sword just dropped at ~15 hours 28 minutes, level 8(10%). Character time 4 hours 11 minutes.

Which means it took me almost 13 hours (including the 4 hours to level 7, no one has reported uber hillock below level 5 so any time spent under level 5 is wasted time imo) for my first sword, another ~90 minutes for the 2nd sword and then another 28 minutes for the third. I am expecting the fourth character to find hillock with roughly 5 hours 20 minutes character time.

Once i reached level 7 i started skipping kills and ran straight to hillock. Prior to level 7 my exp/hr was ~17k per character and pure hillock runs drop it down to as low as 2.7k per character.

It is not efficient to kill for onslaught buff UNLESS you can kill 5+ npcs in one spectral throw (run past 2-3 mobs shoot behind, run into 2-3 more mobs, returning ST kills them, procing onslaught once for 8 seconds or double procing for ~11 seconds of run time). The 25% proc rate and the fact that it's only a ~26-35 second run to hillock depending on the map layout means it's not worth using. It is an ~8 dps increase on uber hillock 2nd phase though.

The ideal way to level is to only kill 2+ packs with one shot ST or 3+ packs with 2 shot ST after level 5. Before level 5 you want to kill all 2-3 packs (ignore singles) even if it takes you 3-4 STs. Do not manually open crates or dead bodies, do not open them with ST unless it is on the return arc (running back only if it an item worth picking up). DO NOT CLEAR THE MAP, run to hillock, kill groups of 2+, kill hillock, reset.
Zombies for scrolls and exp, hillock for items.

Item priorities while leveling;
-Save all wisdom scrolls, they are scarce and 80% obtained from zombies.
-Do not equip or pickup any body armour except uniques (do not equip any unique body armour until you find uber hillock)
-Pickup all boots and ID them immediately, 10% movement speed saves you over 5 seconds per run. You have a higher chance of getting movement speed on blue dropped boots (from my experience).
-Pickup 24% rustic sash, blue or yellow doesn't matter as it will most likely have no damage rolls so just get white
-Pick up 2 iron rings, they can be white for the same reasons as the belt
-Pickup a yellow 2h, you can ID 2-3 to get ele damage for higher dps but once you are at ~20 dps you should be fine, you will be using dual wield for hillock and late level farming anyway.
-Pickup all yellow 1h weapons, do not ID them until level 5 or 6, keep whatever is highest dps (start with 2, check tooltip for biggest increases) Rusted hatchets are BiS (besides redbeak) but any 1h weapon with the right rolls will be better than a poorly rolled hatchet.
-Don't switch to dual wield until it one shots zombies (should be around 30-35 dps dual wield, fire damage will do more as nothing has fire resists)
-You will likely only obtain ~25 wisdom scrolls while leveling to 7 so it's best to keep and ID only blue boots and rare hatchets.
-Pickup at least one item with 2 linked green sockets, ideally gloves, boots with movement speed or helmet.

You can pickup currency if you want but do not use alc orbs on any items or boots because the chances of you getting rare boots with movement speed is very low. You will never get good items with augments because they only roll 1 affix and it will be main stat or resistances, alting will be a very low chance for movement speed or ele damage. Ideally you should save all currency.

You should aim for 2 medium health flasks and 3 medium mana flasks. Uber Hillock is not a hard fight for scion and you will not be taking much damage if any at all as you will be kiting him since he hits for ~80 damage per swing 2nd phase. 2 small mana flasks are more than enough with ~50 dual wield tooltip dps. Life regen or mana regen amulet is irrelevant. You can pick mana regen to be safe.

The best uniques are Redbeak (best damage 1h you'll find) but don't try to proc the 100% low life damage it is the best damage increase based on it's other stats, Blackheart (best damage ring you'll find), Thousand Ribbons (best damage chest you'll find, do not put ST in it, ele prolif is useless and onslaught is better, the ele damage is global).

There are 3 map tiles, barricades, mobs and objects can be randomized but the straight-line paths you take will always remain the same.

Tile set 1 (short): Run directly north until you hit a wall, if wall is there and continues at a 45 degree or turns horizontal turn directly right until you reach the onslaught box. Then run directly 45 degrees top right to hillock. This is the hard right tile set.

Tile set 2 (medium): Run directly north if wall does not get much closer or turn horizontal, if you run into barricades, go around the left side of them and continue running at a slight angle to the right or north until you reach the onslaught box. Then run directly 45 degrees top right to hillock. This is the north tile set.

Tile set 3 (long): Run directly north, if the wall starts curving but doesn't turn horizontal turn 45 degrees to the right until you reach the onslaught box. Then run directly 45 degrees top right to hillock. This is the long tile set.

The only difference between the 3 tile sets is the direction you need to run to the onslaught box and the extended length of the 2nd section of tile set 3.

If you run into the wall almost immediately it is likely to be tile set 1 or 3. Tile set 2 is almost directly north to the box. All 2nd sections of the map after the onslaught box are identical in pathing, you will get close to the ocean but you will not actually walk into the ocean. But your feet may get wet.

It takes roughly ~15 seconds to reach the onslaught box. Then another ~12 seconds (for tile set 1 and 3) to reach hillock, tile set 3 is nearly 1/3rd longer in the 2nd section. It is still not worth procing onslaught for tile set 3. Tile set 3 also has a wide beach but cuts back hard so if you do not run north on every map you will waste more time on tile set 3 than you save on the other two.

You do not need to talk to the dying exile to spawn uber hillock and you should not kill the first zombie next to him. It is arguable that it may be worth killing him if you have zero movespeed and have onslaught linked.

Talents while leveling should be to get the cluster of movement speed nodes right of scion for +9% (+10% from boots) at level 5 and then you have two choices. You can either get Path of the Hunter and the two projectile nodes south of scion (level 8) or you can save your points until you reach level 9 and instead spend your 4 points getting another 5% MS from Harrier along the attack speed route from the same starting point (or find uber hillock and spec them into proj nodes).

Realistically you will almost never not find uber hillock before level 9 unless you are doing inefficient zombie kill runs all the way to level 9 as it takes over 10 hours on a single character to go from level 8 to 9 just killing hillock. As that would be over 40 hours for your first sword which would make the sword worth a minimum of 100ex just for the mental trauma alone.

If you are thinking about doing this while watching something else it is quite good for that if you are not worried about efficient speed. As long as you keep your mouse somewhere in the top right corner and hold down force move you should be fine. The only issues you may run into is running into a corner in tile set 1 or hitting the ocean in tile set 2.


when people say don't do it, it's for a good reason. Even with ridiculous prices it's not worth it. It's quite fun min-maxing a route and your gear. But it's not worth it. It might be worth it for the small lore insights she gives you when you do stuff. But it's totally not worth it.

I know it feels awful spending 1-4 exalts on a sword only to wish you had leveled with spells because melee sucks and molten strike is overpowered (in comparison to every other melee gem (frost strike is good early game but falls off at level ~40)) or simply played an arc build.

Even if it takes you 20 hours to reach act 10, it's still faster just to level a character that can actually do stuff at end-game. It'd even be faster to buy 100 regets to completely respec your character.

You'd think having a weapon that scales with you as you level and is practically BiS would be really good, but it isn't. I'm sure the weapon is very good level 70+ but still. 1ex, melee skills and degen greater than most health pots by themselves is painful.

P.S. If you're making a goroshi character name them something
related. She loves
She won't shut up about it.
No that's not a four letter euphemism, she just loves getting wet.

Last edited by Ezzi#7594 on Dec 26, 2018, 8:45:17 PM
Ezzi, thank you for the delightful post. It was very fun to read. I agree with almost everything you said. The only thing I can slightly disagree with is saying it is not worth it. I agree it is not worth from the point of view you presented, absolutely true. I just think it is worth it from the point of view of having fun and experiencing something unique in PoE.

Thanks again for the fun post. I enjoyed it. I think it might be fun/helpful to link to Ezzi's post from the opening post? There's some good tips in there.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Ezzi wrote:

~ There are spectacular moments.

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