Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?
Im doing 5 grinders and delete all of them.
Also i really hate how Templar wields swords... |
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Here's my first Oni in Betrayal Expansion:
Uber Hillock, uber Hillock... please come out and play with me... Ah, so nice to see you again: ![]() The good: Total time until Ubie came out to play is getting shorter. My efficiency at pounding sand is improving (should be after 14 swords farmed this year): ![]() 87% is a very good roll. RNGesus smiled upon me. I hope this is a good omen for the rest of Betrayal. The not so good: ![]() Looks like Uber Hillock has more HP in Betrayal as it took longer to kill him and my Scion died 3 times. Maybe the fact that I didn't allocate any passive tree points yet (undecided what build to play with the sword) could be the reason it took 12 minutes, 38 seconds to kill him. Also had 4 program crashes making beach runs (the usual c0000005 error = illegal memory access error = bad pointer). More ALL dead bodies to clear off the beach before they rot. I don't want the Twilight Strand Beach to be declared an environmental hazard zone and be closed down. Now on with the rest of Betrayal. "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..." Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2247070 Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Dec 30, 2018, 10:49:55 PM
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Started today, levelin till 7. Just had a short relief and go back to meat grinder.
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Omg finally got it today on SSF after I think nearly 20 hours. I'll check when steam stops freaking out post game crash :/
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Decided to try my hand at this madness
![]() Dropped on level 6, rotation of 4 scions Total time about 6.5 hours. Probably better to just farm currency at this point but I wanted to farm it authentically at least once! Ingame: ReExist
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Just finished farming OG. The very worst grind i had so far, the most painfull, probably due to scarce free of work days (new job is kinda time consuming, today free day and from tommorow 4 days at row 12h each). One char reached 8 lvl, two almost hit 8. One didnt reach 50% of lvl 7. There was 5 of them.
But. Also other shit i found: Now break and will be back soon. |
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I have spent the last 5 days farming Oni-Goroshi to finally have him spawn and half way through the battle the game kicks me out to the log in screen and then proceeds to not allow me to log back in as the realm is down for maintenance.How is this possible,surely they should be warning players or something ? hundreds of runs and days of my life wasted for nothing !
Arrgghhh!!!! |
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found one just after level 6, but couldn't be bothered to find a second, so I just gem-swapped. Used BF and flicker so the colours worked for both.
I then gave up around act 8 and rerolled because my pc didn't like flicker strike. Oh well. At least I have the sword if I think of another build I want to try. |
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" The real question is if that counts as "find" or not. If not You just can grind further. If yes - leveling shit all the way. But no matter the case i feel Your pain brother. |
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" Yes, my ultimate PoE goal is to have 23 Oni swords. At this point with this many swords in Standard stash the need for any more is gone. It has now become a self-imposed goal of mine that I'm sure all would view as totally insane (and they would be correct) but for me it has now progressed well beyond any need for a 6L weapon to cruise through the 10 acts with. Since founding The Twilight Strand Level 9 Beach Club (a level 9 beachcomber is required to become a member) and having 4 exiles in it (a 5th level 9 Strand Beach exile is sitting in Standard atm still waiting for uber Hillock to come out and play with him) the total mental immersion into the whole of pounding sand for Charan's Sword has gone to an extreme state. For me personally, as an aspi person there is a very satisfying almost zen appeal to running the beach 1000s of times easily killing zombies. There is no stress or worry of being one-shotted, just the endless repetition of the "rinse and repeat" of killing Hillock and once into level 7 (usually once I reach 20%) start calling out for uber Hillock to come and play with me. This does seem to work best with being aspi (we take comfort in daily routines) and also an alcoholic beverage aids in the hours of beach runs. Yes, most reading this will write me off as totally crazy and that's ok. I'm a "filthy casual" with no Guardian kills (thus no Shaper or Elder kills) and the likelihood that I'll ever get to that level is pretty much zero so I have gone to the opposite extreme. C'est la vie. To each PoE player his/her own path to enjoyment :) "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..." Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2247070 Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Dec 12, 2018, 10:35:10 AM
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