Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

I might corrupt one of my STD ones for science you know ;)
But in a league, well the temptation was beer based.
~ There are spectacular moments.
To be honest, i wanted tp quit the game. because i got bored of it after years of somehow the same. I decided now to do SSF and farm an Oni for it, a new start. I see no difference in runnig the same maps thousands of times and farming a dozen onis.
Wilmots wrote:
farming a dozen onis.

You are quite mad sir ;)
~ There are spectacular moments.
Got the first after 12 hours on a 7.41...
Did you mean 2 hours?
12 hours to get to 7.41 is...slow.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Got 3 characters and it took 12 hours. 2 hours 30 min chartime.
Last edited by Wilmots#7633 on Oct 5, 2018, 12:34:24 PM
Ahhh good that's about right ;)
~ There are spectacular moments.
Wilmots wrote:
I see no difference in runnig the same maps thousands of times and farming a dozen onis.

Hehe. I tried to fill a stash tab but only farmed up 13 of em before the spawn nerf, I couldn't imagine doing that now with the current spawn rate.

Good luck and as Zana puts it "Stay sane Exile".
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Got bored with my Crewsader so i rolled what i intended originally - Jugg dual strike single, frost blades for clear. And...

I have this thought.

Each character has its own commentaries on reality that surrounds them. Like Marauder about Kaom. And it would be nice touch if in some crucial moments that matters to this character - normally triggering some dialogue - She would do "Shhhhhh.... Good boy/girl."

Detail but it would be nice.
Yeah but ist about the moment. For example Marauder finding out about how Kaom was corrupted by Kitava - then she comes out and "shhhhhh....". Because in current state she says what she wants when she wants.

On the other hand she is a parasite after all... But still.

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