Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

I'm ashamed to admit that I want to buy it this time around. Then again... you could see that as me freeing the sword from an unworthy owner, so it's somewhat justified.
I'm gonna have a blast once I get it though :)
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
FCK42 wrote:
I'm ashamed to admit that I want to buy it this time around. Then again... you could see that as me freeing the sword from an unworthy owner, so it's somewhat justified.
I'm gonna have a blast once I get it though :)

Ah I am disappointed in you :)

I don't disagree with your choice overall however I think the trade off on time spent farming Oni-Goroshi the currency you save can add towards buying items for the rest of the build. Though it is always going to be inefficient than running maps/delves to build up the currency for the sword itself. Unless you hit level 7 and get instant Uber Hillock but then maybe that lessens it by a lot if not all.

I guess I'm just masochistic to farm Twilight Strand for hours on end but I do use YouTube/Twitch to break the monotonous farming.
Last edited by Erichan#6177 on Sep 9, 2018, 2:18:15 AM
Stone__Cold wrote:

Playing SSF either this grind or Div Card grind would be the only options

There is no Div Card grind, you could grind 10 swords in the time it takes to get 27 god-forsaken-bloody-div-cards.
~ There are spectacular moments.
鬼殺し wrote:
There is no div card. Period. It's a fucking myth.

I rest my case your Honour.
~ There are spectacular moments.
I found one card in the last league....
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
ChanBalam wrote:
I found one card in the last league....

4 cards since it was released, yikes.
~ There are spectacular moments.
At that rate, together we might have enough cards to get one in 2020.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Will pay attention for this when i reach that part of the game. Right now im back from over a week break from poe and im reinstalling client. But when im back in Wraeclast i will pay attention to this detail.
鬼殺し wrote:
General query to my beloved Embraced:

Now that Sin 'talks' after you kill each god, when does the sword's voice line kick in? Before, after, or, Goddess forbid, during Sin's two-part talk to the fallen ones?

...wait...after 2 + weeks, I just got my first ONI this league, joined the Level 9 Club(!), and you want me to get to Sin? Sir, can I please take a break? :-) My mind is kinda mushy.....

(plus, I have two more to get....for science!)

Last edited by ChzBoi#2897 on Sep 13, 2018, 12:02:41 PM
I just can’t help but buy it; it was so cheap this league.

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