Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

PathOfExileLatvija wrote:
What class would be the best to use that sword? Marauders/duelists?

Because you need to deal with the degen the sword gives you, the most common versions are slayer or scion with slayer ascendancy, to get over-leech. The most common skills being used seem to be frost blades and either blade flurry or molten strike for single target.

There are a number of other builds though. Look for Oni in the title of the build guides.

Having two swords allows you to weapon swap the abilities with full 6-links. Avoiding fire damage allows you to skip the degen until you have enough regen/leech, but then you also lose the swords buff.
Saevan wrote:
PathOfExileLatvija wrote:
What class would be the best to use that sword? Marauders/duelists?

Because you need to deal with the degen the sword gives you, the most common versions are slayer or scion with slayer ascendancy, to get over-leech. The most common skills being used seem to be frost blades and either blade flurry or molten strike for single target.

There are a number of other builds though. Look for Oni in the title of the build guides.

Having two swords allows you to weapon swap the abilities with full 6-links. Avoiding fire damage allows you to skip the degen until you have enough regen/leech, but then you also lose the swords buff.

Tnx for info. :)
I think 2 swords is overkill especially if you´re in SSF. You could just use Reave/Bladeflurry and do the gemswap.

8.98 hours over 4 charters.

Really painfully brain numbing, but I guess thats the theme this league.

Yeah and after all that time invested worst thing that could happen is ending Bestiary earlier. Like many whiners want to and cry about it.
I'm sitting at almost 3 hours per character. I've lost count on how many episodes of Parks and Recreation I've watched. I initially thought I would keep farming until I had 1 to use and 1-2 to sell since they're going for over an exalt. But that was when I thought I would get lucky and get one early. No such luck. A pox on you GGG.
Bipolartuna wrote:

8.98 hours over 4 charters.

Really painfully brain numbing, but I guess thats the theme this league.

Sorry for you pal. I farmed it for about 10 hours total on 3 chars and allready got 2 with 83% and 84% crit. Made 300c with it^^

Was worth the time imho. I never made that much currency mapping for 10 hours^^
3 x Scion level 8 on XBOX One.

0 Oni for the moment. I started yesterday.
IamFrench wrote:
3 x Scion level 8 on XBOX One.

0 Oni for the moment. I started yesterday.

You are like first xbox player here i think. Let us know how it goes for You, when You find it.
How is going?

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