Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

I got 3 scion farming for it, so far nothing. One is lvl 8.2, one is lvl 8.1 and the last one is 6,7. Only nice drop i got was last resort nailed fist.

Still gonna go for it even if i have crappy offering for the RNG gods.
Life goes by like a fart in the wind.
9 hours in, nothing so far, really excited for this grind for a great weapon, but seriously ggg, your entire game is a grind when we get to maps for nothing, can you help a brother out with some Chris Wilson luck here?
Highwayman wrote:
Yeah... I tried, I gave up, after about 20 hours wasted farming. Yeah, not cool... I wish it spawned sooner if you were higher level. Getting to level 8/9 in Twilight Strand is not fun.

Lol, okay... I decided to give it another quick go tonight and he spawned for me 10 minutes in! Glory Glory Hallelujah!!! My life is not a waste, is WINNING! Now... time to Jug it up. GG GGG!
And man, did he look pretty ill
vayha wrote:
22 Hours total. 4 scions 8.40-8.50 all. No sword. :( my friends are on the maps already. With levels around 80. This drop probability should rise with exp.

Do you kill all mobs or just Hillock?
If I go first, I'll wait for you in the other side of the dark water.
Last edited by Ukanta#3876 on Mar 6, 2018, 8:24:10 AM
Problem is the raised difficulty by increasing RNG. They should just make it that it drops only after you hit lets say lvl 9 or 8 and than having some chance of spawning.
it's really demoralizing seeing some1 getting the sword after 1.5h while some grind to 20h without any luck...
Tears make streams. Fish live in streams. I like fish.
Hi. If i make new char do i get that sword anyways? Or i need to do something more? Atm that cost 60chaos and that would bee good start for my Bestiary league because im poor now. :D
Ukanta wrote:
vayha wrote:
22 Hours total. 4 scions 8.40-8.50 all. No sword. :( my friends are on the maps already. With levels around 80. This drop probability should rise with exp.

Do you kill all mobs or just Hillock?

Hillock. Few mobs on my way to catch buff. I don't use armour for 3% speed. Few times killed all mobs but in most cases I don't.
PathOfExileLatvija wrote:
Hi. If i make new char do i get that sword anyways? Or i need to do something more? Atm that cost 60chaos and that would bee good start for my Bestiary league because im poor now. :D

Your best bet is to make 4 characters. Scions can get 9% run speed from the tree so they are a good option. You can also hope for 10% run speed boots, but they aren't dropping for me this league.

You have to level the characters to 7 (theoretically they can be less) so you log out instead of going to town after killing Hillock. Run along the beach killing what you see, but the most xp comes from Hillock.

At 7 you can stop killing anything but Hillock, and then you start to hope. This is where having 4 characters works, since the zone resets after 90 seconds, and having 4 means you never have to wait.

Edit: Uber Hillock is not the trivial fight he was last league. Make sure you upgrade your weapons and flasks if you can.
Last edited by Saevan#0638 on Mar 6, 2018, 9:25:15 AM
RNG is ass but eventually it will happen.
Tnx for fast response. :)

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