nicee good job ggg... but no pet omg... again portal hmm 22 portal in mtx=((
Posted bymemorychild#6664on Feb 26, 2018, 3:39:09 PM
erdelyii wrote:
I think the portal is a good contrast to the Abyss one, which I am a big fan of and many aren't. The hole in the ground is really fun to use.
Posted byBeglets#2772on Feb 26, 2018, 4:09:24 PM
Very nicely designed portal. I am curious what the challenges will be.
Posted byNoeklipze2day#5345on Feb 26, 2018, 4:20:19 PM
Sarno wrote:
Heli0sss wrote:
So you were offered a free meal from our gracious host and you tell them one of the elements of the dish looks ugly and the others decent, can you get more entiteled? You lack manners. #rude
GGG specifically posted this thread to showcase the MTX.
I'm not sure what responses to the thread you would expect other than subjective opinions. Nor am I sure why you've decided to assume that only positive opinions are welcome. I've dealt with GGG a lot and such a belief runs contrary to my experiences with them over several years.
GGG are a developer with a single game. Understanding how people feel about the game - not only positive opinions, but overall - is vital to them. They genuinely care about making the game the best that it can be, and that means hearing from people with critical opinions at times. It is, with respect, not for you to dictate what feedback other people may post on GGG's forum.
Heli0sss wrote:
by the looks of it you haven't supported them even a fraction of what I have (money wise)
You can choose which, and how many, to display.
Heli0sss wrote:
And also generally/statistically MOST PEOPLE who like a thing don't feel compelled to comment.
I agree with this.
However, as a constant, it is relatively easily accounted for by the professional Community Managers whose job is to monitor, collect, and condense the community's feedback. The very same feedback which you're taking it upon yourself to stifle for reasons I can't fathom.
Heli0sss wrote:
Critique has second to no value if it isn't constructive, you only complained, period.
What I did is offer a personal opinion.
Elaborating on why you like a particular piece of art is often easier said than done. It's naturally very subjective. This is one of the reasons external feedback is so valuable.
Heli0sss wrote:
And if you think calling out awful unconstructive things people say about something given for free is "an attack" from someone being entiteled then that is on the brink of delusion imo.
Now that's just being disingenuous. I never claimed that your comments on my post amounted to a personal attack. An example of what I'd consider a personal attack is questioning how someone's parents raised them. It's not relevant to the forum and is none of your business.
Are you in favour of, or against, people being rude? I struggle to reconcile the standard you're trying to hold me to, with your behaviour towards me thus far. You accuse me of being hypocritical in the next quote - I'll do your the courtesy of asking for clarity instead.
Heli0sss wrote:
It is also funny that you seem to think that GGG is just some emotionless entity and that there aren't any people, say the designer of the helmet, reading your post and get hurt. If not hurt then at least a nice sting when someone bashes your work you put time in. Kind of hypocritical considering you accuse me of "personal attack" lol.
GGG's employees are professionals. I really don't think artists who have worked on hundreds, or thousands, of models are likely to get hurt because one person on the internet doesn't like a handful of models they made. They're quite aware that different people have different tastes, and also that some models they produce will be more popular than others.
You are constantly avoiding my initial point, you made this into a circus. I could debunk every single thing you wrote point by point as I have done earlier but I have to admit, I lack the stamina. I get the sense that you are getting enjoyment out of this rather than the important thing, a lesson in decency. Your initial comment was rude and unnecessary. If you claim it was constructive, you are wrong. If you claim this will or even just might have a positive impact on future challenge rewards then I would disagree. If you assume people won't take offence when there is a risk of the contrary then you are not being DECENT. You wrote something along the lines of "wich standard I am trying to uphold you to", it is the lowest standard I can set, don't be a douche when you are given something for free. I am not trying to teach rocket science here, sheeesh
Posted byHeli0sss#7365on Feb 26, 2018, 6:10:24 PM
Great rewards, sad cause they're the same things from the Abyss (helm, back and portal)
Posted bygermano003#4438on Feb 26, 2018, 11:03:33 PM
Another company is rewarding stash tabs to their players if they complete challenges, maybe something to consider next time.
Posted byYgidua#3074on Feb 26, 2018, 11:05:34 PM
Wouldn't mind a fat chubby cutesy pet like this one

=@[.]@= boggled
=~[.]^= naughty wink
Posted byKwonryu#3444on Feb 27, 2018, 1:00:15 AM
The last scene where they show off the Challenge Trophy, it's a Tora Hideout but at night time. Does that mean more customization options for hideouts are coming?
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
Posted byMythabril#4961on Feb 27, 2018, 1:22:17 AM
No rest for the wicked
Posted bymezmery#2042on Feb 27, 2018, 7:07:57 AM
Только портал нормальный(((((
Posted byDazaiRe#1222on Feb 27, 2018, 8:07:27 AM