Bestiary League FAQ

Two questions...
1. You go craft with beasts... put item in there... then fail... is the item locked in place until you succesfully complete that craft recipe? or can it be taken off like normal crafting bench that nothing happened?
2. Does beast capturing work in party play in same zone? or is this blocked?
I came when i heard you beat the elite four
It is too obvious to ask, there only one person in team can capture unique / rare beast. Get them player who use his net first or what this will work?
oh god, different tiers of nets and theyre something you find?.....

well, I guess, whatever floats ur boat lol.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
I’m confused. Capturing can fail if you throw the net when the mob is full health but prethrowing works? Won’t it just fail? When does the capture attempt occur? Is it on a delay after netting the monster?
this takes theory crafting to a whole new level, so what if you get all the mods you want but they have crappy rolls, can you just re reoll the mods like usual? and how viable is this, say i wanted a ring with fire and cold res. 40% each with int and ele dmg for instance with good rolls
Please make the bestiary a part of the core gameplay after the league ends! It a super interesting content and I bet there are lots more players like me who don't have the time to play with a new char in a league to appreciate it.
So will supports be able to craft or will they need a second character for crafting their own items? I imagine there is a requirement to complete certain crafts in an achievement.
So one of the crafting options is to have white sockets. Does this mean that the item will be corrupted? Or does this mean we can have uncorrupted items with white sockets....
Doesnt it bother anyone that we lose a skillbar icon to the net?!

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