Development Manifesto: Ascendancy Changes

I like the Champion changes but it does not solve the problem of Shaper being neither tauntable or on full life for the intimidate.

True, but:

Taunt being useless against very top tier stuff personally greatly discourages me to invest any of those points.

Bex_GGG wrote:
From hearing people talking around the office, I get the impression they're doing something about this in 3.2.0. I'll try to confirm, but it sounds positive (no promises!)

My first thoughts, while i watch the champion class.
Nice...BUT: Shaper/Elder/Guardians + Taunt make this part of the ascendancy useless, since these are the bosses where you really need your ascendacy class. Taunt isn't working on shaper/elder and only semi-working on guardians.

But, if its true, that they change the taunt in 3.2, champion will become a nice class, even for shaper etc.

Stun immunity + 100% hit chance with the taunt mechanics... nice.

But only, if they changed it for the top-tier-bosses!!!

Pathfinder got a buff too. o.O
Can't wait to see gladiator, juggernaut, etc.
Last edited by A7X89 on Feb 22, 2018, 11:30:56 AM
jordan02 wrote:

Stun immunity// hits cant be evaded you can have this by item or passive lol dumbass.

if by passive you mean resolute technique, there is a huge difference between resolute technique and the champion's enemies you taunt cannot evade attacks. also, the opportunity cost of using an item with this modifier is huge, especially if it's just handed to you in an ascendancy.

jordan02 wrote:
Perq wrote:
jordan02 wrote:


"If you hit lowlife", please bro hardcore players doesn't play thinking " oh there is not a problem if im 35 percent i have my adrenalin... " IF you'r 35 pct you can die in 1 shoot dumb no matter ur fcking adrenalin when you'r 100pct life you can be one shooted so at 35pct you can be one shooted easily.

[Removed by Support]

1-shot when you are at 35%? How is that a 1-shot...
dont be a hardcore snob if your so slow in the head ;)
Last edited by Reinie on Feb 22, 2018, 12:04:53 PM
Why the weak 2% pathfinder nerf... ?? Way to list it as a complete revamp, then you nerf the only class i like to play, excellent.

"If you hit lowlife", please bro hardcore players doesn't play thinking " oh there is not a problem if im 35 percent i have my adrenalin... " IF you'r 35 pct you can die in 1 shoot dumb no matter ur fcking adrenalin when you'r 100pct life you can be one shooted so at 35pct you can be one shooted easily.

[Removed by Support][/quote][/quote]

1-shot when you are at 35%? How is that a 1-shot...
dont be a hardcore snob if your so slow in the head ;)[/quote]

lol bro im not english dont play with your language mf :) you understood what i was saying go cry in another forum.
Aesir7 wrote:
First to strike is actually very good for hardcore players, indeed 35% life trigger is quite low, but if you're playing mele char in hardcore you should be regaining the missing life very quickly, or your dead anyway, the advantage of this nodes is to reinforce when you're in a bad situation.
First it removes you bleeding and ignite, don't tell me you never lost a char because of bleed...
It provides a huge damage boost and AS speed boost.
It boost your movement speed by 10%, not bad.
And it gives you 10% less damage taken from physical damage.
This boost would make the difference in many situation, but not all I agree tho.

IMO its good to start with perma fortify for convenience then swap it for first to strike later on when you can rely on other perma fortify mechanic (which hopefully will get improved in this patch).

And yes, hit can't be evaded could be achieved with items but you can also save those item slot for other mechanics. And 20% increase damage taken is huge.
As well as the 10% less damage from enemies + 6 less damage taken, they are additive together.

IMO it's a very good and strong melee party tank with a lot of different and additive mechanics.

And it may also shine in SSF hardcore when you can't rely on a specific unique for your build.

Compared to the Hiero buff, I prefer to have tank mechanics on my skill tree and boost damage with builds and skills instead of the opposite.

SURE bro for party its strong, but im talkin for solo not party..
jordan02 wrote:
now hierophant is the new slayer before his nerf...

NEXT league : nerf hierophant and maybe make another build stronger like gladiator ?

NEXT NEXT league : nerf gladiator and make occultist op

NEXT NEXT NEXT league : nerf occultist and make elementalist op


You have issues, dude. [2]

Hierophant is a fucking totem class. How is that so op? Totems are boring and shit to play, its probably a good choice on league start only. Whats the matter?

When he was totally dead and 0,3% of players choosed this class people complained about, "oh please buff hiero to something useful" now he's a solid choice for league start and people still crying about.

My guess it's a lot of people are never happy doesnt matter what GGG do. Being salty it's what matters.

Champion going low-life for permanent Adrenaline buff it's probably totally OP. Low life with tons of auras and perm fortify looks like a immortal support character.
-> His buffs to "Melee damage" could have been "attack" instead allowing champion to play other than melee builds like bow for example. However, it seems GGG choosed him to be support or melee only. Still playable with bows anyway.
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
Last edited by imLuCaSsS on Feb 22, 2018, 12:55:22 PM
imLuCaSsS - wording is when reaching low life not when on low life so I guess permanent buff is not possible. Also not rly a HC thing.

About totems: Totems are alrdy better than many selfcast builds. It offers both defense and offense at once (it´s more complex than that but I would like to keep it as simple as possible)
Hierophant now gets two free totems without any downsides ... well it´s a buff I guess:)

Not really a balance but more power creep is coming, fresh air yes but is it good for game in long term?

Last edited by Rakiii on Feb 22, 2018, 1:32:23 PM
Whenever Necromancer breaks out of the mould. All of as sudden It's OP. I just want everyone to keep that in mind. It's a matter of perception, the game is at a state where OP is OK... "One Shot" > Your OP.

Now that is a different discussion.
Last edited by RootCookie on Feb 22, 2018, 1:52:32 PM

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