F5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5
" Called it! |
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" Don't listen to the T-Rex when she's mean - she simply missed a meal and dishes out on everyone else ^^. There are a few of us Juggernauts patiently waiting the "buffs". PS: Nice RFnauts you got there. Is the new RotP so "dogshit" tier, as I_NO would put it, or it's still at least decent? PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"... Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Feb 21, 2018, 2:03:13 PM
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Hehefant meta bois. :D
But to be honest - 90% of classes actually doesn't stink meta, more like. So far they look pretty amazing. Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. | |
I am now totally sure I will play Hiero as a starter class.
Until I check Elementalist... and Jugger... and Inquisitor... Alt Art items as League MTX - When?
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" And DEADEYE. For love of god, please GGG, make her good. :C I made a oath that if Deadeye isn't good I won't be playing this league. Don't disappoint me. :CCC Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. | |
" "me" "me" "me" "me" "me" Growing up isnt that hard ya know ? :) IGN : Zakam
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FUCK THAT. Life is short.....I_NO, you go as crazy as you need to. Its called freedom. Most don't know what its like to say what you mean and mean what you say. Not speaking for I_NO, don't even know her. Do like seeing her posts, and have for 5 years. :)
Rip on her all you want, she's better than MOST of us combined at this game. So what? Doesn't mean anything to me either, but I respect her for it. She's abusive, "braggy", etc......who isn't. She's just being more honest than the world is willing to. Nothing more. I love women, but yeah, like us guys......they have their own unique caveats, as do we. Men vs. Women........grow up. Without each other, neither survives. Think about it, then think MUCH deeper. You'll see why we need women and why they need us. Not hard, stop watching tv, youtube, BULLSHIT......look around, you'll see. :) I'm male. Obviously, but my faults are picked up by the Women in my life. I try to do the same, but women are just better at that. Won't admit anymore, but that one thing. ;) Life is SO short, why waste it on a competition that has already been run. This isn't a competition, its life. We make of it what we will. Would like a little PEACE somewhere in there though. :) Man Woman....we all live, we all die. Just think differently about it is all. Simple. :) *****If I'm wrong, please enlighten me. Last edited by 99Pitbull99#4970 on Feb 21, 2018, 4:55:27 AM
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" nice cringe thanks for second-hand embarrassment |
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What is "your class" btw ?
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" I was just messing with her; definitely knew what she meant but always fun to abuse that particular gif. As for the juggernaut build, thanks. One of my own brew that I've worked on over time. I only do one build per league so I don't have the luxury of making tons of builds to do different things; this one is able to do just about everything (though I'm worried about doing Uber Shaper/Elder....I have my doubts). Admittedly it is not a budget build in its final stage but since I only play one build/league, who cares. I'm mixed on new RotP. The added life is a bonus if you can recover the lost maximum resistance. I personally went a different direction entirely this league with the new shaper/elder mods... Certainly worth the trade on my build. Thanks for all the fish! Last edited by Nubatron#4333 on Feb 21, 2018, 12:04:15 PM
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