[3.7] LL RF Scorching Ray Guardian | 19K ES | 52k Armour|1.5 mil dps| Uber Elder & HoGM DEATHLESS
Thanks for the reply Lagrossesimone! I get your point about bleeding damage.
With some changes (I think Sin Trek got a mild nerf, but there seems to be some buff to energy shield ?enchants) I wonder how it would affect this build. I know you mentioned it would be largely unchanged, but if there are new nodes to take or new enchants on gear that would improve this build, please kindly let us know. Your knowledge aids us greatly. |
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Hey guys, hope you can help me, because i have no idea, what is going on. I have 2430 ES and my "c" tab showing me that im regening 532 ES per second, my fire res is 82%. So to make it simple my degen is (2430*0,7)*0,18 = 306 and my regen is 532, but im still degening ES with RF on. Do you have ani idea, why it might be? Thanks a lot! (I tryed to google it, no results)
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Hi. Made this build now the second time after some other builds and would
like to share my "little" improvement with you guys. Only thing i chanced is a "Cast when Damage taken(LvL1)-Blade Vortex(LvL8)-Curse on Hit(LvL20)-Flammability(LvL20)" Setup in Boots while i put "Clarity" and "Ball Lightning" in two Unset Rings. Got the same amount of ES as before + the extra high level curse on a low cwdt gem. No Idea if this is something new but i took years to figur this out^^ Have fun. Ingamename @Legollinchen @Helloshity
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Hi guys! First of all, im not a native english speaker, so i will try my best to keep it understandable.
Thanks for the great build guide, ive been loving it so far. However, im not satisfied, and im trying to up my regen. I have tried many different things but im out of ideas. Maybe you guys can help me out? In the PoB of the guide the owner has around 2100 NET life regen. I want to achieve that too, but i seem not to get any close to it. My own build NET life regen is around 30-50.. which is fearly low. I struggle with bosses because i dont have time to regen and the boss has the ability to harm me. My pastebin code: https://pastebin.com/6wp3r97E I have read the FAQ and followed the instructions/tips the owner gave me. All help is appreciated!!! Greetings |
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are there changes to the talent tree with 3.5? of still the same tree?
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I've been fallowing this build for some time, never got currency to buy in to it. Now that I got I have some noob questions, if you may kindly explain it to me.
1 - Does Elemental reflect affect this build? I thought it affected, but the wiki page on Righteous Fire made me doubt it. To be safe I didn't try it yet. 2 - I reroll no regen, but it is doable to run it if we never activate righteous fire, for example? 3 - Atziri's Promisse / Wise Oak look like it could be good to the build (more damage / penetration). Is there anything that justify them not been there? 4 - Now that Ruby Flask doesn't grant max res, is it needed to the build at all? I say that because with 2 chars I never dropped one, so I don't run it. That's it. Anyway the build feel strong. Been leveling for some time, trying to get to lvl 90. Thanks in advance. |
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Hey, been running this build with minor variations for a few leagues, so I think I can adress some of these Questions.
" 1. No Reflect doesn't affect us, since neither SR nor RF hits and thus can't be reflected. 2. No regen is pretty much impossible since you can't leech with SR and so can't sustain mana and life, also clearing only with SR and OoS would be pretty painful. This build only works because of the high amounts of Regen. 3. Atziri's converts damage and conversion doesn't apply to DoT. RF and SR are burning aka DoT so it doesn't work. Wise Oak doesn't work for us either since penetration only applies to hits. We get our pseudo "penetration" from EE (-50% after OoS hit) and SR's debuff (up to -24%) for a total of -74%. 4. The ruby flask is never needed for the build, since we can sustain RF without it, however it still reduces the fire damage taken and in effect is a quasi life flask for us. For my current build it reduces my degen by about 200, so it's not really important, but it's still better than most other flasks we could use. " We already get a despair curse aura with the witchfire brew flask, which gives makes enemies take increased DoT (about 15%-25% more damage, never got how the level 21 thing works). Since we already have enough fire resistance "penetration" as explained in 3. this is a higher dps boost than a flammability setup. Also you have to sacrifice 2 ring implicits which could be ~50% increased elemental damage using 2 opal rings. Hope I could help. Last edited by Ponti1#2473 on Dec 27, 2018, 8:41:06 AM
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" I see where you want to go, but honestly it's not good. Here you lose your Orb of Storm setup, which is used in order to proc Elemental Overlaod. And on top of this, you don't have any source of additionnal curse in your tree/stuff. So there will be a conflict with Despair curse that came from Witchfire Brew. But lets consider you take the extra curse node from tree ... You gain a curse, which will buff your dps for like 20% more dps against trash and less than 10% more dps against boss. And at the same time, you lose your greatest source to proc EO which provide 40% more dmg. Keeping OoS setup in boots and just puting Flammability in your Unset ring for a manual casting will provide you way more dps. Even if it's lowering the QoL of your gameplay. Second solution, but it's more expensive due to RNG : is to rely on double corruption Shaper's Touch. Like this paire : You can roll 2 usefull curse on hit corruption : Elemental Weakness (the BIS against boss) or Despair (this one should be better for QoL while it should not conflict with Witchfire brew). And you take the +2 AOE or Aura corruption in order to reach lvl 23 purity. " Zzang's PoB is more or less a showcase PoB. But there is many situationnal/temp buff. For your regen problems, try this tree : https://pastebin.com/W5BELkWk Note : You have to switch your bandit reward to +2 skills, and you have to lower Enlighten to lvl 2. You will lose some ES, but you can get much ES on your rare jewels. You can get much more stats on rings, and you should play Sin Trek instead of Alberon. Alberon start to be a good pair of boots when you have top tier stuff. " 1. Sort answer : No. Long answer with explainations :
Righteous Fire and Scorching Ray does not hit, so they are not affected by Reflect. The only two skills affected by reflect are Orb of Storm, and Shield Charge. But their dmg are so low that you won't see the effect of reflect.
2. Short answer : Absolutly no. Long answer with explainations :
You can turn off RF in No Regen map. Yes. like this you will stop degening.
But one question : which skill are you planning to use for killing monster ? Scorching Ray use mana. Clarity won't work in No regen maps, because, it's a "no regen". So you will cast SR for half a second, and end up with no man. And so, no possibility to attack at all. you can try with mana flasks ... but you will certainly finish OOM in no time. No regen map mod is absolutly undoable with RF builds. It's not only this build, but all RF builds. I would like to add a thing on all regen and resist map modifire. Even if No Life/Mana/ES regen is absolutly undoable with this build, other regen/res map modifier can be done. With an excellent and balanced build you can do map mods like Less regen, or -X max res / Elem Weakness maps. You will probably struggle in those area, but it's doable. But you will need a lot of Net life regen, and a realy high max fire res. 3. Short answer : No. They do not. Long answer with explaination :
Atziri or Wise Oak flasks gives 2 type of bonus. Penetration for Wise Oak, and "Gain xx% of dmg as extra dmg ..." with Atziri. Those buff only affect skill that "hit".
RF and SR do not hit at all. They are degen. So those skill won't benefit from "gain ... extra ..." or penetration mods from those two flasks. 4. Short answer : Ruby flasks are still good for this build. Long answer with explaination :
The rework of Ruby, Sapphir, and Topaz flasks does not concerne us. We do not get extra +x% max res to a resist from those flasks. But we still do gain a 20% less <elem> dmg from the flask. So a Ruby Flask will still provide us a buff to our regen, because we will get 20% less degen from RF. And at the same time, we will lower fire dmg from any other sources by 20%.
Nothing realy change here for us. Maybe the buff to our regen might be lower than before, but the effect of buffing our regen is still here. The rework of those flasks was only done in order to make 100% to a resist totaly unattainable. Nothing more, nothing less. Last edited by LAGROSSESIMONE#3551 on Dec 27, 2018, 12:32:30 PM
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Thanks for the answer, it really helps!
Another thing that I may have missed is the Shield Charge Setup. I run Phase Run setup that I found in the PoB under 10~15exalt version way in the middle of the tread. Gess I have to reroll the lightning damage to attacks in my ring. Any thoughts about the new master craft options? I manage to craft +str/int in my belt and there are some options for rings too that looks really good. |
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