[3.17] Beerleague's Shockwave Cyclone Slayer - Optimized with Options

Hey Beer, just got tombfist with vulnerability 11 lvl. Should i just sell the, or i might use it for our build?
How much Dps on tooltip?
What about Kaoms heart?
What about bubonic trials?
How minutes need to fight v/s shaper?
Linkingislost wrote:
Hey Beer, just got tombfist with vulnerability 11 lvl. Should i just sell the, or i might use it for our build?

You can use it, but IMO is only worthwhile if you can afford a +1 curse devotos so you can run a second curse setup.
Arthur_Belk wrote:
How much Dps on tooltip?
What about Kaoms heart?
What about bubonic trials?
How minutes need to fight v/s shaper?

Tooltip is a terrible calculation for cyclone, but around 140k IIRC. PoB shows 1.1m shaper dps

Kaoms heart is garbage for the build as stated above. Loss of links, loss of damage, loss of QoL, loss of EhP, gain 300 life.

Bubonic is good if you can accommodate the res loss on your rings/belt. ONLY two socket should be used. Same goes for tombfists, if you cant afford 2 socket, do not buy.

For shaper, the entire fight from zoning in to dead is about 5-6 minutes. I think my best run was about 4 and a half minutes.
personage 94lvl on champion and thinking about resp him for this build) becouse my shaper fight very long.
Last edited by Arthur_Belk#1646 on Mar 20, 2018, 1:28:08 AM
Arthur_Belk wrote:
personage 94lvl on champion and thinking about resp him for this build) becouse my shaper fight very long.

Yeah with that gear it should be faster on slayer, but I would recommend switching up for a belly. 5 link would be fine as you already have the 6 link in your sword.
Easy uber elder you reckon ? You have any videos
I am him and he is I.
Ofnir_ wrote:

Much appreciated, potato PC or I would try and record it as well.

The whole fight is pretty much dodge shaper balls, everything else is pretty easy to tank through.
Anyone knows what bandits did he go for?
Give me a fuckin beta already fss..

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