Recent Serverside Performance Improvements and Super Stash Sale

Fragment Stash Tab. OMEGALUL
I got this email a couple hours ago, musta been a mistake? I don't see it for sale. No biggy just wondering though.


An item on your watchlist is on sale for today only!

Item: Purple Necrotic Armour Pack
Original Price: 420 coins
Sale Price: 310 coins
The fairest flowers bloom in the foulest places.
Sever Side Performance:
Ok so be for this went through i never noticed any of this now in just about every 10 maps or so it gets incredibly bad things stutter step, where they were not be for. So not sure if this "Fix" is actually helping everyone, i have even seen others talk about same thing in guild how it feels like they are rubber banding or massive stutter issues. So in a broad range sure this "Fix" is probably a good thing.
bex_ggg wrote:
When this happens, that instance is stalled, running slower on the server than the clients are expecting.

how long did it take for the clients to sync to the new ticks on the server? or is it just some frames that the clients did miss?
Here's a crazy idea, what if you just removed the shit drops that 100% of players filter out anyways?
TheInvestor wrote:
Me lagging the whole time and it's a miracle how I'm still alive now starting act 9 lol. Thanks RNGesus, no thanks GGG. Nothing I try helped me fix the lag and hopefully it will be gone now but ever since Abyss league started the lag has been absolute cancer for AHC and even other ppl on ASC and so on I bet.

The performance in 3.1 is pretty much the worst I've ever seen.
Hiya GGG... so ahh... when are you going to be adding back in the old payment system so I can not use Xsolla? It was announced some time ago and I'm sitting here with money in my account ready to give to you a payday but I'm not sending anything through Xsolla. I'm sure I'm not alone and you'll see a good payment spike when you make this change. Any news at all on an ETA?
Sickness wrote:
Here's a crazy idea, what if you just removed the shit drops that 100% of players filter out anyways?

Like some kind of casual ARPG that hands everything to you? Didn't Blizzard make one like that?
I hope the lags in EU Eveningtimes are getting better now. Latency and Fps were constant, still laggy af.
Sickness wrote:
Here's a crazy idea, what if you just removed the shit drops that 100% of players filter out anyways?
Wash your hands, Exile!

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