Map Stash Tab (Remove-only)

Mine is a simlar bug, but it not the Map tab that is effected ::

It 2 personal stash tabs and 2 Guild stash tabs.

same problem ...
6 map stash tabs (remove only) accumulated in Standard. Please fix this.
Betrayal ended and this issue is still ongoing. GGG, new content is cool, but could you fix the old one first? It's getting annoying af..
What i got , after contacting them :(


Hey there,

Thank you for getting back to us.

Map tabs being stuck as remove-only is currently a known issue ( and we're working on resolving this. Unfortunately we're unable to manually remove these stash tabs from your account at this stage. I apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.

If you have any other questions at all, please let us know!

Kind regards,
Just you're annual update to fix this already thanks appreciate it.
Yes guys, problem is know since February 2018, I've got now four (empty read only) stash-tabs pending in my box.

Ty for solving
Same here. It's annoying af
same here. i cant move the maps to the standerd maps stash. empty

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