TheInsanitarium wrote:
A few others have already responded to this, and I suppose I will as well after an enlightening conversation with some people from the opposing viewpoint.
I agree, it would be nice if the MTX prices were lower. I agree, it may be hard from some people to be able to afford it (country exchange rates, income disposition, etc). I agree, it would have been cool if it was included w/ map stash.
However, just because something is available, doesn't mean everyone is automatically entitled to it. No one forced GGG to make the tab. They could have very well never made it. But they created it because the community asked for it.
For a little perspective, I would love to be able to afford to drive a Lamborghini Veneno ($4.5M USD), but I cannot afford it. Do I complain to the company? Not really, it wouldn't get me anywhere. Instead of complaining that I cannot get something I feel I deserve (or the price should be cheaper), I'd prefer to better myself to the point where I could actually afford it. Or realize that it actually isn't necessary (more stash tabs doesn't equal more skill/potential). Is this self-entitlement or self-responsibility?
Ferrari Spider is my dream ;)
I am not saying anything about the prices, don't get me wrong.
And I understand your point, but I believe my previous reply would make my statement clearer:
Last edited by Omga4000#3111 on Jan 25, 2018, 9:20:35 PM
Posted byOmga4000#3111on Jan 25, 2018, 9:15:36 PM
This should be part of the map tab.
Posted byEnja_N#0678on Jan 25, 2018, 9:15:54 PM
Omga4000 wrote:
MackBesmirch wrote:
This argument begs the question... if you love the game that much and also want to compete with the players who help keep GGG in business.... why are you complaining? That's like saying you can go play basketball in the park for free with the rest of the neighborhood, but if they all buy nice shoes and you're playing in flip flops then it's not fair that they are paying to have an advantage. Play in flip flops or buy your own damn shoes. Play the way you want to play. All things considered, buying a $60 supporter pack for PoE and playing for 100 hours is still a way better value than paying $80 for a game with a 40 hour long story. I think your attitude compared to the value of the game needs to be re-calibrated.
Easy - because I want to compete with the based purely on my skill, nothing else.
Making Bladefall green/red/yellow doesn't make any difference to the gameplay, I could not win/lose to someone because he changed the color of his skill.
I can, however, lose to someone who has all of the tabs and can very quickly organize his stash and move to the next map.
I am not talking specifically about myself, of course. I personally have over 100 tabs (which is not a lot, but still probably more than the average Joe), but rather speaking for the younger audience and people who can't afford paying for such things. Why do they have to be at a disatvantage if PoE is not a P2W game?
And to clarify - buying 1m stash tabs will not make you 1st place, but will give you an advantage over someone who bought none. You could argue that's not exactly P2W model, and I would agree, but I called it out due to a lack of a better word (pay-2-advantage?).
Regarding your second argument, if it was decided that everyone comes in flip-flops, and some didn't, then yes - I believe it is unfair.
I am not saying paying for this content is unworthy, I am not saying that I will not donate further, I am not saying any of that.
Since PoE was built over the "everyone comes in flip-flops" idea, I simply think it's sad seeing it suddenly changing to "everyone comes in flip-flops, unless you can afford shoes".
That's all :)
Seeing pay to win being thrown around in regards to a 99.99% PvE game where the MTX's are cosmetic or QoL is laughable garbage. Even races are won by people with no premium or extra stash tabs... just check out the first 100 in SSFHC Abyss.
Posted byXanidus#4812on Jan 25, 2018, 9:17:30 PM
Don’t mind it being a separate tab, however the price is indefensibly high for what it offers...
“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022
I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.
Posted bySarno#0493on Jan 25, 2018, 9:18:13 PM
Kadaan wrote:
I'm just not a fan...
1. All the items on the fragment tab are related to either maps (go in the map device) or currency. They should have just gone into those existing tabs.
2. I already have too many different tab types, and it's just extra work each league to find and name all the special ones.
3. The other special tabs save me space or greatly improve my quality of life. Before the special tabs I had have multiple tabs for currency multiple tabs for maps. The essence tab is great because there's so many of them it's nice having them all sorted for me. The divination tab is nice because I can actually see the art on the cards. I've never had more than one tab for the 'fragment' items, so it's not saving me space. It's not providing me anywhere near as much benefit as the other special tabs. Yes, it looks nice but that's about all.
I love buying supporter packs and supporting you guys for an amazing game, but this tab just feels like a cash grab because it would have made much more sense UI-wise to put the items into the existing special tabs.
1. Hear Hear.
2. re"find and name all the special ones". If only GGG would put the special ones at the front of the tab list. Maybe if they had a coder....
3. Hear Hear again.
Posted byxyllywyt#7818on Jan 25, 2018, 9:18:28 PM
Omga4000 wrote:
TheInsanitarium wrote:
A few others have already responded to this, and I suppose I will as well after an enlightening conversation with some people from the opposing viewpoint.
I agree, it would be nice if the MTX prices were lower. I agree, it may be hard from some people to be able to afford it (country exchange rates, income disposition, etc). I agree, it would have been cool if it was included w/ map stash.
However, just because something is available, doesn't mean everyone is automatically entitled to it. No one forced GGG to make the tab. They could have very well never made it. But they created it because the community asked for it.
For a little perspective, I would love to be able to afford to drive a Lamborghini Veneno ($4.5M USD), but I cannot afford it. Do I complain to the company? Not really, it wouldn't get me anywhere. Instead of complaining that I cannot get something I feel I deserve (or the price should be cheaper), I'd prefer to better myself to the point where I could actually afford it. Or realize that it actually isn't necessary (more stash tabs doesn't equal more skill/potential). Is this self-entitlement or self-responsibility?
Ferrari Spider is my dream ;)
I am not saying anything about the prices, don't get me wrong.
And I understand your point, but I believe my previous reply would make my statement clearer:
Ahah, nice! No worries, bro. Everyone is entitled to their opinion! :)
chadbishop wrote:
This frees up a $15 quad tab for me, and yes I realize I have to spend another $7.50, but as my supporter titles say for me, I don't mind one bit.
Same here, I was only using my quad tab for frags and whatnot. Guess quad is going back to being a dump tab. :D
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Posted byShovelcut#3450on Jan 25, 2018, 9:19:16 PM
TheInsanitarium wrote:
Ahah, nice! No worries, bro. Everyone is entitled to their opinion! :)
TheInsanitarium wrote:
Sigh, 'advantage'? The only 'advantage' that more stash space provides, is a time-saver. It doesn't improve loot drops, it doesn't improve damage, it doesn't improve survivability, it doesn't impact actual gameplay at all! All it impacts is your personal time - how fast it takes to run/drop, sort your items, auction them, etc.
The second this game becomes Pay-To-Win, I'll change my mind.
Just noticed you replied to this, so I'll just say that mapping quickly is a HUGE advantage.
Fast mapping --> more loot --> more currency --> better gear --> faster clearing --> faster mapping --> more loot --> more currency --> better gear etc etc..
I am again not saying things are IMPOSSIBLE without paying, I am saying it is an advantage in a very clear way.
(Get it? Clear? Maps? Fine I'll leave :D)
Posted byOmga4000#3111on Jan 25, 2018, 9:21:14 PM
I recently discovered some pretty good premium Instant Ramen from Nissin. Maybe the devs should cultivate a taste for that instead of waxing quite so open with their grifting next time.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Posted byForeverhappychan#4626on Jan 25, 2018, 9:22:48 PMAlpha Member
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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
H4xolotl wrote:
What it should look like
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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Last edited by negnal#6674 on Jan 25, 2018, 9:24:50 PM
Posted bynegnal#6674on Jan 25, 2018, 9:24:10 PM