[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth

DankawSL wrote:
Changes to the passive tree are mostly negative. You didn't pick frenzy charges, which are equal to ~12% increased damage on the tree on top many other bonuses (especially with Raider's frenzy path). Overall you skipped defence and QoL for more damage. In the long run, your damage will be the same and you'll be way more squishy.

You should really invest into 6-linked bow. I know, +2 arrows from Death's Opus are really awesome, but if you want to go that route then at least get a 6-link body armour with +2 duration/AoE/projectile gems. It's subpar to end game build, but quite good for early powerfarming.

Atziri's Promise doesn't do anything, since all of this build's dps comes from CA's chaos DoT. Conversion applies to hit only. 2 other utility flasks for speed are not really worth it. The build has up to 150% increased MS with quicksilver on. It's better to just use them on defence instead.

Everything else is OK. I also did notice that you tried to trigger rampage with Wyrmsign + 3 fragility jewels. There's an easier way tho, equip Dancing Dervish / Sinvicta's Mettle in second weapon slot, kill 2 worms from the Writhing Jar flask and swap back to bow. While not visible, rampage already started - after few more kills you'll see the rampage bar. I don't think rampage bonus is worth it with build's current stats, but if you like it... why not.
I forgot to update my gear, I got rid of Wyrmsign +3 fragilities for Dust and Shadow with +2 to projectiles implicit for curse application. I mainly like rampage for Delving, high mob density + lots of easily sustainable kill streaks mean a lot of good uptime on it.

I added a 6th socket to Opus with Vorici and will work on linking it, looking at putting efficacy in (since it equates to ~19.5% dot damage increase on main CA). I'll take a look at my tree and make some more tweaks, thanks for the feedback!
Well, rampage is always free damage. The stats simply don't do much until higher kill streaks and it's easy to lose rampage during looting (fractured walls).

No, please, don't 6-link your Death's Opus. Waste of money. You can buy good 6-link body armour with right colors for 1/15th of the average 6-linking cost (trade search). Same goes for +2 gems tabula (trade search). And mind, that's still subpar to the end game version i suggest.

There's also no need for build self-improvements when i already provide the most efficient passive tree possible. Efficacy is OK, but not worth over Damage on Full Life imo.

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides

Picked up this Kintsugi, thinking about trying to pick up frenzy elder gloves and switching the frenzy here to Blind. I lose on-demand cursing which might not be great for bosses, but I do have incredible cursing and defense against packs.

I've been working on upgrading my gear, looking for that elusive 6K life. I know I have 1 more life node on the tree I need to pick up (as soon as I can level, I'll grab it), and that should take me from about 5.8k to 5.9k I think (with the bonus hp for leveling, and the 5% more from the node). Is it just that I need to wait and level to 90+ to hit 6k, or do I have a deficiency in my gear that I need to work on? The only thing I can think of is my quiver. I need to roll the highest tier crafted HP on that (it's 1 HP off max for the tier I did roll... and with my luck, my first try is going to see me gaining 2 life (min roll on next tier), so saving up currency to be able to roll it a few times if needed).

Aside from that, do you see any other upgrades I should be looking at? I crafted the amulet, and am overall happy with it. I need to divine it to try and get the int roll higher (I need 2 more int to use max level gems in the build), and the crafted resists if possible.

I was thinking my next step should be Elder Frenzy gloves, so I can drop Frenzy path altogether, and go Onslaught. Been kinda waiting until I finally unlock Uber lab and can run it (I need 1 more trial, and even scouring Global 820, I haven't seen it), since it seems like the real benefit is from the full path.

And lastly, any thoughts on a different gem to replace Damage on Full Life until my Empower finishes leveling? I find that I am not all that careful, and rarely have full life, especially against bosses, where the damage loss is more noticable. I have a level 2 Empower, so I would get some benefit from using it at this point, or is there something better in the interim?

Thank you in advance for any advice!

I know i'm slow at making further upgrades to the guide, but i'm doing them. I've made good progress on images today and with acquired experience i should finish it soon. I'll give small teaser how it's gonna look in general. Nothing is final - especially the font. Looks nice but should be easier to read.

CaptainFoo wrote:

Picked up this Kintsugi, thinking about trying to pick up frenzy elder gloves and switching the frenzy here to Blind. I lose on-demand cursing which might not be great for bosses, but I do have incredible cursing and defense against packs.


I understand what you're trying to do, there's no reason for it. With +8% evade chance Watcher's Eye, onslaught path and jade flask you will have 95% evade chance anyway. If you get hit, most likely it's going to be a spell and blind doesn't protect against them. Frenzy setup is great, you should keep using it. Ball Lightning - CWDT - Blind seems like a good idea before you pick up onslaught path overall.

Since you're already here, i might as well take a look at your gear. You should focus on crafting +3 bow right now and replacing your gear to have more life.

ryoken0367 wrote:
I've been working on upgrading my gear, looking for that elusive 6K life. I know I have 1 more life node on the tree I need to pick up (as soon as I can level, I'll grab it), and that should take me from about 5.8k to 5.9k I think (with the bonus hp for leveling, and the 5% more from the node). Is it just that I need to wait and level to 90+ to hit 6k, or do I have a deficiency in my gear that I need to work on? The only thing I can think of is my quiver. I need to roll the highest tier crafted HP on that (it's 1 HP off max for the tier I did roll... and with my luck, my first try is going to see me gaining 2 life (min roll on next tier), so saving up currency to be able to roll it a few times if needed).

Aside from that, do you see any other upgrades I should be looking at? I crafted the amulet, and am overall happy with it. I need to divine it to try and get the int roll higher (I need 2 more int to use max level gems in the build), and the crafted resists if possible.

I was thinking my next step should be Elder Frenzy gloves, so I can drop Frenzy path altogether, and go Onslaught. Been kinda waiting until I finally unlock Uber lab and can run it (I need 1 more trial, and even scouring Global 820, I haven't seen it), since it seems like the real benefit is from the full path.

And lastly, any thoughts on a different gem to replace Damage on Full Life until my Empower finishes leveling? I find that I am not all that careful, and rarely have full life, especially against bosses, where the damage loss is more noticable. I have a level 2 Empower, so I would get some benefit from using it at this point, or is there something better in the interim?

Thank you in advance for any advice!

Your gear is good overall, but you can still improve it obviously. Most of your stuff has high life tier but lowest roll (Rings, belt). The reason why you don't have 6k hp yet is primarly due to the jewel not having %max life tbh. It's fine tho, you'll reach it soon enough.

The amulet is pretty damn good, but not enough resists for my liking tbh. I don't really see anything that's in dire need of upgrade. Only min-maxing.

Personally, with your really damn good gloves i would probably buy The Green Dream instead. It's gonna be hard to buy a decent pair of elder gloves that can compete with yours, plus with you not playing much it would be hard to craft them. Jewel is a simple goal with same effect, but slightly less efficient. Socket it in duelist's jewel slot.

That's kinda surprising, since majority of the bosses can't hit you except occasional mistake. If you have to, you can use that Empower lvl 2, should give around ~30% more damage with your +3 gems bow.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
DankawSL wrote:

I understand what you're trying to do, there's no reason for it. With +8% evade chance Watcher's Eye, onslaught path and jade flask you will have 95% evade chance anyway. If you get hit, most likely it's going to be a spell and blind doesn't protect against them. Frenzy setup is great, you should keep using it. Ball Lightning - CWDT - Blind seems like a good idea before you pick up onslaught path overall.

Since you're already here, i might as well take a look at your gear. You should focus on crafting +3 bow right now and replacing your gear to have more life.

Thanks for the feedback. Don't have the watcher's eye yet, but should pick up onslaught path pretty soon now that I finally have uber lab open.

For mf:


what you think about my gear? How can i push for more?
There's not much to improve (other than min-maxing). Some things stand out tho:

#1 - 8% chance to dodge spells boot enchantment. It's all about the combination of Atziri's Step and this mod that makes it very powerful for mapping (and primary reason to use it).

#2 - 8% evade chance Watcher's Eye. The 10% attack dodge you currently have doesn't even come close to providing same amount of mitigation.

#3 - As it's always the case, flasks. You have anti-freeze utility flask while you're immune to ele ailments for 99% of the time. Change it to recommended setup, for real.

That's the end of cheap to fix stuff. Now's the time for big guns:

#4 - Empower 4 is costly piece but something to look forward to.

#5 - 7-link Elder bow - you already have a 6-linked one, it would be a shame to just waste it's potential. I already explained what to do in that situation so copy&pasta:

The second - You have 6-link elder bow already, so that's half-way to +3 7-link. I can't check ilvl of your bow, but if it's above ilvl 80 then you should attempt it. Before you say "But that's my only +3 6-link bow!", calm down.

While +3 7-link is obviously a ~40-45% more damage increase, you can't really expect to hit that. You need thousands of alterations or get lucky with Dread Essences. However, there's a way to reliably increase your total dps by ~15%. +1 7-link is still better than +3 6-link. From there, jump from +1 7-link to +3 7-link is only ~20% more damage.

Let's get to the point. You should first make sure you have enough currency (at least 2ex and like 2000 alterations + 100 regals). Keep trying to craft +3 7-link using the Alt -> Regal method in crafting section. Keep rolling until you hit something good OR you roll level 20 Vicious Projectiles and 2 suffixes. If you hit the second, stop and finish the craft using the classic +3 bow method, starting at Step 4. If it's not clear, i'll make a usual crafting format to explain it.

Besides those, you could look into crafting better gloves and quiver. Take a look at Delve League section, fossils might make it easier and cheaper. No guarantees ofc.

Also your 60 life ventors is insane. I would wear that.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
The banner looks good, I like it a lot, and really appreciate all the time and attention you put into this build, and the community. Thank you again for being awesome!

Personally, with your really damn good gloves i would probably buy The Green Dream instead. It's gonna be hard to buy a decent pair of elder gloves that can compete with yours, plus with you not playing much it would be hard to craft them. Jewel is a simple goal with same effect, but slightly less efficient. Socket it in duelist's jewel slot.

Thank you for the advice on Frenzy generation! I picked up a pair of Elder gloves for cheap (1c), and had been working on crafting them... but realized it would be a big investment, because I need the int and resists on my current gloves, so gave up on that idea (at least until Delve comes to Standard, seems much easier to craft with fossils). I'll hold onto them for now, and work on saving up for the Jewel instead. I've got 3 levels until I can use it (unless I respec a couple points), and leveling has slowed way down at this point.

Maybe I'll invest in some Divines and have a go at my gear to see if I can get those life rolls higher, without sacrificing too much on the rest of the stats... and look for a jewel with %max life (or save for the Watcher's eye, since I'll want to pick that up anyway).

Wanted to say, I finally was able to try Atziri (first time ever) and beat it no problem with his build. No deaths (although I did stand in something I shouldn't have, don't even know what... but it almost killed me. Only almost though, so I lived on to finish the fight). Felt great, the encounters were so easy I felt like I was cheating or something! So again, thank you for creating a build that has made it so I can do things I only dreamed of when I started playing!
Last edited by ryoken0367#2654 on Nov 8, 2018, 12:36:01 PM
November 8th, 2018
* Added image headliners for all sections
* To do list is now merged with changelog.


First step is often the hardest one, it took me "only" few months to begin making those images in the first place. Once i opened the graphical software, it took only few hours to get it done.

I'm happy with those images, some might need some work. Additional shading for better transition in some cases, maybe a complete remake like in videos case (Shaper freeze part is so empty, didn't catch better material unfortunately). I'll definitely remake or improve some of them. I would love to find a better fancy font that's easier to read. I mean, the font in FAQ image is barely readable. Couldn't find any that is both fancy and easy to read. For now, the font stays.

Now i should probably replace the header image...

ryoken0367 wrote:
The banner looks good, I like it a lot, and really appreciate all the time and attention you put into this build, and the community. Thank you again for being awesome!

Personally, with your really damn good gloves i would probably buy The Green Dream instead. It's gonna be hard to buy a decent pair of elder gloves that can compete with yours, plus with you not playing much it would be hard to craft them. Jewel is a simple goal with same effect, but slightly less efficient. Socket it in duelist's jewel slot.

Thank you for the advice on Frenzy generation! I picked up a pair of Elder gloves for cheap (1c), and had been working on crafting them... but realized it would be a big investment, because I need the int and resists on my current gloves, so gave up on that idea (at least until Delve comes to Standard, seems much easier to craft with fossils). I'll hold onto them for now, and work on saving up for the Jewel instead. I've got 3 levels until I can use it (unless I respec a couple points), and leveling has slowed way down at this point.

Maybe I'll invest in some Divines and have a go at my gear to see if I can get those life rolls higher, without sacrificing too much on the rest of the stats... and look for a jewel with %max life (or save for the Watcher's eye, since I'll want to pick that up anyway).

Wanted to say, I finally was able to try Atziri (first time ever) and beat it no problem with his build. No deaths (although I did stand in something I shouldn't have, don't even know what... but it almost killed me. Only almost though, so I lived on to finish the fight). Felt great, the encounters were so easy I felt like I was cheating or something! So again, thank you for creating a build that has made it so I can do things I only dreamed of when I started playing!

I definitely wouldn't divine any of your gear. I took a quick look at standard's online items. I could find better gear than yours at the cost of the divine orb (assuming it's a legit offer), so i would save them for later or sell right now. Well, maybe that coral ring could use a divine, can't get any worse than it is now. Also throw a blessed orb on it, at least once.

I would save for Watcher's Eye for sure. You're already planning to switch to onslaught path, and the jewel pushes it to the limit.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides

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